
但是有时,肝炎bcan become chronic, or long-term. Over time, this can cause severe complications likecirrhosis, or liver scarring, and end stage liver disease (ESLD).

If you have hepatitis B, you might have a higher risk of having a more severe infection from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This is the virus that causesCOVID-19, a respiratory disease.

一个lso, hepatitis B presents additional risks when it comes to COVID-19 treatment.

Read on to learn about the link between hepatitis and COVID-19, as well as what you should know if you have the liver condition.

Generally, people with underlying medical conditions are more likely to get COVID-19. This includes liver diseases like hepatitis B.


  • have severe, chronic hepatitis B
  • have chronic hepatitis B alongsidecirrhosisorliver cancer
  • are 65 or older
  • 还有其他医疗状况,例如心脏病,肥胖或糖尿病

一个 2020年案例报告 states that COVID-19 may target the liver. And according to a 2022 research editorial , people with atypical liver function are at a higher risk of getting sicker from COVID-19.

The current evidence linking hepatitis B and severe COVID-19 is mixed. It may depend on the severity of hepatitis B itself.

例如, 2021研究 found that hepatitis B is not associated with severe COVID-19. A2019评论also notes that people with hepatitis B are unlikely to develop severe COVID-19.


That said, a large 2020 study found that people with liver disease have a higher risk of hospitalization or death due to COVID-19. The risk is even higher when cirrhosis is present.

同样,另一个 2020 study found that cirrhosis increases the risk of death due to COVID-19.

这个链接后面有几种解释。根据the 2020 study 上面,COVID-19会引起严重的炎症,可能会影响肝脏。这可能会使肝功能恶化,从而导致ESLD。

其他2019年科学评论notes that the immune function may play a role. Poor immune function caused by liver disease can increase the risk of severe COVID-19.

一个dditionally, people with hepatitis B are more likely to develop COVID-19 if they’re 65 or older and have other medical conditions.

根据2022评论, there’s no evidence suggesting that previously having hepatitis B that has self-resolved without permanent liver damage poses a risk for severe COVID-19.

There’s also no evidence that previous hepatitis B increases the risk of liver damage due to COVID-19.


  • reappearance of virus particles after hepatitis B has resolved
  • 不活跃慢性丙型肝炎中病毒颗粒的增加

It’s possible for COVID-19 to reactivate hepatitis B. That’s because COVID-19 might target the liver, according to a 2020年案例报告 。在某些人中,这可能会触发乙型肝炎。


For example, in a small 2020 study , people with COVID-19 and hepatitis B experienced no severe liver complications.

其他 2020 study found no evidence that having both conditions worsen liver problems. Alternatively, a2021研究有报道称,Covid-19可能会使肝炎患者的肝脏功能恶化。

There’s more conclusive research on COVID-19 medication and hepatitis B. Specifically,免疫抑制药物used to treat COVID-19 may reactivate the condition. These include:


一个lso, medications like corticosteroids can cause hepatoxicity, or liver damage. This can increase the risk of hepatitis B reactivation.


This includes taking your prescription medication and attending medical appointments as usual. Additionally, you may need more frequent hepatitis B testing and lab monitoring if you get COVID-19.

You should also follow the preventive measures recommended for everyone:

  • Wear a well-fitting mask.
  • 尽可能避免人群。
  • 一个void poorly ventilated spaces.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces.

The COVID-19 vaccine is considered safe for people with hepatitis B.

根据 2022 study ,患有丙型肝炎的人会经历相同的经历副作用as those without hepatitis B.

副作用也比较温和,动物机体,meaning they went away on their own. Examples include:

  • pain and swelling at injection site
  • fatigue
  • muscle pain
  • fever
  • chills
  • dizziness


根据the 2022 study above, the COVID-19 vaccine causes the appropriate antibody response in people with hepatitis B. Thus, the vaccine is considered to be effective if you have the condition.

If you have hepatitis B, you should get the COVID-19 vaccine. That’s because medical conditions, including liver diseases, increase your risk of severe COVID-19 symptoms.



  • are allergic to any of the ingredients in the COVID-19 vaccine
  • have a fever on the day of your vaccine appointment
  • have confirmed or suspected COVID-19 on the day of your vaccine appointment

Your doctor is the best person to determine if you should get the vaccine.

In severe cases, COVID-19 is treated with immunosuppressants. But since these medications can reactivate hepatitis B, additional precautions are necessary.

People with hepatitis B 需要抗病毒预防 when taking immunosuppressants. This involves taking antiviral medications, which are designed to reduce the risk of viral reactivation.

You might need to continue taking these medications for 6 to 12 months after finishing immunosuppressive therapy.


However, severe COVID-19 is often treated with immunosuppressants. These drugs can reactivate or worsen hepatitis B. In this case, you’ll need to take antiviral medications in addition to immunosuppressants.

The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective for people with hepatitis B. It’s recommended to get the vaccine unless you’re allergic to the ingredients or currently have COVID-19.