Former baseball stars Ken Griffey Sr. and Ken Griffey Jr. tour the country to talk about men’s health awareness and early screening for prostate cancer.

作为前职业棒球运动员,肯·格里菲(Ken Griffey Sr.)知道年度体格检查的重要性。

As an older man with a family history of prostate cancer, Griffey Sr. also knows the importance of getting tested for this potentially deadly disease.

12年前,格里菲(Griffey Sr.)参加筛查时,这种知识得到了回报,PSA血液检查显示他患有前列腺癌。

Doctors caught the disease early enough that theformer Major League staronly needed surgery to remove the cancer.

Since then, he has had annual checkups to make sure the cancer hasn’t returned.

That experience is why Griffey Sr. and his son — Hall of Fame baseball starKen Griffey Jr.— have teamed up to publically discuss the disease and urge men to get prostate cancer screenings.

“You have to get it early,” Griffey Sr. told Healthline. “It can save your life.”


The Griffeys are part of Bayer’sMen Who Speak Upcampaign about prostate cancer.

广告系列网站提醒男性有关230,000 new casesof prostate cancer are diagnosed each year. About 3 million men are now living with the disease.

About 97 percent of prostate cancer cases are in men over the age of 50. About 60 percent are in men over the age of 65.


If you have a family history of the disease, the risk rises even higher.




您无需说服格里菲(Griffey Sr.)进行筛选的重要性。

As a 67-year-old African-American man, he already is in a higher risk group. Add to that the fact four of his uncles died from the disease, and the necessity to get screened annually became even more important.


小格里菲(Griffey Jr.)现在已经47岁了,因此他正在接近前列腺癌变得越来越普遍的年龄。

“It’s always been a concern because of my dad and uncles,” he told Healthline.

Griffey Jr. still gets annual physicals, and prostate cancer screening is part of that routine.



“It’s important for friends to get on each other about it,” he said.

There are those who say men don’t need regular prostate cancer screenings. They say the PSA and other tests can miss cancers as well as cause infections and other problems.

Those criticisms came to light last year when actor本·斯蒂勒写了一篇关于46岁时患上前列腺癌的文章。他说,早期放映挽救了生命。

The Griffeys wholeheartedly agree with Stiller.

That’s why the father-son duo is participating in cancer awareness walks, health summits, and community education conferences.

“We’re not afraid to talk about it,” said Griffey Sr.

The former baseball stars also have their personal futures as motivation.

格里菲(Griffey Sr)说:“我想和我的孙子一起去。”

