Blood is made up of several types of cells which float in a liquid called plasma. The types of blood cells are:

  • 红细胞
  • 白血细胞
  • 血小板(也称为血小板)



血小板减少症可以是由一系列因素,如怀孕,医疗条件如白血病那要么certain medications (such as blood thinners). As a result, there are multiple treatment options for thrombocytopenia which may differ depending on the root cause of the condition.


If you have a low platelet count, you may 经验


如果您遇到任何迹象internal bleeding,寻求立即医疗。


低血小板计数的许多潜在原因 那including:

Bone marrow issues



血小板生活7-10 days在没有血小板减少症的人。低血小板计数可能是身体过快地破坏太多血小板的结果。身体可能会破坏其血小板的一些原因 include

如果您认为您可能会遇到低血小板计数的症状,请与医疗保健专业人员交谈 - 特别是如果您正在经历严重的症状,例如不会阻止出血的伤口或切割,或粪便中的血液。


Physical examination

If your doctor suspects a low platelet count, they will first do a physical exam. Your doctor will check your body for unusual bruising or evidence of Petechiae. (small red and purple dots), which is a sign of capillary bleeding that often accompanies a low platelet count.

Your doctor may also feel your abdomen to check for an enlarged spleen or liver

Medical history


  • if you have a family history of bleeding disorders
  • medications that you take
  • 你采取的草本补充剂
  • 你的饮食模式
  • 酒精intake and IV drug use
  • 目前的性保护方法



有multiple blood, bone marrow, and ultrasound tests that can help your doctor diagnose this condition and determine the underlying cause.

Blood tests



您的医生也可能选择执行a blood smear 测试,在显微镜下看着你的血液,看看血小板的外观。

You blood may also be tested for platelet antibodies 。这些是破坏血小板的蛋白质。血小板抗体可以作为某些药物的副作用,例如肝素,或出于未知的原因。

血液凝血试验,包括部分血栓形成时间prothrombin time那may also be ordered. These tests require a sample of your blood. Certain chemicals are added to the sample to determine how long it takes your blood to clot.


如果您的医生怀疑您的脾脏被扩大,他们可能会订购超声。This test uses sound waves to make a picture of your spleen.


一种 bone marrow test 也可以进行。有两种类型的骨髓试验:活组织检查和吸入。在某些情况下,两个测试可以同时进行。

A.骨髓觉醒那a small amount of bone marrow is removed from one of your bones.

在一个骨髓活检那a sample of your core bone marrow is removed, usually from the hipbone.




  • blood or platelet transfusions
  • changing medications that are causing a low platelet count
  • 处方类固醇,免疫球蛋白或其他抑制免疫系统的药物
  • spleen removal surgery

If you are at risk of developing a low platelet count, scheduling regular doctor’s visits will help you pay attention to potential signs and symptoms.

让您的医生知道您采取的任何补充剂或药物。此外,请注意,某些过于反击的止痛药,如布洛芬和阿司匹林 可以瘦你的血液

When possible, avoid activities like 联系运动 that put you at risk for bleeding injuries, or talk to your doctor about safety measures.

If your spleen has been removed, watch for potential signs of infection — as the removal of the spleen can increase the risk — and seek medical attention if you start to feel ill or have a fever.


如果您面临由于潜在的条件或病史导致血小板计数低,您的医疗保健专业人员可能会建议您采取预防措施。这些五月 include

  • 避免出血或瘀伤风险高的活动(即,接触体育)
  • 限制酒精消费
  • making dietary changes
  • 停止或切换影响血小板的药物,包括阿司匹林和布洛芬
  • 获得某些类型的疫苗接种
  • avoiding toxic chemicals



While a low platelet count may sound scary, there is much that can be done to prevent and treat the condition. In some cases, the only recommended treatment is to simply monitor it.

However, some individuals with low platelet counts will require treatment. In most cases, the low platelet count is resolved by treating the underlying cause.
