• Infusion sets remain “the weakest link” in insulin pump treatment, with as many as 60% of pump users reporting infusion set failures for a variety of reasons.
  • 过去的输液设置创新尝试浮现,包括Medtronic出售的短暂的BD Flowsmart。
  • 毛细血管生物医学正在研究一套新型的输注套件,旨在提供更好的可靠性,更长的磨损和减轻患者负担。
  • 启动Diatech糖尿病技术正在开发一种新的内置传感器,以监视,检测和警报输注集开始失败时泄漏和阻塞。


You might call infusion sets the Achilles Heel of insulin pumps — as these little contraptions made up of a small needle, plastic cannula and adhesive often get clogged or spring a leak, disrupting insulin delivery into the body. Without this, none of the fancy “closed loop systems” under development can properly help patients.

“胰岛素泵的肮脏小秘密是我们并没有一直接受胰岛素,” JDRF首席执行官兼长期类型1本人Aaron Kowalski博士说。“传统上,糖尿病行业将输液集作为一种商品,以最低的价格出售和出售,因为这驱动了业务。”


Over the years, various studies have shown 令人震惊的15-20%输注率 - 完全关闭或部分故障,在没有按预期进行胰岛素的情况下。

A seminal PubMed文章于2012年发表 由于缺乏对该主题的良好研究,医疗机构对患者遇到这些问题的频率的了解程度很少。作者写道:“阅读泵佩戴者博客……表明这些是经常出现麻烦的根源。”

Everything from skin reactions, infections,lipohypertrophy,疤痕组织causing absorption interruptions can get in the way of effectiveness. Beyond that, patients also experience issues like adhesive failures, kinked cannulas or tubing, and user errors on insertion that can mess with insulin delivery.

其他问题源于每日简单的遇到“门把手,猫,大盒子,儿童,重力和安全带”,毛细血管生物医学的标记埃斯蒂斯(Mark Estes)comprehensive presentation he gave on infusion set tech在我们最近的2019年糖尿病大学活动中。


A few years ago, pharma giant BD introduced their promisingBD FlowSmart infusion setto address many of these concerns. It was FDA approved in May 2015 and launched via a partnership with Medtronic as the ‘Minimed Pro-Set.’

它具有市场上最小的导管,并包括一个额外的孔或“侧端口” - 基本上是胰岛素流动的替代路线,以防第一条路径被阻塞。这本来可以减少流动中断和沉默的阻塞(阻塞),希望减少用户无法解释的葡萄糖高。


Since then, the infusion set universe has been pretty still, without any new advances emerging. But at least two companies have been quietly working on innovations.


他们正在开发一个可以穿7天或更长时间的输注套件,有望以一致,可靠和安全的方式皮下提供胰岛素,并大大减少错误。如果成功的话,这将是现有套装的当前(3天)磨损时间的两倍以上 - 节省PWDS的钱和很多麻烦!

Cap Bio令人印象深刻的领导者名册包括研究员Jeffrey I. Joseph博士,除其他外,他是(现已失效的)胰岛素泵公司Animas的部分创始人,并在当天对其输液套装技术进行了LED测试。在Cap Beio,他正在帮助开发一种原型导管,该导管可用于进一步研究胰岛素输送。


在2019年11月的我们最近的糖尿病大学创新峰会上,他揭幕了有关Cap Bio的详细信息不足的“ Steadiflow”套件

  • 最初将持续7天,最终甚至更长的可靠磨损时间
  • 具有由软尼龙(与Teflon)制成的灵活的,防链的套管,以提高可靠性和舒适性,并减少炎症反应
  • 具有三个侧端口来扩散胰岛素的递送,从而减轻了身体组织和血管毛细血管的负担,并提供其他路径,以防一个端口发生阻塞
  • 以35度角进入皮肤下方,以舒适地插入
  • 提供单手插入器设备,允许站点位置的灵活性
  • uses hidden a hidden needle designed for sharps self-containment and disposal after use

Estes表示,Steadiflow Set设计已经完成,该公司目前正在美国境外进行临床试验,并计划很快将研究带到美国为FDA提交做准备。希望在几年内推出市场。



Stats on the company website are telling: with more than 120 million infusion set used worldwide there are an estimated 60% of pump users experiencing infusion set failures regularly, leading to $426 million (!) in waste each year infusing insulin into un-viable sites.


Diatech成立于2018年中期,在过去一年中,在最初的赚钱工作开始蒸蒸日上后,在过去一年中一直在各种糖尿病会议上露面。One of the company’s four co-founders is John Wilcox, who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes himself at age 9 in 2005. His own experiences led him to the healthcare field and volunteer work in children’s diabetes, before his start on the bio-tech side.


DiaTech’s Chief Scientific Officer JC Gray also tells us that much of his own work studying subcutaneous insulin infusion delivery in school, combined with industry work by those like Capillary Biomedical, inspired the creation of this new SmartFusion technology — which remains in early development stages.


Honestly, even as I write this post, my fists are clenching in agreement about how infusion sets are indeed “the weakest link.” They’ve been a huge factor in my decision-making on whether I want to use an insulin pump and (eventually) any pump-based closed loop technology.

After being off an insulin pump for over three years, I returned to pumping with the Tandem t:slim X2 in mid-October. While that device withTandem的基础IQ技术is great, the most frustrating aspect of using this technology is the infusion sets.

Whether I’m using an angled 45-degree set, with either manual or auto-serter, or the 90-degree “insertion pods” that have everything inside the plastic case, I always worry about the integrity of the tubing and cannula.

