女人把头发拉到马尾辫 Share on Pinterest
Erin Brant/Stocksy United

According to the美国皮肤科学会(AAD),通常每天损失50至100头毛。不仅仅是这可能意味着您的脱落比应有的更多,这可能会导致整体稀疏的头发。


Thinning hair typically happens gradually, which means you have time to pinpoint the causes and figure out the best treatment measures.


Lifestyle habits may include:

  • 过度治疗头发。这包括color treatments,,,,perms,,,,and relaxers.
  • Using harshhair products这包括extreme-hold hair sprays and gels.
  • Wearing tight hairstyles.Whether you’re wearing an up-do or pulling your hair up in a ponytail for working out, this can tug on your hair and break it from thefollicles,,,,causing thin spots over time.
  • Not getting enough iron,folic acid,饮食中的其他矿物质。这些都有助于卵泡自然产生头发。
  • Experiencing chronic stress.Stressis related to an uptick in hormones like皮质醇。太多的压力激素可能会杀死试图生长的新毛。

Thinning hair may also behereditary或来自潜在的医疗条件。如果您可能有稀疏的头发:


Some cases of thinning hair may be treatable at home. Consider the following 12 options, but be sure to talk with your doctor first.

1. Scalp massage

也许试图变厚头发的最便宜的方法是scalp massage。It doesn’t cost anything, and if done correctly, it isn’t harmful.

When you洗你的头发吧,用指尖在头皮周围轻轻施加压力,以鼓励血液流动。为了获得更多好处,您可以尝试手持式头皮按摩器也可以去除死皮细胞。


精油are liquids derived from certain plants, and they’re primarily used in芳香疗法and other types of alternative medicine.

Lavender oilhas been used with success by some people withpattern baldness。它也得到了动物研究的支持 2016 ,尽管需要人类研究来确认其影响。薰衣草通常与其他油(例如迷迭香和百里香。

Still, there’s not enough evidence that essential oils can treat baldness or thinning hair. If you do decide to give this treatment a go, make sure that your essential oil is diluted in a carrier oil.

Test a small amount of the oil on your arm and wait 24 hours to see if any reaction develops. Redness or other irritation,hives,,,,or a rash could indicate an过敏反应


抗粉状洗发水有两种方式。首先,这样的产品为您的头发提供了体积,因此看起来thicker。This can be helpful for people who have thinning or naturally fine hair.

稀疏的洗发水or hair loss also contain vitamins and amino acids to promote a healthier scalp. To get the best results, use these products as directed.

You can also ask your doctor about a prescription-strength shampoo.


健康的头发is dependent on your overall good health. In cases ofmalnourishment,,,,or with certain eating disorders, new hair may fail to generate from follicles. Ablood test可以帮助确定您是否有nutrientdeficiency.

如果您在几个关键领域都很低,您的医生可能会建议每日多种维生素。健康的头发needsiron,叶酸,以及zinc保持浓密而坚强。寻找每日补品menandwomenthat meet this criteria.

但是,您应该避免多余vitaminsif you’re already getting the nutrients you need. There isn’t any evidence that doing so will reverse thinning hair, and getting too much of certain nutrients may actually do more harm than good.


Folic acid is a type ofB vitaminthat’s important for new cell generation. A few studies 已经建议叶酸缺乏可能与某些类型的脱发有关。


6. Biotin

生物素,,,,or vitamin B-7, is a water-soluble nutrient that’s naturally found in foods, such as nuts,lentils,,,,andliver

如果你eat a balanced diet,,,,it’s unlikely that you’re low in biotin. However, supplemental forms of biotin have been on the rise in recent years, thanks in part to marketers promising more energy and更好的头发生长使用这样的产品。

Whilebiotinhelps break down enzymes in your body, there’s little evidence that it can help with thinning hair.

You shouldn’t take biotin if you take vitamin B-5 supplements. When taken together, they can reduce the efficacy of one another.

7. Omega-3和Omega-6脂肪酸

欧米加3andomega-6fatty acids are called essential fatty acids. This is because they can’t be made by the human body.

欧米加3helps your body fight inflammation, an underlying cause of numerous conditions. Premature hair loss may also be related to inflammation.

Omega-6, on the other hand, is important for整体皮肤健康,,,,which might benefit the scalp.

Plant-based oils are primary sources of omega-6, while omega-3 fatty acids are found in还有一些种子。如果您通常不食用此类食物,请与您的医生谈谈服用补充剂。

8. Minoxidil

最著名的品牌名称Rogaine,,,,minoxidil is an over-the-counter hair loss treatment approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

When applied directly to the scalp twice a day, minoxidil may gradually thicken hair in balding spots. The product is available in either liquid or foam, depending on your preference.

Rogaine can take up to 16 weeks for visible results. It’s important that you use the product consistently, or you might not see results.

Scalp irritation and不需要的头发生长on the face and neck are possible side effects.

9. Spironolactone

螺内酯(Aldactone) is sometimes prescribed for people who have thinning hair related to androgen production. While technically a “water pill,” Aldactone is an anti-androgen, too.

In women, this medication may help treat thinning hair and subsequent hair loss related to hormonal fluctuations.


Finasteride(Propecia) is a prescription hair loss medication. Unlike topical treatments like minoxidil, Propecia comes as a daily pill thatmen脱发。


11. Corticosteroids

Corticosteroids are prescription treatments used for conditions linked to underlying inflammation. Sometimes, inflammatory conditions can cause a variety of symptoms, including hair loss.

12. At-home laser therapy

Laser therapy通常由皮肤科医生和其他皮肤专家使用。FDA已清理了在家中使用某些产品的道路。

At-home laser therapy for hair is intended to help regrow your hair while also making it thicker. The results can take several months to take effect.


虽然整个d共同失去头发ay, it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor if you’re losing more than 100 hairs per day.


What causes hair to thin?

Any number of lifestyle factors, genetics, recent life events (such as extreme weight loss in a short period of time or giving birth), or medical conditions can cause your hair to thin.

Lifestyle factors could include using certain hair products, wearing your hair up too tightly, experiencing high stress levels, or not getting enough of certain vitamins and minerals in your diet.



Thinning hair can grow back取决于导致其稀薄的原因。由于营养缺乏,压力,怀孕和其他非遗传原因而导致头发稀疏的人可能会经历再生。

如果你’re experiencing new hair loss or hair thinning, it’s best to consult your doctor. Some medical conditions can be associated with thinning hair.

Why is my hair suddenly thinning?

突然稀疏的头发可以由variet造成的y of reasons, such as a period of extreme stress, pregnancy, discontinuing birth control pill use, hormonal changes, a high fever, or pulling at your hair.

Sudden hair thinning that’s persistent or hair falling out in clumps could be the sign of an underlying medical condition. Talk with your doctor if this occurs.

What shampoo should I use for thinning hair?


Some shampoos are aimed at reducing hair loss,,,,while others aim to thicken existing hair.

Prescription-strength shampoo for thinning hair is also an option that you can speak with your doctor about.

While the process of thinning hair can be concerning at first, many types of thinning hair are treatable.


Hair transplants可能是高级脱发的另一种选择。