
炎症是人体对伤害或感染的自然反应,通常会导致局部发红,肿胀, pain, or heat. It may cause loss of function of the involved tissues. Acute inflammation is typically a protective and localized response to infection or injury. It’s designed to heal the body and restore normal tissue function.


如果inflammation persists for a prolonged period of time, it becomes chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation can be the result of an infection,autoimmune reaction, orallergy


Certain foods have been identified as消炎(药)。They may help to reduce chronic inflammation and脂肪酸在发现fish,某些坚果, and even巧克力所有人都因其抗炎特性而得到认可。

研究into exactly how well these foods reduce inflammation in the body is mixed, but promising. One easy way to incorporate anti-inflammatories into your diet is through the use of spices.

Turmericis a brilliant yellow spice common in Indian cuisine that you can find in any grocery store. Turmeric has been used as a medicine for centuries to treat wounds, infections,感冒和肝病。

学习 已经表明了这一点姜黄素,姜黄中的化合物可能会减少体内的炎症。

Ginger是许多美食中使用的香料香料。您可以在大多数超市中购买粉末或作为新鲜的根。Ginger被用作traditi吗onal medicine to treat stomach upset, headaches, and infections.

The anti-inflammatory properties of生姜已经praised for centuries, and 科学研究 已经确认了。

Cinnamon是一种流行的香料,通常用来调味烘焙食品。但是肉桂不仅仅是我们蛋糕中的美味添加剂。 学习 已经表明了这一点the spice has anti-inflammatory properties, which can ease swelling.


The anti-inflammatory properties of大蒜已经 proven 缓解关节炎症状。A little bit can go a long way. Use fresh大蒜in almost any savory dish for added flavor and health benefits.

如果the taste is too much for you, roast a head of garlic for a sweeter, milder flavor.

Cayenneand other hot辣椒已经praised for their health benefits since ancient times. All chili peppers contain natural compounds called capsaicinoids. These are what give the spicy fruit its消炎(药)properties


如果辣椒is too hot for your liking, you’ll be happy to know that the milderblack pepper也因其抗炎特性而被鉴定出来。黑胡椒被称为“香料之王”,以其风味和抗菌,抗氧化剂和抗炎益处而受到重视。

学习已经表明了这一点the chemical compounds of black pepper, particularly piperine, may be effective in the early acute inflammatory process.

丁香s已经used as an expectorant, and to treatupset stomach, nausea , and inflammation of the mouth and throat. Research is still mixed, but evidence suggests that they may have anti-inflammatory properties.
