Sweating is a bodily function that helps regulate your body temperature. Also called perspiration, sweating is the release of a salt-based fluid from your sweat glands.


  • armpits
  • face
  • 手掌
  • 脚底



Your body is equipped with an average of three million sweat glands. There are two types of sweat glands: eccrine and apocrine.




The apocrine sweat glands are concentrated in the hair follicles of the following parts of your body:

  • 头皮
  • armpits
  • 腹股沟

这些腺体释放重,高脂肪汗水that carries a distinct odor. The smell, referred to as body odor, occurs when apocrine sweat breaks down and mixes with the bacteria on your skin.


When the weather is hot or your body temperature rises due to exercise or fever, sweat is released through ducts in your skin. It moistens the surface of your body and cools you down as it evaporates.

Sweat is made mostly of water, but about 1 percent of sweat is a combination of salt and fat.

Sweating is normal and occurs regularly in your daily living. However, a variety of causes can stimulate increased sweating.


Elevated body or environmental temperatures are the primary cause of increased sweating.


The following emotions and conditions can also make you break out in a heavy sweat:

  • 愤怒
  • fear
  • embarrassment
  • 焦虑
  • 情绪压力


Sweating may be a response to the foods you eat as well. This type of perspiration is called gustatory sweating. It can be provoked by:

  • spicy foods
  • caffeinated drinks, including soda, coffee, and tea
  • alcoholic beverages

Medications and illness

Sweating may also be caused by medication use and certain illnesses, such as:


The hormonal fluctuations associated with绝经还可以触发出汗。更年期的女人经常经历夜汗and sweating during热闪烁.


  • 穿几层浅色的衣服,使您的皮肤呼吸。
  • Remove layers of clothing as you heat up.
  • Wash dried sweat off of your face and body for optimum comfort.
  • 从汗湿的衣服中换出,以降低细菌或酵母菌感染的风险。
  • 喝水或运动饮料,以替代流体因出汗而失去的液体和电解质。
  • Apply an underarm antiperspirant or deodorant to reduce odor and control sweating.
  • 从饮食中清除食物,以增加出汗。

If illness or medications cause uncomfortable sweating, talk to your doctor about alternative treatments.

Sweating may indicate a medical problem if it occurs with other symptoms. Let your doctor know if you experience these as well:

  • 胸痛
  • dizziness
  • 呼吸急促
  • continued perspiration for an extended period of time without cause

Losing weight from excessive sweating isn’t normal and should also be checked by a doctor.

The following conditions result from either excessive sweating or the absence of sweating. Consult your healthcare provider if you feel that you sweat more than normal or that you don’t sweat at all:

  • Hyperhidrosis是腋下,手和脚过度出汗的条件。这种情况可能令人尴尬,可能会阻止您进行日常工作。
  • Hypohidrosis是没有汗水。汗水是您身体释放过多热量的方式。如果您患有降水量,您可能会脱水,并具有高于正常的风险。


Sweating either too much or too little can indicate a medical problem. Sweating in conjunction with other symptoms may also indicate a health condition.

Make lifestyle adjustments to accommodate your sweating.

If this isn’t enough, consult your healthcare provider, especially if you feel you sweat too much or not at all.