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一个dopting new daily habits is one of the tips for having an alcohol-free Dry January. Getty Images
  • Dry January is a program started almost a decade ago in the United Kingdom. Participants agree to abstain from alcohol during the first month of the new year.
  • Experts say that they expect a record number of people in the United States to attempt to “go dry” this month due to the increase in alcohol use during COVID-19 restrictions in 2021.
  • Experts say that decreasing or eliminating alcohol intake provides physical as well as mental health benefits.
  • 成功干燥的技巧包括引入新的日常习惯,避免饮酒触发因素,并学习如何有效地拒绝饮料的报价。

This year in the United Kingdom, 1 in 6 adults who drink alcohol are计划参加in “Dry January,” a program first started there in 2013.

That amounts to nearly 8 million adults and an increase of 22 percent compared to January 2021, according to一个lcohol Change UK,与酒精相关的领先慈善机构建立Dry January程序。

Experts expect a similar increase in people in the United States.

这y note that there was a significant increase in people using alcohol in 2021 to cope with pandemic stress and that may be why more people than ever are considering an alcohol-free January.

“在度假季节充满了创意鸡尾酒,香槟吐司和许多节日聚会之后,许多人可能正在考虑让自己的身体和大脑摆脱所有解放,”Niloufar Nekou, clinical director and licensed marriage and family therapist at Alter Health Group, a mental health facility in Dana Point, California.

“With restrictions being reimposed daily across the country to address Omicron, we may see an increase in individuals choosing to participate in Dry January 2022,” she told Healthline.

“We have all experienced trauma in navigating COVID-19,” addedJen Bryan,是Tempest,在线酒精恢复和支持系统计划的恢复教练和清醒专家。


“酒精是一种负担得起的,易于访问且在社会上可以接受的方法,可以减轻压力,并可以通过放松中枢神经系统并增加大脑中的多巴胺产生来立即缓解压力。”Vanessa Kennedy心理学博士,主任浮木恢复y in Texas.


However, she explains, alcohol misuse has negative consequences for physical and mental health when used more frequently and for longer periods of time. Overuse can lead to developing a tolerance and ultimately worsening anxiety and depression.

“The fact that searches have increased for Dry January, the experiment of taking a break from alcohol for the month, suggests a desire to change how we are dealing with stress and get healthier,” Kennedy said.

“As we take on new goals in 2022, it makes perfect sense that more people than ever are thinking about the potential benefits of abstinence from alcohol.”

关于1 in 4 Americans reported drinking more in 2021 to manage their stress, according to self-reported data collected by the一个merican Psychological Association

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has also reported an emerging trend of “high intensity drinking,” or an increase in binge drinking. High intensity drinking is when people consume twice (or more) of what’s advisable based on safe drinking guidelines for men and women.

专家还警告说,妇女与酒精的关系发生了最大的变化,而且情况并非如此。一个 study RAND Corporationfound women in particular had increased their heavier drinking days by 41 percent.

Bryan, whose own sobriety began with a Dry January, explains that not drinking is a tool that she uses to access a happy life.


“I sought out peers to walk me through. By engaging with them, I continue to pick up tips, tricks, and life hacks to add to my toolkit,” she said.

During her first Dry January, Bryan said that she found it helpful to schedule the day and she made sure to implement little bits of self-care throughout.

Without a hangover, she said it became easy to wake up in the morning and meditate. Around her work day, she scheduled walks, tried cooking, became a yoga studio regular (even on Zoom), and attended recovery group calls, as well as gave herself permission to go to bed early.

“Those who decide to take part in Dry January 2022 will likely see improvements in their physical and mental health including better-quality sleep, increased energy, healthier skin, weight loss, improved stress management, decreased anxiety and enhanced relationships,” said Nekou.



Kennedy recommends replacing old habits with activities that you can incorporate into your daily life after January has come and gone.

“Substituting your drinking habit with a healthy alternative might be the kick you need to move out of the rut that was 2021,” she said. “You might even find a new spin on an old favorite.”

For example, if you love yoga, try goat yoga or online yoga.


“Perhaps find a park or other outdoor venue to gather, discover new hobbies or activities, and invite others to join you,” suggested Nekou.

Journal about the benefits



Questions to ask yourself include:

  • 一个re you sleeping better?
  • 您可以更清楚地思考吗?
  • 您要做出更好的决定吗?



In this case, Kennedy said to consider applying the changes you’ve made for another month and continue to re-evaluate.

“You may want to extend your sobriety indefinitely if the positives outweigh the negatives,” she said.

Stay social

Even while practicing physical distancing, there are ways to take advantage of social support during Dry January, explained Kennedy.





You might also want to consider getting rid of any alcohol in your house to limit temptation, suggests Nekou.


一个ny practice that changes your state of mind and reduces boredom may help, she explains.




“Remember that ‘no’ is a complete sentence,” added Bryan. “When someone offers a drink, I generally say, ‘No, thank you,’ without an explanation. In social situations, always keep a non-alcoholic drink in hand, and if you need to leave, just leave.”


It’s important to be open with friends and family about your intention to try Dry January.



Nekou suggests enlisting a sober buddy for accountability.

Whatever you do, don’t give up if you slip up, she adds.