Sedatives are a type of prescription medication that slows down your brain activity. They’re typically used to make you feel more relaxed.

Doctors commonly prescribe sedatives to treat conditions like anxiety and sleep disorders. They also use them as general anesthetics.


Part of the reason sedatives are so heavily regulated is that they can be highly addictive. They can cause people to become dependent on them beyond their control.

It’s important to be careful when using these medications to avoid dependency and addiction. Don’t take them unless your doctor has prescribed them to you. Take them only as prescribed.


Sedatives work by modifying certain nerve communications in your central nervous system (CNS) to your brain. In this case, they relax your body by slowing down brain activity.

具体来说,镇静剂让the neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid ( GABA ) 加班。GABA负责减慢您的大脑。通过提高其在中枢神经系统中的活动水平,镇静剂使GABA能够对您的大脑活动产生更强的影响。

Here’s a a quick breakdown of the common types of sedatives. They’re allcontrolled substances.


Examples of drugs

  • alprazolam (Xanax)
  • lorazepam (Ativan)
  • 地西ep(valium)

What they treat

  • anxiety
  • panic disorders
  • sleep disorders


Examples of drugs

  • pentobarbital sodium (Nembutal)
  • phenobarbital (Luminal)

What they treat

  • used for anesthesia

Hypnotics (non-benzodiazepines)

Examples of drugs

  • zolpidem (Ambien)

What they treat

  • sleep disorders


Examples of drugs

  • hydrocodone/acetaminophen (Vicodin)
  • oxycodone (OxyContin)
  • oxycodone/acetaminophen (Percocet)

What they treat

  • 疼痛


Some of the immediate side effects you might notice include:

  • sleepiness
  • 头晕
  • blurred vision
  • 无法看到深度或距离以及往常(感知受损)
  • 对周围事物的反应时间较慢(反射受损)
  • 呼吸较慢
  • not feeling as much pain as usual (sometimes not even sharp or intense pain)
  • 在集中或思考(认知受损)上遇到困难
  • 说话更慢或说话

Long-term sedative use can lead to the following side effects:

Dependency develops when your body becomes physically dependent on the sedative and can’t function normally without it.

Signs of dependency

You may be experiencing dependency if you find yourself taking them regularly and feel you can’t stop taking them. This may be especially evident if you’re going beyond your prescribed dose or a safe amount.


Withdrawal symptoms

Dependency tends to become most obvious if you experience withdrawal symptoms. This happens when your body responds to the absence of the sedatives with uncomfortable or painful physical and mental symptoms.

Common withdrawal symptoms include:

  • increased anxiety
  • irritability
  • inability to sleep


Dependence develops depending on your body’s tolerance to the drug. It can happen over a few months or as quickly as a few weeks or less.

老年人可能是 more susceptible 对于某些镇静剂,例如苯二氮卓类药物,比年轻人。

Recognizing dependence and withdrawal symptoms

Dependence can be hard to recognize. The clearest symptom is that you can’t stop thinking about taking the drug.

This may be clearer when you compulsively think about the medication when having any symptom related to the condition you’re using it to treat and think that using it is the only way you’ll be able to cope with it.


Some of these symptoms, especially mood changes, can happen immediately.

Other symptoms point to withdrawal. These symptoms may appear several days or weeks after stopping use. Withdrawal symptoms can include:

  • nausea
  • 呕吐
  • 失去意识

Opioid caution

Opioids are especially prone to becoming addictive and producing harmful symptoms that can lead to overdose. Thesesymptomsinclude:

  • slowed or absent breathing
  • slowed heart rate
  • 极度疲劳
  • small pupils

如果您或亲人使用阿片类药物时,请致电911或当地的紧急服务。阿片类药物过量有high risk of death.



  • Avoid alcohol.Alcohol also works like a sedative, so drinking and taking a sedative at the same time can 复合效果 and lead to dangerous, life-threatening symptoms, such as loss of consciousness or stopping breathing.
  • Don’t mix sedatives together or with other medications that have similar effects.Mixing sedatives together or taking them with other medications that cause drowsiness, such as 抗组胺药 ,可能导致有害的副作用,甚至过量。
  • 在不咨询医生的情况下,不要在怀孕时服用镇静剂。Sedatives in high doses can harm a fetus unless taken in acontrolled medical environment.
  • Don’t smoke marijuana.Using marijuana may actually reduce the effects of sedatives, particularly ones used for anesthesia. A2019 study发现大麻使用者需要更高剂量的镇静剂来获得与不使用大麻的人相同的效果。

If you’re concerned about developing a dependency on sedative medications, talk to your doctor about alternatives.

Antidepressants, likeSSRIs,可以帮助治疗焦虑或恐慌症。Stress-reduction techniquescan also help, such as:

练习良好的睡眠卫生是帮助管理睡眠障碍的另一种工具。去睡觉并同时醒来(即使在休假的日子)也不要使用接近就寝时间的电子设备。Here are 15 other tips to sleep well at night.

如果生活方式的改变无助于您入睡,请与您的医生谈谈服用补品,例如 褪黑激素 or 缬草的根 .

Talk to your doctor if you feel like you can’t stop yourself from using sedatives.


Reach out to one of the following resources for help and support:

  • 致电药物滥用和心理健康服务管理局的国家热线索林at 800-662-HELP (4357) for free, confidential treatment referrals and information about addiction.
  • Go to theSAMHSA网站在您附近找到成瘾治疗中心。
  • Go to the National Institutes of Health’s official website for tips and resources about drugs and addiction.

Your doctor may also be able to recommend an addiction counselor, therapist, or a treatment center that can address both the medical and psychiatric effects of addiction.

If you have concerns about any sedatives that your doctor prescribes, ask your doctor or pharmacist these questions:

  • 它上瘾了吗?
  • How much is too much of a dose?
  • Are there any harmful side effects?

Having an open, honest conversation with an expert can help you feel more comfortable using them.

Sedatives are powerful. They lower brain activity and relax your mind.

它们可以有效治疗条件that make you feel overly wired, fearful, antsy, or tired, such as anxiety or sleep disorders. But they can also become addictive, especially if they’re misused.

Talk to your doctor before you start taking sedatives and be sure to follow their directions.

Help is available in many forms if you’re concerned about an addiction to sedatives. Don’t hesitate to reach out.