细菌从表面扩散到人们当我们联系a surface and then touch our face with unwashed hands.

Proper handwashing is the best way to protect yourself and others from being exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

为了对抗Covid-19, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 建议定期用肥皂和水洗手至少20秒钟,尤其是如果您去过公共场所或打喷嚏,咳嗽或吹鼻子。

Washing your hands properly with soap and running water can stave off illnesses that affect healthy people, as well as those with weakened immune systems.

Handwashing can protect you from COVID-19 and respiratory infections, such aspneumonia和胃感染引起的diarrhea。这些情况中的许多人对某些人,例如老年人,免疫系统,婴儿和儿童的人都可能致命。即使您没有生病,也可以传递这些细菌。

Washing your hands with soap and water has been found to reduce more bacteria than washing with water alone.抗菌肥皂每天在医疗保健环境之外的家中使用每天都不需要使用。普通的肥皂和水可能有效。


  1. Rinse your hands under running water at a comfortable temperature. Warm water isn’t more effective than cold water at killing germs.
  2. Apply the type of soap you like best. Soaps to try include liquid formulas, foams, and those with added moisturizers.
  3. Work up a lather for half a minute or longer. Make sure to spread the lather on all parts of your hands and wrists, including under your fingernails and between your fingers.
  4. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
  5. 如果您使用的是公共浴室,请使用纸巾既关闭水龙头,又在退出时转动门把手。

Frequent handwashing is ahygiene habityou should practice every day.

Wash your hands after you’ve been in a public place or have touched a surface that’s been touched by multiple people, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The following surfaces are often touched by many people:

  • doorknobs
  • railings
  • 室外垃圾箱或垃圾桶
  • light switches
  • 气泵
  • cash registers
  • touch screens
  • 购物车或篮子

You should also wash your hands in the following situations:

For food prep and eating

  • before, during, and after preparing or cooking food, which is especially important if you touch raw chicken, eggs, meat, or fish
  • before eating or drinking

For personal care, intimate activities, and first aid

  • 使用厕所后,无论是在家还是在公共洗手间
  • after changing a baby’s diaper or helping a small child use the toilet
  • before changing contact lenses
  • after blowing your nose, sneezing, or coughing, especially if you’re sick
  • 在服用药物之前,例如药丸或眼部滴
  • 性或亲密活动后
  • 在治疗烧伤或伤口之前,要么对自己或其他人
  • 倾向于生病的人


  • 在使用公共交通工具之前和之后,尤其是如果您握住公共汽车和地铁的栏杆
  • after handling money or receipts
  • after handling household or commercial garbage
  • 与明显的肮脏表面接触后,或者当您的手明显脏时


  • 如果您是医生,X射线技术员或脊医
  • 如果您是美容师,美容师,纹身艺术家或美容师
  • 进入医院,医生办公室,疗养院或其他类型的医疗机构之前和之后

Pet care

  • 喂宠物后,特别是如果他们吃生食
  • after walking your dog or handling animal waste


食品药品监督管理局(FDA)有 announced recalls of several hand sanitizers due to the potential presence of methanol.

Methanol is a toxic alcohol that can have adverse effects, such as nausea, vomiting, or headache, when a significant amount is used on the skin. More serious effects, such as blindness, seizures, or damage to the nervous system, can occur if methanol is ingested. Drinking hand sanitizer containing methanol, either accidentally or purposely, can be fatal. Seeherefor more information on how to spot safe hand sanitizers.

If you purchased any hand sanitizer containing methanol, you should stop using it immediately. Return it to the store where you purchased it, if possible. If you experienced any adverse effects from using it, you should call your healthcare provider. If your symptoms are life threatening, call emergency medical services immediately.

Hand sanitizersare available as wipes and in gel form. They’re a convenient on-the-go option to use when soap and running water aren’t readily available.

然而,他们不应该经常使用of handwashing, since soap and water are more appropriate for regularly removing dirt, debris, and harmful germs than hand sanitizers.

Using hand sanitizers too frequently can also reduce the number of helpful bacteria on your hands and skin.


  • Use alcohol-based products.It’s important to check ingredients and use a sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Ethanol alcohol and isopropanol alcohol are both acceptable types.
  • 擦洗你的手。使用标签上推荐的手洗手液量,然后大力将其摩擦到双手中。就像洗涤时一样,请确保获得所有手的部位,包括手腕和指甲下方。摩擦直到他们吹干。
  • 有一定的范围。最好随身携带洗手液。当您walk狗,旅行或上课时,它可能会派上用场。

Keep your skin clean and moisturized

Of course, too much of a good thing can have negative consequences — and this counts for handwashing, too.



Consider your soap and storage

Since germs can live on poorly stored bar soap, liquid soap may be a better alternative. Liquid soaps should be used rather than bar soaps in schools and daycare settings.

Don’t go overboard

In some people, including children, overly frequent handwashing may be a sign of anxiety or a condition calledobsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Whether you’re a teacher, caregiver, or parent, it can be hard to get kids to wash their hands efficiently. Here are several tips and tricks that might help:

  • Pick your child’s favorite song and have them sing it while washing their hands. If it’s a short song, have them sing it twice. They can try it once in their own voice and once as a character they love.
  • 编造一首歌或诗,其中包括良好洗手的所有步骤,并经常与孩子背诵,尤其是在使用厕所和饭前。
  • Make sure the sink is within reach of little legs and hands, at home and school.
  • Use fun soaps. These can include foam, liquid soap that changes color, and those that have child-friendly scents or brightly colored bottles.
  • Play a game of thumb war or finger-spell with your child while handwashing.

Washing your hands with regular soap and running water is a highly effective way to stop the spread of germs and bacteria, including COVID-19.

It’s important to wash your hands before and after handling food or eating. Regular, nonantibacterial soap is fine for most everyday use.