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petechiae在皮肤上是紫色,红色或棕色斑点。它们通常出现在您的手臂,腿,胃和臀部上。您可能还会在嘴里或眼睑中找到它们。这些精确的斑点可能是许多不同条件的迹象 - 有些是次要的,有些则是严重的。它们也可以作为对某些药物的反应。



Conditions that may cause petechiae include:

Possible cause Additional symptoms and information
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) CMV is an illness caused by a virus. Other symptoms include fatigue, fever, sore throat, and muscle aches.
Endocarditis This infection of the inner lining of the heart includes symptoms like fever, chills, fatigue, achy joints and muscles, shortness of breath, cough, and pale skin.
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome This viral infection causes flu-like symptoms and breathing problems. Other symptoms include fatigue, fever, and muscle aches.
Injuries Damage to the skin, such as from blunt force (for example, a car accident), biting, or hitting can cause petechiae to form. Friction against the skin from carrying a heavy bag/backpack or a tight strap from clothing can lead to petechiae. A sunburn can also cause petechiae.
Leukemia 白血病是骨髓的癌症。其他症状包括发烧,发冷,疲劳,无意减肥,腺体肿胀,出血,瘀伤,流鼻血和夜汗。
Meningococcemia 这是呼吸道中的细菌感染。其他症状包括发烧,头痛,肌肉疼痛和恶心。
单核细胞增多症(单核细胞增多症) Mono is a viral infection that’s transmitted through saliva and other bodily fluids. Other symptoms include extreme fatigue, sore throat, fever, swollen lymph nodes, swollen tonsils, and headache.
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) RMSF是tick传递的细菌感染。其他症状包括高烧,发冷,严重的头痛,肌肉酸痛,恶心和呕吐。
猩红热 This bacterial infection can develop in people after they’ve had strep throat. Other symptoms include a rash, red lines on the skin, flushing of the face, red tongue, fever, and sore throat.
Scurvy 坏血病是由饮食中维生素C太少引起的。其他症状包括疲劳,牙龈肿胀,关节疼痛,呼吸急促和瘀伤。
Sepsis 这是一种威胁生命的血液感染。其他症状包括高烧,快速心率和呼吸困难。
紧张 Activities that cause you to strain can tear blood vessels in your face, neck, and chest. These activities include crying, coughing, vomiting, lifting weights, or giving birth.
Strep throat Strep throat is a bacterial infection that causes a sore throat. Other symptoms include swollen tonsils, swollen glands, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, and body aches.
Thrombocytopenia Thrombocytopenia是一个条件,你有太少的血小板-blood cells that help your blood clot. Other symptoms include bruises, bleeding from your gums or nose, blood in your urine or stool, fatigue, and yellow skin and eyes.
Vasculitis Vasculitisis marked by swelling, narrowing, and scarring of the blood vessels. Other symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, weight loss, aches and pains, night sweats, and nerve problems.
病毒性出血热s Infections such as登革热,,,,Ebola,,,,andyellow feverare all viral hemorrhagic fevers. These infections make it harder for your blood to clot. Other symptoms include high fever, fatigue, dizziness, aches, bleeding under the skin, and weakness.

Petechiae are a side effect of certain drugs. Some examples of medications that may cause petechiae as a side effect include:

Type of drug Examples
Antibiotics 硝基氟氨酸(大焦点),青霉素
Antidepressants desipramine (Norpramin)
Anti-seizure drugs 卡马西平(卡娃娃酚,表质,tegretol,其他)
血液稀释剂 warfarin,肝素
Heart rhythm drugs atropine (Atropen)
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) indomethacin (Indocin), naproxen (Aleve, Anaprox, Naprosyn)
镇静剂 chloral hydrate

If you or your child has petechiae, call a doctor. Some of the underlying causes of petechiae are serious and need to be treated. It’s hard to know whether you have something mild or serious until you see your doctor for a diagnosis.

You should also call if you have serious symptoms like these:

  • high fever
  • trouble breathing
  • confusion
  • change in consciousness


  • damage to the kidneys, liver, spleen, heart, lungs, or other organs
  • heart problems
  • 身体其他部位的感染




  • antibiotics to treat a bacterial infection
  • 皮质类固醇减轻炎症
  • 抑制免疫系统的药物,例如硫唑嘌呤(Azasan,Imuran),甲氨蝶呤(Trexall,Rheumatrex)或环磷酰胺
  • chemotherapy,,,,biologic therapy, or radiation to treat cancer

You can also try these home remedies to relieve your symptoms:

  • 休息。
  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil,,,,Motrin)或对乙酰氨基酚(Tylenol).
  • 喝额外的液体以防止脱水。

To prevent petechiae, you need to avoid the conditions that can cause them. But you can’t prevent all of the possible underlying causes of petechiae.


To prevent infections that can cause petechiae:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, or use an alcohol-basedhand sanitizer
  • 尝试远离任何似乎生病的人。
  • Don’t share glasses, utensils, and other personal items.
  • 清洁台面和其他常见表面。
  • Practice safe sex.
  • 应用含有DEET的驱虫剂before you go into wooded or grassy areas. Also, wear a long-sleeved shirt and long pants, and tuck your pants into your socks. Check your entire body for ticks when you get back home.