Minuteful Kidney Test. Share on Pinterest
People with chronic kidney disease can now monitor their kidney health at home, using a test kit and a smartphone. The Minuteful Kidney
  • 一项新的支持智能手机的测试可为有慢性肾脏疾病(CKD)风险的人从自己的家中舒适地监测其肾脏健康的能力。
  • 这Minuteful Kidney test uses a smartphone camera to look for the presence of a specific protein in the urine called albumin.
  • 这是FDA首次为这种支持智能手机的测试(也称为白蛋白与肌酐比率(ACR))获得许可。

For years, people have been able to monitor their blood pressure and blood sugar at home, using either a stand-alone device or a tool connected to a smartphone.

This has enabled them to successfully manage a chronic health condition while taking fewer trips to the doctor’s office or clinical laboratory. Overall, these tools have meant a longer, healthier life for many people.


Minuteful Kidney test,由位于波士顿的公司Healthy.io开发,使用智能手机摄像头寻找名为白蛋白的尿液中特定蛋白质的存在。

一个ndrea Somerville, from Boston, whose doctor is monitoring her kidney function, received a Minuteful Kidney test kit in the mail after her health insurer ordered one for her.

“It was easy to do and really easy to upload everything to my phone so that the results could go to me and to my doctor,” she said.


For the Minuteful Kidney test, urine samples do not need to be sent to a lab. The test also works on a wide range of smartphones, including iOS and Android.

“有了手机和应用程序,一个人可以在自己的浴室和自己的时间内完成此测试,并实际上立即在手机上获得结果。”Paula LeClair, US general manager for Healthy.io.



这是FDA首次为这种支持智能手机的测试授予许可,也称为 白蛋白与肌酐比率(ACR)

估计 37 million Americans have CKD, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As many as 9 in 10 people with this condition do not know they have it.

Dr. Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh在加利福尼亚州奥兰治的UCI Health的肾脏学,高血压和肾脏移植司负责人表示,家庭测试可以通过使CKD风险能够在家中监测其肾脏健康的风险来满足未满足的需求。


其他 risk factors for CKD 包括心脏病,肥胖症,CKD家族史,遗传性肾脏疾病,对肾脏的损害和年龄较大。

Kalantar-Zadeh said an elevated level of albumin, also known as albuminuria, is a common sign of diabetic kidney disease. If this is detected early, he added, the condition can be well-controlled.

Research suggests that this kind of at-home testing can improve testing adherence.

一个 study 由Healthy.io与宾夕法尼亚州的卫生系统一起进行实验室。

LeClair说,一旦公司美国供应chain up and running, insurers or doctors will be able to order the test kits for patients.


“ACR monitoring at home will help doctors empower patients to be more engaged and realigned with disease management in a more patient-centered format,” said Kalantar-Zadeh.

While he welcomes this new testing option for patients, Kalantar-Zadeh thinks more home-based tests for patients with kidney disease, or at risk of kidney disease, are needed. This includes testing kidney function and measuring the blood level of drugs used by these patients.




“Usually when you go to the doctor’s office, you pick up some [virus or other illness] that you didn’t have the day you came in,” she said.