


估计19 million Americans有一个恐惧症,导致他们生命的某些领域的困难。如果您有恐惧,请寻求医生的帮助,以防止您引领最充分的生活。


持续持续的医疗条件或健康问题的人往往有恐惧症。之后,有一个高发病人员发育恐惧症创伤性脑损伤Substance abuseanddepressionare also connected to phobias.

恐惧症have different symptoms from serious mental illnesses such asschizophrenia。在精神分裂症中,人们有视觉和听觉幻觉,妄想,偏执狂,厌食症等消极症状,并紊乱症状。恐惧症可能是不合理的,但恐惧症的人不会失败现实测试。


很多人都有嘉年界担心他们可能有一个panic attack在他们无法逃脱的地方。慢性健康问题的人可能担心他们将在公共区域或没有帮助的地方进行医疗紧急情况。

社交恐惧症也被称为社交焦虑症。It’s extreme worry about social situations and it can lead to self-isolation. A social phobia can be so severe that the simplest interactions, such as ordering at a restaurant or answering the telephone, can cause panic. People with social phobia often go out of their way to avoid public situations.



Acrophobia:这是对高度的恐惧。这种恐惧症的人避免了山,桥梁或建筑物的较高楼层。症状包括vertigo头晕sweating,感觉好像他们会pass outor lose consciousness.

Claustrophobia:This is a fear of enclosed or tight spaces. Severe claustrophobia can be especially disabling if it prevents you from riding in cars or elevators. <Learn more about claustrophobia, from additional symptoms to treatment options.

Aviophobia:This is also known as thefear of flying

Dentophobia:Dentophobia害怕牙医或牙科专业cedures. This phobia generally develops after an unpleasant experience at a dentist’s office. It can be harmful if it prevents you from obtaining neededdental care

Hemophobia:This is a phobia of blood or injury. A person with hemophobia may faint when they come in contact with their own blood or another person’s blood.


Cynophobia:This is a fear of dogs.

Ophidiophobia:People with this phobia fear snakes.

Nyctophobia: 这恐怖症是对夜间或黑暗的恐惧。它几乎总是开始作为典型的童年恐惧。当它通过过去青春期时,它被认为是恐惧症。

People with a genetic predisposition toanxiety可能存在高恐惧症的风险。年龄,社会经济地位和性别似乎只是某些恐惧症的危险因素。例如,女性更有可能具有动物恐惧症。儿童或社会经济地位低的人更有可能具有社会恐惧症。男人弥补了牙医和医生恐惧症的大多数人。



Treatment for phobias can involve therapeutic techniques, medications, or a combination of both.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)is the most commonly used therapeutic treatment for phobias. It involves exposure to the source of the fear in a controlled setting. This treatment can decondition people and reduce anxiety.



抗抑郁药andanti-anxiety medicationscan help calm emotional and physical reactions to fear. Often, a combination of medication and professional therapy is the most helpful.

If you have a phobia, it’s critical that you seek treatment. Overcoming phobias can be difficult, but there’s hope. With the right treatment, you can learn to manage your fears and lead a productive, fulfilling life.