Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) refers to an interactive psychotherapy technique used to relieve psychological stress.

According to the theory behind the approach,创伤性and painful memories can cause post-traumatic stress when you don’t process them completely. Then, when sights, sounds, words, or smells trigger those unprocessed memories, you re-experience them.

This re-experiencing leads to the emotional distress and other symptoms recognized aspost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

EMDR aims to reduce symptoms of trauma by changing how your memories are stored in your brain. In a nutshell, an EMDR therapist does this by leading you through a series of bilateral (side-to-side) eye movements as you recall traumatic or triggering experiences in small segments, until those memories no longer cause distress.



While experts aren’t entirely certain exactly why the approach works,有人相信it’s effective because recalling distressing events may feel less emotionally upsetting when you aren’t giving those memories your full attention.

To put it another way, the bilateral stimulation (BLS) used in EMDR gives you something to focus on as you access painful memories and unwanted thoughts.


What the research says

Since the introduction of EMDR in 1987, a number of studies have found support for its effectiveness.

A 2014 review of 24 studies suggested EMDR:

  • can help relieve emotional distress after adverse experiences
  • may work more quickly and effectively than trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • may help ease somatic symptoms, like pain or muscle tension

Research findings have led the American Psychological Association to有条件的推荐EMDR for the treatment of PTSD. A conditional recommendation means that, while research suggests positive treatment outcomes, there’s not yet enough evidence to recommend it to everyone across the board.

The Department of Veterans Affairs also推荐EMDR as one primary option for treating PTSD.

Here’s a closer look at what research has to say about EMDR’s effectiveness:

  • For depression.A 2015 study of 32 people receiving inpatient care fordepressionfound that EMDR therapy showed promise as a treatment: 68 percent of those receiving EMDR showed full remission after treatment. After EMDR, they noted more improvements in depression symptoms overall, plus fewer relapses and depression-related concerns at follow-up over a year later.
  • For children.A2012 summary of research studies建议的EMDR可能有益于治疗儿童的单一创伤实例。EMDR还表现出有望作为重复创伤的治疗方法abuse,专家同意需要进行更多研究。
  • For panic disorder.A2017 studyinvolving 84 people withpanic disordersuggested EMDR is just as effective at treating panic disorder symptoms asCBT
  • After a stressful event requiring ER treatment.A 2018 study found that a single 1-hour session of EMDR appeared to help prevent post concussion-like symptoms in patients who received emergency room care after a stressful event.
  • For refugees with PTSD.A small 2018 study explored the benefits of EMDR for Syrian refugees with PTSD. Of the 18 participants who received EMDR in a group therapy intervention, just over 61 percent no longer met criteria for a PTSD diagnosis afterward. Those who received EMDR also reported fewer symptoms of depression.
  • 用于精神病。According to a 2020 review 在六项研究中,EMDR可能有助于治疗psychosis没有不利影响。在所有六项研究中,EMDR有助于减少妄想和负面症状,参与者报告使用药物和心理健康服务较少。一些参与者还注意到减少幻觉andparanoia。评论作者指出,需要进行大型试验来支持这些好处。

EMDR is generally recommended for people living with overwhelming traumatic memories and symptoms ofPTSD。You may find it particularly helpful if you have a hard time sharing the trauma you’ve experienced with others, including therapists.

到目前为止,有限的证据supports the effectiveness of EMDR for other mental health conditions, but some mental health professionals may also recommend it to treat:

A 2017系统评论 of existing research suggested EMDR could potentially have benefit for people who have a history of trauma along with certain conditions, including:

For the most part, EMDR appears to be a safe intervention for a range of mental health symptoms, but future research may offer more conclusive support for its effectiveness.

EMDR therapy is broken down into eight phases, so you’ll need to attend multiple sessions. Treatment usually consists of anywhere from 6 to 12 sessions, but more sessions may be needed


Your therapist will first review your symptoms and health history to get a better understanding of where you are in the treatment process.

This evaluation phase also includes briefly talking about your trauma and identifying potential memories to address.

Phase 2: Preparation

Your therapist will teach you a few different techniques to help manage and cope with the emotional or psychological stress you’re experiencing, or uncomfortable feelings that might come up during treatment. This is called resourcing.

For example, you might learn stress management techniques, includingdeep breathingandmindfulness exercises





  • Desensitization.You’ll focus on that negative thought, memory, or image. At the same time, you’ll be guided through bilateral stimulation (BLS), which might involve making specific eye movements, tapping, audio tones, or blinking lights. Then, you’ll let your mind go blank and notice any thoughts and feelings that come up spontaneously. After you identify these thoughts, your therapist may have you refocus on that traumatic memory or move on to another, if that memory no longer triggers unwanted emotions.
  • 安装。您将“安装”积极的自信或图像,以取代第3阶段中确定的不需要的自我图像。您将通过另一次重复BLS重点关注这种信念。
  • Body scan.Your therapist will ask if the targeted memory prompts any uncomfortable physical pain or sensations. If it does, they’ll lead you through another repetition of BLS.
  • Closure.After each session, your therapist will explore your progress and suggest relaxation techniques and other coping strategies that can help you maintain improvements.

Phase 8: Re-evaluation

During the re-evaluation phase, which begins the next session, your therapist will ask about the memories and feelings you addressed in the previous session.

If those memories still cause distress, they might continue targeting them. If not, they’ll likely suggest moving on to new targets.


EMDR can also take several sessions to work, though you could notice some improvement after your first session.

You might find the beginning of therapy triggers some emotional distress and discomfort, especially if you’re just starting to deal with traumatic events.

But since EMDR doesn’t require you to talk about the trauma at length or spend extensive time thinking about it, it may feel less overwhelming than other approaches used to treat trauma.

If you do become distressed during treatment, your therapist will help you return to the present before shifting to another traumatic memory. Remember, too, that you’ll also learnrelaxationand mindfulness strategies before you get started, and these techniques can help you管理那些不必要的情绪

Finding a therapist

Ready to try EMDR? Keeping the following tips in mind can help you find the right professional.

Look for an EMDR-trained clinician

Therapists who want to offer EMDR can complete an批准的培训to become EMDR trained clinicians. This is not the same as the EMDR certification, which requires further education and training. Still, EMDR trained clinicians are fully qualified to offer EMDR.

Remember, it’s not at all rude to ask potential therapists about the training they’ve completed before deciding to work with them.


You can also find therapists offering EMDR in general therapist directories.

Get more tips on finding the right therapist.


Plenty of therapists who offer EMDR specialize in treating trauma-related mental health symptoms, but some may choose to work only with people experiencing PTSD.

If you’d like to try EMDR for another mental health concern, such as panic disorder or symptoms of psychosis, it’s always worth asking potential therapists what experience they have treating that concern.

If they don’t have experience treating your symptoms, they might even be able to recommend a therapist who’s a better fit.

Don’t discount online therapy


A 2021研究 对33名EMDR治疗师进行了调查,他们提供了有关93名成人,儿童和年轻成人治疗客户在线接收EMDR的数据。根据结果​​,通过互联网提供的EMDR仍然有助于缓解心理健康症状。
