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We’ve rounded up the best books for people with addiction and those that love them.

According to Albert Ellis, PhD, the author of “When AA Doesn’t Work For You,”还有另一种治疗酒精中毒的方法。尽管酗酒者匿名帮助许多人康复,但埃利斯认为,酗酒的人具有非理性的思想和信念,使他们与成瘾有关。通过埃利斯(Ellis)开发的理性情绪疗法(RET) - 酗酒的人可以挑战这些思想和信念,并用更健康的思想代替。

Living Sober”是一本匿名卷,旨在为人们提供成瘾的日常生活工具。这本书不仅要着重于放弃酒精或毒品,但说这只是第一步。真正的恢复是在几天和几周内,无论您的生活如何倾向于您,您都会面临清醒的挑战。

在 ”Echo Spring的旅程,”作家奥利维亚·莱(Olivia Laing)深入研究了几位多产作家的生活及其与酒精的关系。Laing讨论了F. Scott Fitzgerald,Ernest Hemingway等等,探讨了这些艺术家的创造力如何与他们的饮酒联系在一起。不过,更重要的是,她消除了一个神话,即酒精是对他们的天才的原因。

人们以不同的原因喝酒。对于作家莎拉·赫波拉(Sarah Hepola)来说,喝酒是一种寻找勇气和冒险的方式。但是她的饮酒通常以停电结束。在 ”停电:记住我喝的东西要忘记,” Hepola takes readers on her journey through alcoholism and recovery. She found alcohol wasn’t making her life better, but in fact draining it. In her recovery, she discovered her true self.

Writer Melissa Broder became known through her Twitter account@sosadtoday。It became a place where she could anonymously share her struggles with anxiety, addiction, and low self-esteem. In “So Sad Today”,她在微博,扩大insig给读者ht into her poetic struggles through personal essays. This volume isn’t only useful for people living with anxiety and addiction, but anyone who acknowledges that life isn’t always happiness and joy.

For people with alcoholism, looking back at a life of drinking can be tough, but it can also be therapeutic. Pete Hamill grew up in Brooklyn with immigrant parents. Having a father with alcoholism shaped his view that drinking was a manly thing to do — so early in life, he started drinking. “A Drinking Life”在哈米尔(Hamill)喝了最后一杯饮料之后,写了20年,在其中分享了早年的饮酒如何影响他的生活轨迹。

奥古斯顿·伯劳斯(Augusten Burroughs)像许多酗酒的人一样生活:白天和黑夜四处旋转,渴望下一次饮料。像许多人一样,伯洛斯只在被迫时才寻求帮助。在他的情况下,酒精中毒正在影响他的工作,他的雇主强烈敦促进入康复。在 ”Dry,” Burroughs讲述了他的饮酒,康复的时间以及他清醒时面临的障碍。

在家庭中有不止一个人,这并不罕见。在 ”双倍,” mystery writer Martha Grimes and her son, Ken, share their experiences with alcoholism. Two memoirs in one, it offers two very unique journeys and perspectives on living with an addiction. Both spent time in 12-step programs and outpatient facilities, and both have their own takes on what makes recovery work.

你为什么不能退出?这也许是围绕成瘾的最伟大的神话之一 - 纯粹的决心就是要克服它。在 ”受其影响,” authors James Robert Milam and Katherine Ketcham dispel this and other myths. They discuss recovery, how to help someone with alcoholism, how to increase the chances of a successful recovery, and how to tell if you or someone you love has alcoholism. The book has been in print for decades and remains an important resource.

Annie Grace left her career as a marketing professional in order to share her journey with alcoholism. The result is “This Naked Mind,” a guide for people with alcoholism to discover what makes them happy without the bottle. The book is very well-researched, analyzes just how alcoholism happens, and dissects the relationship between drinking and pleasure. Grace assures readers recovery is more than a difficult process — it’s a path to happiness.