The respiratory system is a group of organs that work together to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide as you breathe. When you breathe in, oxygen-rich air goes down your windpipe and into small tubes located in your lungs. These tubes are called bronchial tubes or airways. They branch off into numerous tinier and thinner tubes known as bronchioles. At the end of the bronchioles are small, round air sacs called alveoli, which are surrounded by tiny blood vessels called capillaries. When air enters the alveoli, oxygen moves through the capillaries and into the bloodstream. At the same time, carbon dioxide moves from the capillaries into the alveoli so you can breathe it out.

Your respiratory system ages as you do, and these functions gradually decline over time. Similar to the other muscles in your body, the muscles that support your breathing become weaker. The weakening of these muscles can prevent you from inhaling and exhaling enough air. As a result, you may start breathing more shallowly to compensate, especially if you’re ill or in pain. Your lungs also become stiffer as you get older, causing them to expand and contract less easily. This can make it even more difficult to breathe. Additionally, certain changes occur in the nervous system that make coughing less effective. When you can’t clear the mucus from your lungs through coughing, large amount of particles can accumulate in the airways.



If you’re having more serious problems with your breathing, such as constant coughing and wheezing, you may have a condition known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD is a group of progressive lung diseases, includingemphysemaandchronic bronchitis。这种情况通常是由于吸烟或暴露于二手烟而引起的。但是,随着时间的流逝,暴露于其他肺刺激物(例如空气污染和化学烟雾)也可能有助于COPD的发展。


  • 肺,气道和空气囊失去了弹性。
  • The walls between the air sacs are destroyed.
  • The walls of the airways thicken and become swollen.
  • 气道比平常产生的粘液更多,这可能会堵塞气道。

COPDcan severely limit your ability to engage in the types of physical activities you enjoy. It can even limit your ability to perform basic daily tasks, such as showering or cleaning the house.


  • persistent cough that produces a lot of mucus
  • 呼吸急促,尤其是在运动期间
  • 呼吸时的声音
  • 胸部紧绷


  • difficulty talking or breathing
  • 蓝色或灰色指甲或嘴唇
  • lack of mental alertness
  • 心跳非常快

Getting treatment at the first sign of COPD symptoms can significantly improve your outlook and overall quality of life. Though there is no cure for COPD, there are treatments that can help you to breathe better and remain more active. Treatment in the early stages of COPD can even slow down the progression of the disease.

When you visit your doctor, they will first ask about your symptoms and perform a physical examination. They may also order a chest X-ray or CT scan of your lungs. These imaging tests can show signs of COPD and help your doctor rule out other possible conditions.

In most cases, however, your doctor will use a肺活量测定测试诊断慢性阻塞性肺病。在这个测试中,你的呼吸forcefully as you can into a mouthpiece attached to a spirometer. This is a handheld device that measures how quickly you can move air out of your lungs and how much air is expelled. As you age, the amount of air you can expel from your lungs decreases. However, the air you can expel is reduced even more in COPD. Your doctor will know the difference.


If you’re diagnosed with COPD, your doctor will most likely give you medications to help with your breathing. These may include:

  • 支气管扩张剂
  • corticosteroids
  • 抗焦虑药
  • opioids

Your doctor will also recommend that you make certain lifestyle adjustments along with medical treatment. These lifestyle changes may include:

  • quitting smoking
  • avoiding secondhand smoke
  • 吃大多数天然食品的饮食,例如蔬菜和水果
  • 服用维生素和矿物质补充剂
  • doing low- to moderate-intensity exercise at least three times per week

In severe cases of COPD, oxygen therapy or surgery may be needed.

COPDmost commonly occurs in people over age 40, but it’s not a natural part of aging. You should call your doctor right away if you’re experiencing symptoms of COPD. Brushing off possible signs of the disease is dangerous and can lead to further problems in the future.

尽管无法治愈COPD,但您可以通过尽早捕获和治疗它来帮助减少其效果。您还可以通过削减已知的来改善您的前景风险因素, regardless of your age.



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You can lower your risk for COPD by not smoking cigarettes and staying away from secondhand smoke. If your job requires you to come in contact with chemicals, use respiratory protection. Examples industries include bakeries, textile manufacturing plants, and coal mining. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration offers准则for respiratory protection.

Timothy J. Legg博士,PMHNP-BC Answers represent the opinions of our medical experts. All content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice.