牙冠是一种细菌状况,可在生殖器上或周围引起开放疮。这是一种sexually transmitted infection (STI), which means it’s transmitted through sexual contact.

在美国很少见。在全球范围内,发病率有所下降,但仍然可以看到 非洲和加勒比海地区的某些地区 .

细菌Haemophilus ducreyicauses this condition. It attacks tissue in the genital area and produces an open sore that’s sometimes referred to as a chancroid or ulcer.


If you’re性活跃, you may be at risk for chancroid. If you travel to or live in a country where the condition is more common, you may be more at risk.

If you’re a heterosexual male, your risk for chancroid increases. Other risk factors for chancroid include:

  • 与商业性工作者发生性关系
  • 药物或饮酒障碍
  • anything associated with higher risk sexual practices
  • 多个合作伙伴

The symptoms may vary, but typically they begin 4 to 7 days after exposure.



The ulcer may form on any area of the genitals, including the penis and scrotum. The ulcers are frequently painful.




Additional symptoms and characteristics

Here are symptoms and characteristics to help recognize chancroid:

由于软性下疳ca溃疡n have the following characteristics:

  • The ulcers can vary in size and are usually anywhere from 1至2厘米 . Some may be larger.
  • 溃疡具有柔软的中心,其灰色至黄灰色,具有定义或锋利的边缘。
  • The ulcers may bleed easily if touched.

The following chancroid symptoms can occur in anyone:

  • pain duringsexual intercourse或者小便
  • 腹股沟肿胀,这是下腹和大腿相遇的地方
  • 淋巴结肿大that can break through the skin and lead to large abscesses, or collections of pus, that drain.

Diagnosing the condition may involve taking samples of the fluid that drains from the sore. These samples are sent to a laboratory for analysis.



These two STIs often have to be ruled out via testing prior to a diagnosis of chancroid.

冠状动物may be successfully treated with medication or surgery.


Your doctor will prescribe antibiotics to kill the bacteria that are causing your ulcers. Antibiotics may also help decrease the chance of scarring as the ulcer heals.


  • 阿奇霉素
  • 头孢曲松
  • ciprofoxacin
  • erythromycin




Your doctor may drain a large and painful abscess in your lymph nodes with a needle or through surgery. This reduces swelling and pain as the sore heals but might cause some light scarring at the site.

The condition is curable if treated. Chancroid sores may heal without noticeable scarring if all medications are taken as prescribed by your healthcare provider.


If you’re diagnosed with chancroid, you’re also at risk for other STIs so you should be tested for them as well.


Additionally, people who are艾滋病病毒positivewho contract chancroid tend to heal more slowly.


Other preventive measures include:

  • limiting the number of sexual partners and practicing更安全的性
  • 避免活动可能会增加机会of you contracting chancroid or other sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • 警告所有合作伙伴,如果您开发状况,以便对它们进行测试和治疗