Vials of COVID-19 vaccine seen in a tray. Share on Pinterest
Luis Velasco/Stocksy United
  • 专家开始讨论何时以及如何更新现有的Covid-19-19-19疫苗以及何时提供其他助推器。
  • No decision was made on whether boosters will be recommended in the fall, similar to how flu shots are recommended to the general public on an annual basis.
  • The meeting comes after the FDA authorized people over 50 to get a second booster dose.

The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) vaccine advisory panel met Wednesday to discuss future COVID-19 booster doses and how to prepare for new strains of the coronavirus that may emerge.

No decision was made at the meeting on whether boosters will be recommended in the fall in preparation for a potential winter surge. A follow-up meeting is expected by early summer for further discussions.


这次会议是在FDA授权的second booster dosesfor adults over age 50 and certain people with weakened immune systems, and as the agency is set toconsiderCOVID-19 vaccines for very young children.

All viruses can mutate and give rise to new strains, but they do so at different rates. SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, has been especially adept at this process.

在咨询委员会会议期间,Trevor Bedford, PhD, a researcher at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, said that in terms of evolution, the coronavirus has accomplished in two years the equivalent of five years of seasonal flu evolution.

自SARS-COV-2于2019年底首次出现以来 多个变体 ,包括感兴趣的变体(VOI)和更严重的关注变体(VOC)。




他提供了两个可能ble scenarios — a slightly different variant could develop from one of the currently circulating ones, or a variant with many mutations could come out of nowhere, as did Omicron.


贝德福德说,从目前循环的Omicron Sublineages之一开始,新的菌株更有可能发展。但是,他补充说,每1.5至10。5年可能会出现一个截然不同的冠状病毒变体。

Scientists can use blood from people who have been vaccinated to see if an existing vaccine is likely to work against a variant. This method would work for a variant that has already been identified.


During the meeting, Dr. John Beigel , associate director for clinical research in the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, described research to allow scientists to do just that.

“直到我们知道更多关于病毒将另一个星球ve], we have to know how to react to a new strain that may arise,” he said.

The current COVID-19 vaccines are based on the original strain of the virus. But the vaccines also work against all of the variants that have arisen — to varying degrees.

The NIAID is running a临床试验in which people will be given a COVID-19 vaccine based on the original strain of the coronavirus or other known variants. Some people will also receive a booster.

Scientists will measure how well the antibodies in the blood of those people work against the existing variants.

They can predict how well the vaccines or vaccine-booster combinations might work against new variants that might arise, based on how similar those potential variants are to existing ones.

This work is based on the ability of antibodies produced in response to vaccination to target a variant. However, antibodies are just one part of the immune response.

小组成员Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, suggested that measures of T cells might provide a better idea of how well the vaccines might work against a new variant, in particular the protection offered against severe illness.

Seasonal flu vaccines are updated each year 根据科学家对当年流感病毒将循环的预测。这种体验可能在指导COVID-19-19疫苗的更新中很有用。


“我不确定数据是否支持Covid-19的季节性。我们的时间表可能与流感不同。”亚当·伯杰(Adam Berger),博士, director of Clinical and Healthcare Research Policy at the National Institutes of Health.

In addition, there are many different platforms for the COVID-19 vaccines, including mRNA, adenovirus, and protein subunit. These technologies complicate the vaccine update process.

Another challenge of updating the COVID-19 vaccines is manufacturing capacity. Even if a vaccine had high efficacy against a new variant, if vaccine makers couldn’t make enough doses, this vaccine would do little to help the world.


One of the advantages of the mRNA vaccines, though, is that they can be rapidly redesigned. However, designing the vaccine and producing enough doses are separate problems to be solved.

One of the challenges outlined during the meeting is knowing when to update the existing vaccines to target a new variant or possibly to target multiple variants.


小组成员迈克尔·尼尔森博士, a professor of medicine at UVA Health, said if clinical trials had been started shortly after the arrival of the Omicron variant, by the time the clinical trials were done, the wave would have passed.


Another way to think about whether to modify the existing vaccines is to look at how well they are working against the existing variants in circulation.

或者,作为小组成员Dr. Cody Meissner, a pediatrician at Tufts University School of Medicine, put it: “At what point will we say the vaccine isn’t working well enough?”

This can be done by testing the blood of vaccinated people to see how well antibodies in their blood recognize and neutralize a particular variant.



For that, scientists turn to data from real-world vaccine effectiveness studies.

当前的研究表明,现有的三剂MRNA Covid-19疫苗继续提供强烈的保护,以防止严重疾病,住院和死亡。

So the question that would need to be decided is how low does this protection have to drop in order for vaccines to need to be modified.


However, Dr. Amanda Cohn , director of the CDC’s Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, said boosting everyone every few months is not a long-term strategy. So she asked what level of protection will panel members be comfortable with?

“Given that our effectiveness against hospitalization in immunocompetent individuals is over 80 percent, and that’s in older adults and in persons with chronic medical conditions, I think we may have to accept that level of protection, and then use other alternative ways to protect individuals with therapeutics and other measures,” she said.

This question was discussed at the meeting, but panel members made no decision.

The advisory group is expected to meet again, likely by early summer, said Dr. Peter Marks , director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research.

During that meeting, panel members will review additional clinical and laboratory studies data that might help guide their decisions.

They will also discuss whether additional boosters should be offered in the fall before a possible winter surge and the framework needed for deciding when and how to update the existing vaccines.