Calcification happens whencalciumbuilds up in body tissue, blood vessels, or organs. This buildup can harden and disrupt your body’s natural processes.

Calcium is transported through the bloodstream. It’s also found in every cell. As a result, calcification can occur in almost any part of the body.

根据the 国家医学院 (formerly the Institute of Medicine), about 99 percent of your body’s calcium is in your teeth and bones. The other 1 percent is in the blood, muscles, fluid outside the cells, and other body tissues.

Some disorders cause calcium to deposit where it doesn’t typically belong. Over time, this can add up and cause problems. You may need treatment to prevent complications if you have this extra calcium buildup.

Calcifications can form in many places throughout your body, including:

  • small and large arteries
  • heart valves
  • brain,被称为颅钙化
  • 关节和肌腱,例如膝关节和肩袖肌腱
  • soft tissues likebreasts,,,,muscles,fat
  • kidney,,,,bladder,胆囊

Some calcium buildup is harmless. These deposits are believed to be the body’s response to inflammation, injury, or certain biological processes. But some calcifications can disrupt organ function and affect blood vessels.

根据the Division of Cardiology at UCLA School of Medicine, most adults older than 60 have calcium deposits in their blood vessels

Many factors play a role in calcification, including:

  • 感染
  • calcium metabolism disorders that causehypercalcemia(血液中的钙太多)
  • genetic or autoimmune disorders affecting theskeletal system和结缔组织
  • persistent inflammation


This is also true forkidney stones。Most kidney stones are made of calcium oxalate. People who get calcium oxalate stones release more calcium in their urine than those who don’t. This disparity happens no matter how much calcium people have in their diets.

Calcifications are usually found viaX-rays。X射线测试使用电磁辐射拍摄内部器官的照片,通常不会引起不适。您的医生可能会立即检测到X射线检查的任何钙化问题。

Your doctor may also order blood tests. For example, if you have kidney stones, these tests can determine your overall kidney function.


A doctor will order abiopsy(通常是通过细针)收集组织样品。然后将样品发送到实验室进行测试。如果未检测到癌细胞,您的医生会将钙化标记为良性。


根据the 国家癌症研究所 在50岁以上的女性中,乳房中的宏观钙化最为常见。男人也可以得到乳房钙化,但这并不常见。

Breast calcifications happen for several reasons. Breast injuries, cell secretions, infections, and inflammation can cause breast calcifications. You might also get calcifications if you’ve hadbreast cancer或癌症的放射治疗。

Most breast calcifications aren’t cancerous. This is especially true for macrocalcifications.

Microcalcifications are often not cancerous, but some microcalcification patterns may be signs of early breast cancer.

Breast calcifications are too small to be found during a regular breast exam. Your doctor usually spots these deposits during a乳房X线照片of your breast tissue. Your doctor may ask you to schedule a follow-up appointment if any calcifications need to be checked again.




  • 钙沉积在哪里发生?
  • What is their underlying cause?
  • What, if any, complications arise?


Heart valves can also develop calcifications. In this case, you may need surgery to open or replace the valve if the calcium buildup is severe enough to affect the valve’s function.

Kidney stone treatments help break down calcium buildup in the kidneys. Your doctor may prescribe a利尿剂称为噻嗪类,以防止未来的钙肾结石。这种利尿信号表明肾脏在保持更多钙的同时释放尿液。

Calcium deposits in your joints and tendons don’t always cause painful symptoms, but they can affect your range of motion and cause discomfort. Treatments may include takinganti-inflammatory medicinesand applying ice packs. If the pain doesn’t go away, your doctor may recommend surgery.


If you’re under 65 years old and were born with a heart defect or kidney-related issues, calcifications can be more common for you than for others your age. If you know of any of these conditions, ask a doctor about getting tested for calcifications.


Talk with your doctor if you’re taking any of these medications or having related treatments to understand the effects of these treatments on your calcium levels.

如果您经常服用碳酸钙补充剂(例如TUMS),则可能会将钙提升到高水平。肾脏或甲状旁腺的问题(背面的四个小腺甲状腺) can also cause calcium levels in your blood to rise too high.


Smoking is associated with increased calcifications in the heart and major arteries. As smoking is a major risk factor for developing heart disease, these calcifications may also play a role.


There is no proven way to prevent calcifications, as they result from various biological processes. Quitting smoking and changing diet may impact the formation of calcifications, depending on the location of the buildup.

Kidney stones may form less often with certain dietary changes. Talk with a doctor about ways to incorporate ahealthy diet进入你的生活方式。

Calcifications don’t cause symptoms on their own. They’re often detected when X-rays are being done for other reasons. Talk with a doctor if you have any underlying health problems. For example, you may be susceptible to calcifications if you haveheart disease,,,,kidney disease, or if you smoke.

Your outlook depends on the location and severity of the calcifications. Hardened calcium deposits can interrupt vital processes in the brain and heart. Calcifications in your blood vessels can lead tocoronary heart disease

你和你的doctor can discuss the best ways to manage the health issues that may put you at risk for calcifications.

Calcification is a buildup of calcium in body tissue. The buildup can form hardened deposits in soft tissues, arteries, and other areas.

Some calcifications don’t cause painful symptoms, while others can lead to severe complications. Treatment depends on the location, severity, and underlying cause of the deposits.