
剧烈的疼痛可以unbearabl日常活动e or even impossible. Even more frustrating is having severe pain and turning to medications for relief, only to have the drugs not work. If this happens, take heart. There are stronger medications available that may ease your pain even after other drugs failed to work. These include the prescription drugs Opana and Roxicodone.


The following table gives you a side-by-side comparison of some of the features of these two drugs.

品牌 OPANA 罗毒酮
什么是通用版本? oxymorphone 羟考酮
它对待什么? 中度至严重的疼痛 中度至严重的疼痛
What form(s) does it come in? 即时释放平板电脑,扩展释放片,扩展释放的注射溶液 immediate-release tablet
这种药物有什么优势? 立即发行的平板电脑:5 mg, 10 m,
扩展释放平板电脑:5 mg, 7.5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 m
extended-release injectable solution:1 mg/mL
5 mg, 7.5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg
什么是典型剂量? immediate release:5-20 mg every 4-6 hours,
extended release:5 mg every 12 hours
immediate release:5-15 mg every 4-6 hours
How do I store this drug? 存放在59°F和86°F之间的干燥位置(15°C和30°C) 存放在59°F和86°F之间的干燥位置(15°C和30°C)



Both medications are controlled substances. They’re known to cause addiction and can be abused or misused. Taking either medication not as prescribed can lead to overdose or death.

Your doctor may monitor you for signs of addiction during your treatment with Opana or Roxicodone. Ask your doctor about the safest way to take these medications. Don’t take them for longer than prescribed.

At the same time, you should also never stop taking Opana or Roxicodone without talking to your doctor. Stopping either drug suddenly can cause withdrawal symptoms, such as:

  • 不安
  • irritability
  • 失眠
  • sweating
  • 发冷
  • 肌肉和关节疼痛
  • 恶心
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • 血压升高
  • increased heart rate

When you need to stop taking Opana or Roxicodone, your doctor will slowly lower your dosage over time to decrease your risk of withdrawal.

OPANAand Roxicodone are both available as generic drugs. The generic version of Opana is called oxymorphone. It’s more expensive and not as readily available at pharmacies as oxycodone, the generic form of Roxicodone.

Your health insurance plan will likely cover the generic version of Roxicodone. However, they may require you to try a less-powerful drug first. For brand name versions, your insurance may require a prior authorization.

OPANAand Roxicodone work in the same way, so they cause similar side effects. The more common side effects of both drugs include:

  • 恶心
  • vomiting
  • constipation
  • headache
  • 瘙痒
  • drowsiness
  • dizziness

The following table highlights how the more common side effects of Opana and Roxicodone differ:

Side effect OPANA 罗毒酮
发烧 X
Confusion X
睡眠麻烦 X
Lack of energy X

The more serious side effects of both drugs include:

  • slowed breathing
  • 停止呼吸
  • cardiac arrest (stopped heart)
  • 低血压
  • 震惊


If you take either Opana or Roxicodone with certain other drugs, you may have increased side effects because certain side effects are similar between the drugs. These side effects can include breathing problems, low blood pressure, extreme tiredness, or coma. These interacting medications include:

  • other pain medications
  • 势噻嗪(用于治疗严重精神疾病的药物)
  • monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
  • 镇静剂
  • 安眠药


OPANAand Roxicodone are both opioids. They work similarly, so their effects on the body are also alike. If you have certain medical issues, your doctor may need to change your dosage or schedule. In some cases, it may not be safe for you to take Opana or Roxicodone. You should discuss the following health conditions with your doctor before taking either drug:

  • 呼吸问题
  • 低血压
  • history of head injuries
  • 胰腺或胆道疾病
  • 肠道问题
  • 帕金森氏病
  • liver disease
  • 肾脏疾病



  • Both drugs come as tablets, but Opana also comes as an injection.
  • Only Opana is also available in extended-release forms.
  • Generics of Opana are more expensive than generics of Roxicodone.
  • They have slightly different side effects.