一个phobia是对不太可能造成伤害的事物的不合理恐惧。这个词本身来自希腊语“ Phobos”,意为“恐惧”或“恐怖”。

Hydrophobia, for example, literally translates to fear of water.


恐惧症患者积极避免恐惧object or situation, or they endure it with intense fear or anxiety.



phobias come in all shapes and sizes. Because there are an infinite number of objects and situations, the list of specific phobias is quite long.

一个ccording to the DSM-5, specific phobias typically fall within five general categories:

  • 与动物有关的恐惧(蜘蛛,狗,昆虫)
  • 与自然环境有关的恐惧(高度,雷电,黑暗)
  • fears related to blood, injury, or medical issues (injections, broken bones, falls)
  • fears related to specific situations (flying, riding an elevator, driving)
  • other (fear of choking, loud noises, drowning)

these categories encompass an infinite number of specific objects and situations.

除了DSM-5中概述的内容之外,没有官方的恐惧症清单,因此临床医生和研究人员在需要时为它们创建名称。这通常是通过结合希腊语(或有时是拉丁语)前缀来完成的,该前缀描述了恐惧症-phobia suffix.

For example, a fear of water would be named by combining “hydro” (water) and “phobia” (fear).


people with anxiety disorders sometimes experience惊恐发作当他们处于某些情况时。这些恐慌发作可能是如此不舒服,以至于人们将将来竭尽所能避免它们。

For example, if you have a panic attack while sailing, you may fear sailing in the future, but you may also fear panic attacks or fear developing hydrophobia.


these phobias also vary based on cultural experiences, gender, and age.


achluophobia 害怕黑暗
acrophobia fear of heights
aerophobia fear of flying
algophobia fear of pain
alektorophobia 害怕鸡
agoraphobia fear of public spaces or crowds
aichmophobia 害怕针头或尖锐的物体
酸性恐惧症 害怕猫
瘫痪恐惧症 fear of riding in a car
androphobia 害怕男人
遗传恐惧症 fear of angina or choking
anthophobia fear of flowers
人类恐惧症 对人或社会的恐惧
厌食症 fear of being touched
arachnophobia 害怕蜘蛛
芳香恐惧症 害怕数字
astaphaphaphobia 害怕雷声和闪电
吞噬恐惧症 fear of disorder or untidiness
atelophobia 害怕不完美
atychiphobia fear of failure
自恐惧症 害怕一个人
bacteriophobia fear of bacteria
barophobia 对重力的恐惧
bathmophobia fear of stairs or steep slopes
batrachophobia 害怕两栖动物
Belonephobia fear of pins and needles
bibliophobia fear of books
植物恐惧症 害怕植物
酸恐惧症 害怕丑陋
猫恐惧症 害怕被嘲笑
catoptrophobia 害怕镜子
恐惧症 害怕雪
chromophobia 害怕颜色
chronomentrophobia fear of clocks
cibophobia fear of food
幽闭恐惧症 害怕被关闭的空间
coulrophobia fear of clowns
cyberphobia 害怕计算机
cynophobia fear of dogs
树状恐惧症 fear of trees
dentophobia fear of dentists
恐惧症 fear of houses
恐惧症 fear of accidents
entomophobia fear of insects
ephebiphobia 害怕青少年
倍感恐惧症 fear of horses
恐惧症 害怕婚姻或承诺
Genuphobia 害怕膝盖
恐惧症 fear of speaking in public
gynophobia fear of women
恐惧症 恐惧太阳
血糖 害怕鲜血
恐惧症 fear of reptiles
疏水症 害怕水
软骨病 害怕疾病
iatrophobia fear of doctors
昆虫恐惧症 fear of insects
koinoniphobia fear of rooms full of people
白细胞 害怕颜色白色
恐惧症 fear of tornadoes and hurricanes
lockiophobia fear of childbirth
mageirocophobia 害怕做饭
megalophobia fear of large things
恐惧症 恐惧颜色黑色
microphobia 害怕小事
mysophobia fear of dirt and germs
necrophobia 害怕死亡或死物
noctiphobia fear of the night
nosocomephobia fear of hospitals
Nyctophobia fear of the dark
obesophobia 害怕体重
octophobia fear of the number 8
ombrophobia 害怕下雨
恐惧症 害怕蛇
ornithophobia fear of birds
papyrophobia 恐惧纸
病理恐惧症 fear of disease
恋恐惧症 害怕孩子
恐惧症 害怕爱
phobophobia fear of phobias
podophobia 害怕脚
pogonophobia 害怕胡须
卟啉症 fear of the color purple
pteridophobia 害怕蕨类植物
pteromerhanophopia fear of flying
恐惧症 害怕火
Q – S
samhainophobia fear of Halloween
scolionophobia fear of school
selenophobia 恐惧月亮
社会恐惧症 fear of social evaluation
somniphobia 害怕睡眠
tachophobia fear of speed
technophobia fear of technology
tonitrophobia 害怕雷声
锥虫恐惧症 害怕针头或注射
venustraphobia fear of beautiful women
verminophobia fear of germs
wiccaphobia 害怕女巫和巫术
仇外心理 fear of strangers or foreigners
动物恐惧症 fear of animals


  • exposure therapy.在暴露疗法,这是一个类型的cognitive behavioral therapy, you work with a psychologist to learn how to desensitize yourself to the object or situation that you fear. The goal is to improve your quality of life so that you’re no longer hindered or distressed by your fear.
  • 抗焦虑药。您的医生可能会推荐一定anxiety-reducing medications这可以帮助您通过曝光疗法。虽然这些药物并不完全是恐惧症的治疗方法,但它们可以帮助使暴露疗法减少困扰。
  • 其他药物。您的临床医生也可能会开处方beta-blockersandbenzodiazepines管理焦虑或恐慌的感觉。

phobias are persistent, intense, and unrealistic fears of a certain object or situation. Specific phobias are related to certain objects and situations. They typically involve fears related to animals, natural environments, medical issues, or specific situations.
