
根据疾病控制和预防(CDC)的中心,慢性呼吸道疾病,主要是慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD),是美国死亡的第三个主要原因。这种疾病杀了 3百万 每年全世界的人。几乎 1600万 people in the United States are hospitalized each year because of COPD.


The first step is to recognize your personal risk factors for developing this disease.


COPD的主要风险因素是吸烟。根据美国肺协会(ALA),它导致高达90%的COPD死亡。吸烟的人 13 times 更有可能从copd死于那些从未吸烟的人死亡。

Long-term exposure to tobacco smoke is dangerous. The longer you smoke and the more packs you smoke, the greater your risk is of developing the disease. Pipe smokers and cigar smokers are also at risk.


Smoking is the principal risk factor for COPD, but it isn’t the only one. Indoor and outdoor pollutants can cause the condition when exposure is intense or prolonged. Indoor air pollution includes particulate matter from the smoke of solid fuel used for cooking and heating. Examples include poorly ventilated wood stoves, burning biomass or coal, or cooking with fire.

Exposure to environmental pollution is another risk factor. Indoor air quality plays a role in the progression of COPD in developing countries. But urban air pollution like traffic and combustion-related pollution poses a greater health risk worldwide.

长期暴露于工业粉尘,化学品和气体可以刺激和涌入气道和肺部。这提高了你开发COPD的风险。暴露于灰尘和化学蒸气的人,如煤矿矿工,谷物处理员和金属制造商,具有更大的发展COPD可能性。一 survey 在美国,发现归因于工作的COPD的一小部分总体估计为19.2%,从未吸烟的人中的31.1%。

In rare cases, genetic factors cause people who have never smoked or had long-term particulate exposure to develop COPD. The genetic disorder results in a lack of the protein alpha 1 (α1) -antitrypsin (AAT).

估计 10,000. 美国人的缺乏症。但很少有人知道它。虽然AAT缺乏是唯一一点识别的COPD的遗传危险因素,研究人员怀疑疾病过程中有几种其他基因。


copis most common in people at least 40 years of age who have a history of smoking. Incidence increases with age. There is nothing you can do about your age, but you can take steps to stay healthy. If you have risk factors for COPD, it’s important to discuss them with your doctor.
