Man eating fruit at table with cat sitting next to him Share on Pinterest
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Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a parasite calledToxoplasma gondii.It can be found in cat feces, undercooked meat, and contaminated food and water.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that over 40 million people in the United States may have the parasite.

Of those with the parasite, the people most at risk of serious illness are people with weakened immune systems and babies born to parents with toxoplasmosis.

Keep reading to learn more about toxoplasmosis, how it’s diagnosed and treated, and the steps you can take to avoid getting this parasitic infection.

Most people who’ve contractedT. gondiishow no signs or symptoms. When symptoms are present, they may last for a month or more and usually resolve on their own.

Toxoplasmosis symptoms are often flu-like and may include:


People who are at risk of serious infection include:

  • people withHIV
  • 正在服用的人chemotherapyto treat cancer
  • organ transplant recipients

Pregnant people with toxoplasmosis can also pass it on to the fetus. This is called congenital toxoplasmosis and can have serious consequences likemiscarriageor死胎。“Congenital“ refers to conditions acquired in the womb or that exist in a child from birth.

Children born withcongenital toxoplasmosiscan also develop other health problems later in life.

Toxoplasmosis in babies

大约75% of newborns born with toxoplasmosis don’t have any noticeable symptoms at birth. In some cases, congenital toxoplasmosis can be detected alongside irregularities in a baby’s brain and eyes.

However, sometimes toxoplasmosis can be life threatening for the baby soon after birth.


Toxoplasmosis in children

有时婴儿先天性弓形体病n’t noticeably ill at birth but develop signs and symptoms as they get older.


The name of the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis isT. gondii。It’s a tiny, single-celled organism.

Aside from congenital toxoplasmosis, which is passed from a pregnant parent to their baby, most people become infected when they ingest theT. gondiiparasite. This can happen in several different ways.

Cat feces

In the United States,T. gondiican be found in cat feces. Although the parasite can be in nearly all warm-blooded animals, cats are the only known hosts. This means that the parasite only reproduces in cats. A cat with toxoplasmosis can shed millions of eggs in its feces for 1 to 3 weeks 感染后。

It’s possible to contractT. gondiiwhen you’re exposed to contaminated cat feces. This could happen if you clean out a cat litter box without washing your hands afterward.

If you’re pregnant, you should ask someone else to take care of any cat litter chores. If you absolutely must clean out the litter box yourself, use gloves and empty waste from the box daily. The parasite isn’t infectious until 1 to 5 days 在它的棚子之后。

Overall, it’s very rare for humans to get toxoplasmosis from cats. House cats that aren’t allowed outside have a very low chance of carryingT. gondii。生活在外和狩猎的野生猫或猫更有可能成为寄生虫。猫通常不会显示弓形虫病的症状。

Undercooked meat

You can get toxoplasmosis from raw or undercooked meat and shellfish.

This includes:

  • 猪肉
  • lamb
  • 鹿肉
  • oysters, mussels, or clams

Make sure all meat and shellfish are cooked to asafe internal temperaturebefore eating.


Contaminated food and water

除了出现在一些肉类和贝类中,T. gondii也可以污染食物或水。然后寄生虫可以移动到吃或喝污染物质的人类。

Because the parasite can exist in feces, it can also be found on some unwashed produce that has been contaminated with animal feces or manure. Washing your fruits and vegetables can help prevent toxoplasmosis.



A doctor will typically perform ablood test那called a toxoplasma test, to check for antibodies toT. gondii。If you’ve ever been exposed toT. gondiiantibodiesto the parasite will be present in your blood. If your antibody test is positive, then you’ve had toxoplasmosis at some point in your life.

However, a positive result doesn’t necessarily mean that you currently have an active infection. If your test comes back positive for antibodies, your doctor might do further testing.


Here’s how it works:

  • IgM antibodies will be present earlier in a toxoplasmosis infection (possibly active). IgMs can usually be seen about a week after infection and will continue to rise and then fall.
  • Repeat testing is usually done 2 weeks after the first result to confirm the presence of IgM antibodies.
  • IgG antibodies appear a couple of weeks or so after a toxoplasmosis infection. These antibodies will likely be present for life.

A molecular test can also be used to detect DNA fromT. gondiiin a sample of blood or another bodily fluid. While abiopsycan allow a doctor to see the parasite in a tissue sample, this is done less frequently.

If you’re pregnant and have an active infection, your doctor will test your amniotic fluid and the fetus’ blood to see if toxoplasmosis has been transmitted to the fetus. Anultrasoundcan also help determine whether the fetus has signs of toxoplasmosis.

Toxoplasmosis can lead to serious complications for pregnant people and their babies, as well as for people with weakened immune systems, such as those living with HIV.

Complications for pregnant people

The reason that pregnant people need to take special precautions to avoid toxoplasmosis is that it can be very serious for a fetus to contract toxoplasmosis in the uterus. Toxoplasmosis can lead to a miscarriage, stillbirth, or premature delivery.

When a baby is born with toxoplasmosis, it can have lasting consequences on the body, particularly the eyes and brain. In general, babies who get toxoplasmosis early in a pregnancy have more severe health issues than those who get it later in a pregnancy.

Complications for people with HIV

People with a weakened immune system, especially people with HIV, can experience more serious complications during a toxoplasmosis infection.

These complications can include:

  • cerebral toxoplasmosis (toxoplasmic encephalitis), which is when toxoplasmosis affects the brain, causing:
    • headaches
    • seizures
    • vision changes
    • trouble with movement
    • problems with thinking and memory
    • confusion
  • pneumonitis那when toxoplasmosis impacts the lungs, leading to fever,cough那andshortness of breath
  • 眼睑肌瘤病,眼睛感染导致blurry visioneye pain那andlight sensitivity

In rare cases when toxoplasmosis affects the brain, for people with HIV this infection can be an 艾滋病定义疾病

Other areas of the body can also be affected 通过弓形虫病,如:

  • heart
  • liver
  • pancreas
  • 上校on
  • testes

If you’re in good overall health and are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms, you may not need treatment for toxoplasmosis. This is because the infection resolves on its own in most healthy people.

However, if toxoplasmosis is severe or occurs in a person with a weakened immune system, treatment is required. In rare cases, hospitalization is necessary.


  • Pyrimethamine(Daraprim) is an antiparasitic. It is also used to treatmalaria
  • Sulfadiazineis anantibiotic。It targets bacteria that cause infections.

Treatment for toxoplasmosis with medication often lasts 2到4周

Pyrimethamine decreases your levels of folic acid (vitamin B9). Because of this, your doctor may also ask you to takefolinic acid(leucovorin) to help preventfolic acid deficiencywhile in treatment for toxoplasmosis.

If you have a weakened immune system, you’ll likely need to continue your treatment for at least an additional 4 to 6 weeks after symptoms disappear. In some situations, treatment can continue for 6 months or more.

In people with HIV, treatment continues until levels ofCD4细胞艾滋病毒的免疫细胞的影响,改善和viral loadis suppressed byantiretroviral therapy。This is because it’s possible for toxoplasmosis to reactivate when CD4 counts are low.

Treatment during pregnancy



  • Spiramycin那an antibiotic and antiparasitic, is usually recommended if the infection is detected prior to 18 weeks
  • After this, a combination ofpyrimethaminesulfadiazine那andfolinic acidis generally used.

Your doctor will talk with you about the best course of treatment for your particular case and may refer you to a specialist.


Newborns with signs or symptoms of toxoplasmosis are typically treated with a combination of pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine, and folinic acid for 12 months

However, both pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine can have significant side effects like liver toxicity and suppression of the bone marrow that helps produce blood cells. Because of this, these infants will need to have regular monitoring of their血统andliver function

Some babies born to a parent with toxoplasmosis have no symptoms of congenital toxoplasmosis at birth. As they grow, these children will need regular assessments for signs of vision problems, hearing loss, or developmental delays.

Most people recover from toxoplasmosis in days to weeks. Your doctor may not prescribe any treatments if your symptoms are mild and you are otherwise in good overall health.


Prenatal treatment of toxoplasmosis can help reduce the risk of transmitting the parasite to the fetus. If transmission has already occurred, treatment can lower the baby’s risk of health complications at birth or later in life.

Nevertheless, babies born with toxoplasmosis may receive treatments for up to a year. They may also still develop long-term health problems.


Knowing the risks of contamination and practicing proper hygiene can help prevent this infection.

Key tips for prevention include:

  • 洗手frequently, especially:
    • after scooping cat litter or cleaning the cat litter box
    • before, during, and after handling or preparing food
    • before eating
    • 在潜在污染的土壤工作或园艺后
  • Make sure all meat or shellfish is properly cooked to safe internal temperatures before eating it.
  • Don’t drink未经处理的或“生”水
  • 清洗所有新鲜农产品before you eat it.
  • 清洁所有器具和烹饪表面that are used for raw meat, shellfish, or unwashed produce.
  • 保持猫在室内,以帮助防止它们感染T. gondii




You can take simple steps to lower your risk of acquiring toxoplasmosis. These include frequent handwashing, cooking meats and shellfish to safe internal temperatures, and avoiding cleaning or scooping the cat litter box if you’re pregnant.

If you believe you or a loved one has symptoms of this infection, reach out to a doctor.