If you want to prevent pregnancy, there are many birth control options to choose from. A growing number of women are using long-acting reversible contraceptives, such as the copper IUD, hormonal IUD, or birth control implant.

Other highly effective options include the birth control pill, shot, vaginal ring, or skin patch.

Barrier methods of birth control, such as condoms and diaphragm with spermicide, are also available. These options are generally less effective at preventing pregnancy than IUDs and hormonal methods of birth control. Barrier methods must be used correctly every time you have sex to reduce the risk of pregnancy.

Besides abstinence, condoms are the only method of birth control that also helps protect you from sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Depending on your habits, needs, and preferences, some birth control options might be better than others. Take this short assessment to find out more about which types of birth control might be most convenient and effective for you.

To protect yourself from STIs, you can combine any of these birth control methods with condoms. Ask your doctor for more information about the potential benefits and risks of different birth control methods. You might prefer long-acting options Long-acting and reversible contraceptives (LARCs) provide an effective and convenient option. They include IUDs and birth control implants. These devices can provide continuous protection against pregnancy for up to three years or more, depending on the device. Both non-hormonal and hormonal options are available.

The birth control shot, vaginal ring, or skin patch might also work well for you. They’re not quite as effective or long-lasting as an IUD or implant, but you don’t have to take them as often as the birth control pill. Barrier methods, such as a diaphragm with spermicide, are also available — but keep in mind these tend to be less effective.

To protect yourself from STIs, you can combine any of these birth control methods with condoms. Ask your doctor for more information about the potential benefits and risks of different birth control methods. 长期或短暂的方法可能对您有用 With your lifestyle and habits, a wide variety of birth control methods could work well for you. The birth control pill tends to be relatively affordable and effective, especially if you remember to take it at the same time every day. But more effective and long-lasting options are available.


Barrier methods, such as a diaphragm with spermicide, are also available — but keep in mind these tend to be less effective.

To protect yourself from STIs, you can combine any of these birth control methods with condoms. Ask your doctor for more information about the potential benefits and risks of different birth control methods.