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一种loe vera广泛别人们普遍别名凝胶sunburn并帮助治愈伤口。但是你知道,你最喜欢的盆栽植物可以用于晒伤和家居装饰的远远超过晒伤吗?

多汁植物历史悠久地用于药用目的,追溯到古埃及。该植物原产于北非,南欧和加那利群岛。今天,芦荟在全球热带气候生长。从缓解胃灼热潜在地减缓蔓延乳腺癌那researchers are just beginning to unlock the benefits of this universal plant and its many byproducts.

胃食管反流病(GERD) is a digestive disorder that often results in heartburn. A 2010review建议使用1到3盎司的芦荟凝胶at mealtime could reduce the severity of GERD. It may also ease other digestion-related problems. The plant’s low toxicity makes it a safe and gentle remedy for heartburn.


一种2014 study剑桥大学出版社在线发布,看着涂有芦荟凝胶的番茄植物。该报告显示证据表明,涂层成功阻止了许多类型的生长有害细菌在蔬菜上。发现了类似的结果不同的研究with apples. This means that aloe gel could help fruits and vegetables stay fresh, and eliminate the need for dangerous chemicals that extend the shelf life of produce.

Shop for aloe gel

在一个 2014 study 在研究人员发现,在埃塞俄比亚医学杂志上发表aloe vera extractto be a safe and effective alternative to chemical-based mouthwashes. The plant’s natural ingredients, which include a healthy dose of vitamin C, can block plaque. It can also provide relief if you havebleedingorswollen牙龈。

Ingesting two tablespoons of aloe vera juice per day can cause blood sugar levels tofall在人们2型糖尿病那according to a study 在植物美会:国际植物疗法和植物病学杂志。这可能意味着芦荟可能会有糖尿病治疗的未来。这些结果得到了证实 another study 在植物疗法研究中发表,使用纸浆提取物。


But people with diabetes, who take glucose-lowering medications, should use caution when consuming aloe vera. The juice along with diabetes medications could possibly lower your glucose count to dangerous levels.

一种loe vera is considered a natural泻药。少数研究探讨了多汁植物的好处消化。结果似乎混合了。

尼日利亚科学家团队进行了a studyon rats and found that gel made from typical aloe vera houseplants was able to relieveconstipation。But another study 由国家卫生研究院看着芦荟全休萃取物的消费。那些结果显示实验室大鼠大肠的生长。

In 2002, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration required that all over-the-counter aloe laxative products be removed from the U.S. market or be reformulated.


If you have克罗恩病colitis, 要么hemorrhoidsyou shouldn’t consume aloe vera. It can cause severe腹部绞痛anddiarrhea。如果你服用其他药物,你应该停止服用芦荟。它可能会降低你的身体吸收药物的能力。

你可以用芦荟来保持你的skin clear和水合。这可能是因为植物在干燥,不稳定的气候中茁壮成长。为了在恶劣的条件下生存,植物的叶子储存水。这些水密叶子与特殊的植物化合物联合称为复合碳水化合物,使其成为一种有效的面部润肤霜和止痛药。

Learn more: 9 healthy benefits of drinking aloe vera juice »

一种新研究published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine looked at the therapeutic properties of aloe emodin, a compound in the plant’s leaves. The authors suggest that the succulent shows potential in slowing the growth of breast cancer. However, more studies are needed to further advance this theory.
