
Heart disease is the number one cause of death for American women, killing almost 1 in every 4 women. But a new study finds patients and even medical providers are missing important heart attack signs in women.

Many recognize that crushing sensation in your chest as a main symptom for a heart attack, but a recent study led by the Yale School of Public Health found that other lesser-known heart attack symptoms — especially in women — aren’t being recognized by doctors and patients.

About 90 percent of men and women experience some chest discomfort during an acute myocardial infarction (AMI), or heart attack. However, not all AMI events are associated with chest pain.


研究人员本月发表在本月 Circulation medical journal looked at 2,009 women and 976 men between the age of 18 and 55 admitted to over 100 hospitals across the United States for AMI.


Almost 62 percent of women presented with more than three non-chest pain symptoms, compared to 54.8 percent of men. Women were more likely than men to report symptoms such as stomach pain, shortness of breath, palpitations in their chest, nausea, and dizziness.


“I’m really quite concerned about it,” Dr. Nieca Goldberg, cardiologist and medical director of the Joan H. Tisch Center for Women’s Health at NYU Langone told Healthline. “Sometimes the doctor is not putting it together… [physicians] need to change the course and trust and listen to patients to get the patient’s and their family’s whole story.”

If these symptoms are misinterpreted or ignored, young women have a “higher risk of mortality” or having complications from a heart attack.

Both men and women often didn’t realize they were exhibiting potential signs of a heart attack.

Researchers found nearly 50 percent of both men and women thought their symptoms were related to noncardiac conditions. Most commonly, study participants thought their symptoms were related to indigestion or acid reflux, and 20.9 percent of women related their symptoms to stress and anxiety.

Almost two-thirds of men and women reported that they only decided to seek medical care because they had persistent symptoms. Over half reported that their pain was too bad to ignore. A greater percentage of women than men did state they sought medical care for their symptoms prior to being admitted.

Goldberg said that physicians shouldn’t be overlooking these other lesser-known heart attack signs.

“The majority of men and women are reporting symptoms that are classic to a heart attack,” Goldberg said. “However, this study also supports what we already know — that women are more likely to report other symptoms.”





“They need to learn the symptoms of heart attack, get a checkup, and discuss their heart disease risk before having the symptoms themselves,” she said. “The idea is to prevent the first heart attack — not just recognize it when it is happening.”


  • unusual fatigue for several days, or sudden in onset
  • 睡眠障碍
  • shortness of breath
  • 头晕,恶心或冷汗
  • 消化不良或类似气体疼痛
  • 一个或两只手臂的疼痛,脖子,下巴或背部的疼痛
  • 胸部中心的压力可能散布在您的手臂上