当德克萨斯州的长期1型道格·博斯(Doug Boss)首次开始探索自己动手的闭环糖尿病技术时,他没有很高的期望。作为一个自雇的IT分析师,这位30年的T1开始修补自己的“人造胰腺”,就像一个小小的爱好项目,以了解糖尿病社区中其他精通技术的人在这些AP算法上所做的工作。

老板说,他的实验灵感之所以出现,是因为像许多T1一样,他“连续20年没有连续五个不间断的睡眠。”但是到2月中旬,只有一周的循环,老板被卖掉了。他能够整夜都没有葡萄糖高和低点,每天早晨在15点100 mg/dl的时间内醒来,而无需进行就寝时间BG检查和他历史上依赖的胰岛素校正。

“技术是改变游戏规则的和令人惊讶,”他says. “It’s good enough that it makes me want to slap the FDA and (commercial pump) industry because a group of volunteers has come up with this system that works so much better than anything else out there.”





在Medtronic发起了第一个商业生产之前很久部分闭环系统,有些人悄悄地使用自己的DIY技术离网。当辉煌的达娜·刘易斯(Dana Lewis)和斯科特·莱布朗(Scott Leibrand)公开他们自己做胰腺系统(DIYPS)并开始与世界分享这个概念。


And yes, it’s making a huge difference.


“这项DIY创新是由患者驱动和以患者为中心的,它的重点是可能的,而不是有利可图的。因此,它使创新朝着不同的方向和基于行业的创新速度不同。” Crocket说。


Of course, as you might have guessed given this is a DIY project, there’s some assembly required.

如在循环Facebook页面,这种类型的系统不是整体上可以购买的,而是requires work to install, support to use and equipment to purchase. They caution: “If you want a perfect system, this is not for you.”

对于老板,他首先阅读基层开源技术计划开放式,,,,环形Androidaps,,,,which all provide guidance for people who want to build their own systems using off-the-shelf components. There are different versions that work specifically with either iOS or Android platforms, and vary based on what you prefer to carry around with you.

OpenAPS网站提供了说明和建议,可作为用户共享经验和想法的平台,但不会创建或出售系统。这些DIY构建者被称为每个“ Looper”,都是他或她自己的。据老板说,他花了大约八个星期的时间来收集他的爱好项目所需的所有信息和设备。然而,他仅仅一天就完成了最后的集会和初始编程!

He purchased a thumbnail-sized computer module online and scored an old 2004-era Medtronic insulin pump from his second cousin.










Currently, OpenAPS will only work witholderMedtronic Pumps(因为可以砍掉那些无线电通信信号),这对Boss具有讽刺意味,因为他从未正式拥有该品牌。同时自愿参加JDRFmany years ago, Boss describes he was so upset by the “lies” he heard MiniMed sales reps telling to the parents of newly diagnosed kids that he “vowed to never support the company.”

Boss’s cousin set him up with an older pump, but once he was up and running on Looping he realized that he needed a backup of this part of the system as well. So he purchased another pump from a fellow Looper who had a spareable spare. That left him with the need for appropriate pump supplies, which Boss is able to find in pay-it-forward groups online and from third-party distributors, so he doesn’t have to purchase from Medtronic — keeping his vow not to be their customer. Boss suggests Loopers ask their doctors for a generic pump supply subscription, and he also points to the customer support he’s gotten from DME supplierPumps It


Boss notes: “It’s cool that I can just say: ‘Alexa, ask the pump how am I doing?’ and she responds with my BG, if it’s steady, rising or falling, how many minutes ago that was, and whether the rig has me on a temp basal, and if so how long, and how many units of IOB (insulin on board) I have.”

Boss says he originally called his pump “Smart Pump Two,” but that Alexa “had trouble understanding two words,” so he’s programed the App to recognize it simply as “The Pump.”

While some novice DIYers have IT-related careers or hobbies that make them familiar with this stuff and help in building their systems (like Boss), others have a steeper learning curves because they don’t have that background experience. Sometimes these novices may face challenges in getting support from the community, if they don’t understand the IT lingo or aren’t as connected to developer tools and resources in trying to build and trouble-shoot their systems. That can be a challenge, but the giving back spirit in the DIY community often helps work around that issue.


老板说,这一切都非常值得在时间和金钱上进行投资。“对我来说,关于糖尿病的最大事情是它的持续性质……这可能会在精神上耗尽……我仍然很惊讶我整夜都睡不着,没有Dexcom CGM的BG警报。我要为睡个好觉付出什么付费?”



“因此,在过去一周左右的时间里,我不必直接在泵上输入任何内容。例如,我现在要做的就是按下手机上的一个按钮来告诉Nightscoutthat I ate 30 grams of carbs. The rig picks that up in a few minutes and begins to deliver insulin to adjust for it,” he explains.


DIY Driving Industry

“The more the FDA and major pump companies see people turning to this, the more they might have to embrace the advantages,” Boss notes, adding that as a Tandem Diabetes shareholder himself, he plans to contact investor relations and encourage Tandem to look at these options. “My brand newt:纤细的x2is like a glass syringe with a dull needle, compared to this OpenAPS technology.”

正是这种思维方式导致了至少一家国际泵公司Dana RS泵送制造商总部位于韩国to actually weave open-source connection capabilities into their newest products, in the spirit of embracing #WeAreNotWaiting.

That shows the influence of DIY movement and OpenAPS, specifically.

D-Peep和研究人员Crocke说:“总的来说,在多个方面进行创新是为了使所有受糖尿病的人受益。”他甚至正在建立自己的自制闭环系统。“ DIY社区表明,受糖尿病影响的人们为如何管理疾病做出了积极贡献的巨大潜力。如果可以找到与患者社区互动的正确方法,那么这种潜力就可以借鉴。”

Crocket notes that the movement has quickly grown from a small group of “user-developers” to include a much broader community of users, who don’t directly contribute to developing the underlying code or tech configurations. That shows an incredible market and need for these systems — that even many non-tech-tinkerers are willing to go great lengths to become Loopers.

“My hope is that industry and regulators recognize that a one-size-fits-all approach does not meet the varied needs of the community,” Crocket says. “I also hope that industry and regulators no longer view the community as passive recipients of treatment, care and technology, but as active and creative participants in treatment, care and technology.”
