Turmeric, also known as the golden spice, is popular in Asian cuisine and has been a part of traditional Indian medicine — or Ayurveda — for thousands of years.

大多数姜黄的健康特性可归因于姜黄素,一种具有强抗氧化和抗炎特性的化合物( 1 )。

最近的研究表明,姜黄可能在减肥中发挥作用( 2 )。

However, you may wonder whether it’s effective — and how much you would have to take to see results.

This article explains whether turmeric aids weight loss.


事实上,试管研究表明姜黄素可以抑制在肥胖症中发挥作用的特殊炎症标记。这些标志物通常在体重或肥胖的人们升高( 3. )。

Animal studies indicate that this compound may promote weight loss, reduce fat tissue growth, curb weight regain, and enhance your sensitivity to the hormone胰岛素 3. 4. 5. 6. )。

What’s more, a 30-day study in 44 people who were previously unable to lose weight found that supplementing twice a day with 800 mg of curcumin and 8 mg of piperine led to significant reductions in body weight, body mass index (BMI), and waist and hip circumference ( 7. )。

Piperine is a compound in black pepper that may boost curcumin absorption by up to 2,000% ( 8. )。

此外,在1,600名人们将姜黄素摄入量减轻重量,BMI和腰围的姜黄素摄入量的综述综述。它还注意到脂联素水平增加,一种有助于调节你的激素metabolism 2 9. )。

While current research is promising, more human studies are needed before turmeric can be recommended for weight loss.


姜黄的抗氧化剂和抗炎能力 - 主要与其复合姜黄素相关 - 可能在体重减轻中发挥作用。一切都是必要的,进一步的人类研究。


短期研究表明,每天占8克姜黄素对健康的风险很小,但需要长期研究( 10. 11. )。

Nonetheless, some people who take large doses of this compound may experience adverse effects, such as allergic reactions,nausea那vomiting, stomach pain, constipation, skin rash, or diarrhea ( 10. )。


  • 出血障碍。Turmeric may hinder blood clotting, which may cause issues in people with bleeding disorders ( 12. )。
  • Diabetes.这些补充剂可以与糖尿病药物相互作用,并导致血糖水平下降太低( 13. )。
  • 缺铁。Turmeric may hinder iron absorption ( 14. )。
  • Kidney stones.This spice is high in oxalates, which are compounds that may bind to calcium and contribute to kidney stone formation ( 15. )。

请注意,有关这些补充剂的安全性的证据不足怀孕或母乳喂养女性。Therefore, they should avoid them.


姜黄素还可以与许多药物相互作用,包括抗凝血剂,抗生素,心血管药物,抗组胺药和化疗药物( 16. )。

Consult your healthcare provider to determine whether turmeric or curcumin supplements are right for you.




It’s also enjoyed in beverages like turmeric ginger tea andgolden milk,由加热牛奶,姜黄,生姜,黑胡椒和肉桂粉制成。

In Indian cuisine, turmeric is commonly consumed in tea with black pepper and other ingredients like honey, ginger, olive oil, and coconut oil.


这是因为姜黄用于少量s a spice. Moreover, the spice contains a mere 2–8% curcumin — whereas extracts pack up to 95% curcumin ( 3. 17.)。

You may want to choose a supplement that includes black pepper, as its compounds significantly improve curcumin absorption.

虽然这些补充剂没有官方剂量指南,但大多数研究表明,每天500-2,000毫克姜黄提取物就足以看到潜在的益处( 8. )。

However, you should avoid taking high doses of turmeric for longer than 2–3 months at a time, as long-term safety research is unavailable.

While you shouldn’t expect turmeric to aid weight loss, this powerful herb has许多其他福利,例如降低风险的脑状况和心脏病。



姜黄是A.versatile spice and can be used in cooking or taken as a supplement. Though its effects on weight loss need to be studied further, it may provide numerous other benefits.

姜黄是A.popular spice与许多益处相关,包括心脏和脑部健康。

虽然它承担了承诺weight loss在为此目的建议之前,需要更广泛的人类研究。

Turmeric and its active compound curcumin are widely recognized as safe, but you should consult a health professional if you have any concerns.