Hepatitis C is a bloodborne virus that causes inflammation of the liver. More than3百万people are living with hepatitis C in the United States.

Since many people may not have symptoms or don’t know if they have hepatitis C, their status is often not diagnosed or reported.



The area of the body most affected by hepatitis C is the liver. Cirrhosis is a chronic liver disease that results when scar tissue begins taking over healthy tissue inside the liver itself.



  • 皮肤和眼睛的白色(黄疸)泛黄
  • 慢性瘀伤和流血
  • gallstones
  • fluid buildup in the abdomen (ascites)
  • 腿和脚的疼痛肿胀(水肿)
  • 脾脏(脾肿大)的增大
  • 人体门户静脉系统中血压的升高(门户高血压)
  • poisoning of the brain through the inability to process ammonia in the liver (hepatic encephalopathy)
  • 慢性减弱骨密度(骨骼疾病)


When the liver begins producing cells to fight off cirrhosis, some of these new cells can mutate into cancer cells and cause tumors to develop.



  • 腹部右侧的疼痛或团块
  • pain in the back or right shoulder
  • 几乎不吃东西后感觉非常饱
  • 茶色的尿液
  • 苍白的凳子
  • 乳房或睾丸的扩大

Treatments for liver cancer range from ablation (destroying the cancerous tissue) to chemotherapy to a liver transplant.

Many people with chronic hepatitis C eventually develop chronic liver disease. If left untreated, this will lead to complete liver failure.


Scientists are quickly working to develop new treatments for liver failure, such as:

  • 可以完成肝脏失败的工作的人工肝支撑设备不再能做。这使肝脏有时间再生并治愈。一个例子是 体外肝支撑装置(ELSD) ,在试验中取得了成功。
  • Hepatocyte transplantation involves the transplantation of a small portion of the liver’s cells. This option leaves the liver intact, allowing cells to help it regenerate.
  • 异种移植用动物肝或细胞和组织取代人肝的异种移植可用于加快接受人肝移植的过程。

俄亥俄州南部俄亥俄州南部医学中心胃肠病学高级医学总监Jesse P. Houghton说,与丙型肝炎有关的一些最常见的心理健康问题是疲劳,抑郁和认知受损(尤其是记忆)。

Some of these conditions are directly related to the virus, such as fatigue, and some are also related to the stigma associated with having a chronic condition that is often associated with substance misuse, he says.

One problem in the body often leads to another, which is why hepatitis C can also impact the skin — the body’s largest organ.


People with advanced cirrhosis due to hepatitis C typically have low blood pressure.







关节问题包括类似类风湿关节炎的炎症 - 导致手和膝关节疼痛。

Muscles and joints in other parts of the body can become painful and swollen, as well.

There is some 研究 to suggest that diabetes and hepatitis C are linked. Hepatitis C is a risk factor for developing type 1 and type 2 diabetes. People with diabetes may also be at a higher risk of experiencing complications from hepatitis C.

However, studies attempting to identify a connection between hepatitis C and diabetes or insulin resistance have been mixed, says Houghton.


If you think you may have hepatitis C or have been recently diagnosed, talk to your doctor so it can be treated early.