精神科医生s specialize in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health conditions. Their education and clinical training help them understand how medical conditions manifest as psychiatric symptoms and how mental health conditions can affect your body.
There are several psychiatry subspecialties, including:
- addiction medicine
- child and adolescent psychiatry
- 法医精神病学
- 老年精神病学
- 神经精神病学
- pain medicine
- 睡眠医学
- addiction, including alcohol, drugs, gambling, and more
- 注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)和其他神经发育障碍
- 身体图像问题
- 躁郁症
- 饮食失调
- depression
- difficulty concentrating
- 过度焦虑或烦躁
- 失眠或其他睡眠条件
- memory loss
- obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
- 创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)
- schizophrenia
- 自我伤害和suicidal thoughts
- severe stress
- violent thoughts or outbursts
- behavioral therapy,重点是您的学习和行为,以改变不健康的行为模式
- 认知疗法,重点关注您的思想,并显示功能失调的思维与不健康的情绪或行为之间的关系
Medications are often used in combination with psychotherapy to help you treat your mental health condition. Some examples of medications include:
- antidepressants, which psychiatrists use to treat depression, anxiety disorders, PTSD, and more
- psychotropics,精神科医生用来治疗妄想和幻觉,例如双相情感障碍和精神分裂症
- 镇静剂, which are medications used to treat anxiety and insomnia
- 兴奋剂,这是用于治疗多动症的药物
你可能想要开始与精神的关系health provider if you’re experiencing hardship and want help understanding your thoughts and behaviors. A psychiatrist can help if the cause of your mental health condition is unknown or if you have a complex mental health condition that requires medication, including:
- 多动症
- 躁郁症
- schizophrenia
- severe depression