Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury and infection.

However, chronic inflammation — which may be influenced by diet, inadequate sleep, and high stress levels — is linked to overweight and obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer ( 1 , 2 , 3 )。

Fortunately, studies have shown that some cultural foods common to the Caribbean region, as well as overall lifestyle habits, fight inflammation.

Here are 8 anti-inflammatory foods common to the Caribbean and its diasporas.

An image of a person holding cocoa beans in both of their hands. 分享pinterest.

The Caribbean has a longstanding history of producing quality cocoa products, with the Trinidad & Tobago Fine Cocoa Company among the oldest.

香菜 - 可可产品中发现的抗氧化剂 - 具有可能保护血管健康的抗炎特性,可能降低患心脏病和中风的风险。他们还可以提高运动表现和恢复( 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 )。

Furthermore, flavanol-rich cocoa and dark chocolate guard against blood vessel damage from oxidative stress, which occurs with age and in people who smoke, byincreasing nitric oxideproduction ( 8 , 9 )。

一氧化氮是一种可以减少炎症并支持健康血液流动的化合物( 10 )。

The higher the percentage of cocoa that黑巧克力contains, the more flavanols and greater antioxidant properties it has — although it may be slightly less palatable, as high percentages of cocoa increase bitterness ( 7 )。


店铺for cocoa products from Trinidad & Tobago Fine Cocoa Company online.



West Indian cherry, also called acerola (Malpighia emarginata), is lauded for the high levels of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) that it provides ( 11 , 12 , 13 )。

One cup (98 grams) of this fruit contains 1,650 mg of维生素C。这是每日18至22倍的女性为75毫克和90毫克为男性( 14 )。

Vitamin C fights inflammation by reducing the number of free radicals — the by-products of metabolism — in the body. Current research is exploring its potential to reduce the risk of developing some cancers ( 15 , 16 )。

West Indian cherry is rich in other anti-inflammatory compounds, such as carotenoids,polyphenols和黄酮类化合物,并且可能具有抗衰老特性( 11 )。

在春天和秋天和果实盛开的花朵may be enjoyed raw or made into a juice.



辣椒辣椒家族,包括甘椒树pepper (Capsicum annum), contain phytochemical compounds that may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties ( 17 )。

These include flavonoids, quercetin, alkaloids,carotenoids,和辣椒素( 17 )。

在动物研究中,capsaicin— the spicy component of mild and hot peppers — reduced the release of pro-inflammatory compounds by adipose tissue in rats with obesity. It also reduced cell damage in the guts of mice ( 18 , 19 )。

However, human research is needed.

The pimento pepper is related to the habanero pepper (Capsicum chinense), but it’s less spicy. It’s traditionally used to add flavor to myriad cooked dishes, including stews and soups.


Pimento Pepper,一名成员Capsicumpepper family, contains phytochemicals that may have anti-inflammatory properties. However, more human research is needed.

Redsorrel(Hibiscus sabdariffa), also called roselle, is a mainstay in traditional medicine.

Both animal and human studies found that red sorrel maylower blood pressureand cholesterol. It may also reduce body weight, insulin resistance, and markers of inflammation ( 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 )。

一项研究确定该植物是一种良好的候选者,用于调查其作为癌症预防和治疗的草药补充剂的作用。然而,需要更多人类临床试验( 26 )。

The benefits of red sorrel may be attributed to its abundance of anthocyanins, in addition to other polyphenols, and hibiscus acids ( 21 , 23 , 25 )。

Roselle Tea是一种热门或冷饮饮料。在加勒比海,植物的新鲜干燥的叶子主要用于使传统的Christmastime饮用酢浆果汁。



提取物的提取物Passiflora家庭,包括passion fruit(Passiflora edulis),长期以来已用于草药以治疗焦虑和惊厥疾病( 27 , 28 , 29 )。

It contains potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds, such as flavonoids, piceatannol, and triterpenoids, which may lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and high blood sugar levels ( 29 , 30 , 31 )。

One study found that piceatannol extract from passion fruitimproved insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and heart rate in men with overweight. However, it didn’t have the same effect on women with moderate weight or women with overweight ( 32 )。


Passion fruit is tart, but you can eat it raw or make it into juice or lilikoi jelly, a staple breakfast food in Hawaiian culture.


Passion fruit has anti-inflammatory compounds that may help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol. It may also have antihypertensive effects.

姜黄素可能具有保护的抗炎健康益处brain healthand fight against diabetes, heart disease, bowel disease, arthritis, obesity-related inflammation, and cancer ( 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 )。

Curcumin is the active compound in turmeric that provides the spice with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

将姜黄素与哌啶结合,黑胡椒中的活性成分可以增强您的身体的姜黄素吸收,使得更多这种强大的化合物可用于减少炎症( 39 )。





其主要的活性成分 - 6-gergerol和6分脑醇 - 改善与肥胖诱导的炎症,类风湿性关节炎,老化和神经认知疾病相关的酶途径( 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 )。

Studies show that whole ginger extract, or 6-shogaol, may reduce chronic lung inflammation. One in vitro study suggests that it could be used as a therapeutic treatment forasthmain the future ( 43 )。

However, more human research is needed.



Cinnamon is well-known for它在减少血糖中的作用水平( 44 )。

对来自肉桂树皮的多酚萃取物的高脂肪饮食的大鼠经历了脂肪组织的炎症和改善胰岛素抵抗( 45 , 46 )。

However, human studies have yielded conflicting results.

例如,一篇评论表明,用肉桂补充剂显着减少了大多数炎症标记物( 47 )。

But on the other hand, two clinical trials in people withtype 2 diabetes表明肉桂补充剂降低了胆固醇水平,但不一致地减少了炎症的标志物( 48 , 49 )。



Cinnamon is a popular spice that may reduce blood sugar levels and cholesterol, but more human research on its potential anti-inflammatory properties is needed.

In addition to fueling your diet with nutritious, anti-inflammatory foods, it’s important that your lifestyle habits do not contribute to high levels of inflammation.

睡眠不佳 - 特别是,睡眠障碍 - 与受损免疫健康和炎症增加( 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 , 54 , 55 )。

Furthermore, emotional and psychological stress are associated with poor cardiovascular health and may raise your risk of experiencing acute coronary heart disease events ( 56 )。


  • Aim for 7–9 hours of sleep per night.The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults 18 years and older get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep per night (57)。
  • Move your body.Moderate-intensity exercise may reduce inflammation and depression. Most people should engage in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise each week, along with at least 2 days ofmuscle-strengthening exercises( 58 , 59 )。
  • Manage your stress levels.Take care of your emotional health by making time to unwind, connecting with friends and family, or seeking support through therapy with a licensed professional.

Poor sleep quality and high stress levels may increase inflammation, as well as your risk of developing heart disease. Aim for 7–9 hours of sleep, get sufficient exercise, and manage your emotional health to fight inflammation.


Cultural foods, such as red sorrel, turmeric, and passion fruit, contain phytochemicals with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that may support your health.

Be sure to support an anti-inflammatory diet by getting enough sleep, exercising, and managing your emotional health.
