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  • Social distancing includes several measures that can slow down the spread ofCOVID-19to prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmed with sick individuals.
  • Experts say since the virus that causes COVID-19 is spread from person to person through physically close social contacts, the best approach to prevention right now is to keep people from being in close contact as much as possible.
  • 至关重要的是,每个人都会练习社交疏远,而不仅仅是生病的人。

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit ourcoronavirus hub并跟随我们实时更新页面有关COVID-19-19大流行的最新信息。



“Social distancing is a complicated way of saying stay away from people, and the microbial residue that people might have accidentally left behind,” said玛丽亚·琼斯(Malia Jones),威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的一名社会流行病学家,研究人们的行为如何导致传染病的爆发。

“Since the virus that causes COVID-19 is spread from person to person through physically close social contacts, the best approach to prevention we have right now is to keep people from being in close contact as much as possible,” she explained.


It’s critical that everyone practices social distancing, not just those who are sick, Jones told Healthline. This can help vulnerable populations, like older adults, from getting the virus. Due to delays in testing and the ability for someone to have and spread COVID-19, even if they appear healthy, it’s currently impossible to know who has it.

“社会疏远是个人承担的责任,以确保他们不是疾病的向量并打破传播链。”May Chu, PhD, a clinical professor in the department of epidemiology at the Colorado School of Public Health in Aurora, Colorado.

Stay home

“In a nutshell, stay at home except for essential errands,” Jones stated.


Avoid all crowded places or events

Cancel any gatherings that involve members outside your household or “cocoon.” It’s possible that another household, such as that of immediate family, are also part of your small circle. If so, everyone in the cocoon needs to avoid social contact outside this circle and maintain a high level of personal hygiene.

The CDC recommends that all people wear cloth face masks in public places where it’s difficult to maintain a 6-foot distance from others. This will help slow the spread of the virus from people without symptoms or people who do not know they have contracted the virus. Cloth face masks should be worn while continuing to practice physical distancing. Instructions for making masks at home can be found here
笔记:It’s critical to reserve surgical masks and N95 respirators for healthcare workers.


“建议是距离其他人3到6英尺,最好在外面,”传输风险较低。Thomas Jaenisch, PhD,科罗拉多州公共卫生学院的传染病流行病学家和副教授。Jaenisch说,如果您一分钟左右,则3到6英尺足够遥远,但“如果您在一个封闭的房间里开会一个小时,那是一个不同的故事”,应该避免。

Wash your hands often for 20 seconds, and don’t share items with people outside your cocoon


Do I need to practice social distancing if I’m symptom-free?


总体而言,专家认为以下情况通常不是必需的。Jaenisch说:“所有这些事情,例如去健身房,骑公共交通工具 - 所有这些都助长了流行病。”

Can I schedule play dates for my kids?

让孩子们从学校回家,不让them mix with other kids outside your cocoon. School closures are especially important because even though children aren’t at particularly high risk for getting sick from COVID-19, they can still be carriers [and spread illness],” Jones explained.


Many cities already have restrictions in place. “If there’s a government request to [stop going to these establishments] for high concern, we should all follow those rules and not go. It’s not prudent,” Chu said.

“If it’s not mandated yet, but you can anticipate [the mandate] coming, I wouldn’t go just to [dine out] one more time before everything closes. If you do dine out for whatever reason, it is safest to sit outside and ensure a lot of space between. “I’d say inside is more dangerous than outside,” Jaenisch said, noting that takeout is a much safer option.




Can I go to the gym?

It’s not responsible to go to the gym right now. Gyms are often crowded, enclosed spaces where people are touching the same equipment over and over without disinfecting it. Since the virus can live on metal or plastic surfaces up to 3 days, it’s best to exercise elsewhere.


Can I have a few friends over for game night?

只有当他们在你的内部圈子。保持它年代maller circles that always interact with each other — and even better, only each other, said Jaenisch.

Can I keep dating?

Not in person. You can still message people during this time, but wait 2 to 6 weeks to meet new people in person. “Be overcautious right now,” Jaenisch said.

Stay in touch to avoid loneliness

“We’re social beings by nature. We thrive on social connectedness,” saidJenn Leiferman, PhD落基山预防研究中心主任,科罗拉多州公共卫生学院社区与行为健康副教授。

“As much as social distancing is very important right now for the health and welfare of our country, it’s also very important that people still figure out ways to be connected to reduce the likelihood of social isolation and loneliness,” Leiferman said. She recommends staying connected with phone calls, video chats, and social media.