The symptoms of a sunburned scalp are basically the same as a sunburn elsewhere on your body, and include:
- redness
- 感到温暖或hot to the touch
- 温柔或pain
- 瘙痒
- small, fluid-filled水泡
You cantreat your burnt scalpat home. For about a week, or until your sunburn has healed, follow these simple steps:
- Shower in cool-or at most tepid — water.热水会增加晒伤的不适。
- 检查洗发水和护发素上的标签。直到晒伤愈合,请避免与洗发水硫酸盐, they can dry the scalp and create more irritation. Also avoid conditioners with dimethicone, it can block pores, trapping heat, and create more damage.
- Skip using too many头发产品。许多化学物质会刺激您的晒伤。
- Dry and style your hair naturally.The heat from blow dryers and flat irons can dry and damage your healing scalp.
- Sooth the pain with冷压。
- 保湿。Rubbing椰子油and芦荟凝胶轻轻进入晒伤的区域可能会缓解不适感并促进康复。请注意,它们可能会使您的头发看起来油腻。许多自然康复的拥护者表明与essential oils例如Helichrysum或薰衣草。
- 保持水分。Along with other benefits, drinking at least eight glasses of water a day will help moisturize your skin.
- 如果您需要缓解疼痛,请考虑服用非处方药(OTC)药物,例如阿司匹林(拜耳(Bayer),excedrin),布洛芬(Advil,motrin),acetaminophen(泰诺),或萘普生(Aleve).
- Wear a hat.当您的头皮愈合时,请远离阳光或遮盖头皮。
- extreme pain
- high fever
- headache
- confusion
- 恶心想吐
Also see your doctor if you feel that your sunburned scalp has been infected. Signs of infection include:
- 增加疼痛
- 肿胀
- 脓液从开阔的水泡中排出
- 红色条纹从开放的水泡延伸
A sunburn on your scalp typically will not cause脱发。皮肤脱皮时,您可能会失去一些头发,但应该再生。
The best防晒因为你的头皮是遮住头部。这通常是防止晒伤的全部。但是,如果您选择的头部盖子的编织松动 - 例如,某些稻草帽,网状卡车司机的帽子 - 它可能会使紫外线光穿过您的头皮。紫外线之间最强烈10 am to 4 pm.
You can use a防晒霜在你的头皮上。如果您有头发,则可能很难获得覆盖范围,乳液也会覆盖您的头发。