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“There is no stressor, but the body is flooded with a sense that it needs to do something.”


I can be dead tired, and yet the moment the lights go out, my brain will shift gears instantly. A simple noise down the hall or stray thought about something that happened in my day can send my mind reeling down a relentless rabbit hole of侵入性思想

I’ll start beating myself up for choices I’ve made or I’ll agonize over decisions I have to make tomorrow.



If I fall asleep, will I hear my son if he wakes up and cries? Will he try to crawl out of the crib if I don’t hear him? What if he falls while I’m asleep? What if he hits his head?

What if. What if. What if…


Sometimes, I’ll be up for hours, paralyzed with fears, and completely unable to talk myself down from imagining the very worst things happening.



这一切都不是健康或乐趣 - 但我远离唯一一个拥有这种夜间焦虑的人。

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disordersaffect roughly 40 million adultsin the United States. It’s the most common mental illness in the country.

Everyone has some anxiety, but it becomes a disorder when that excessive fear and worry persists beyond one stressful event. It will start popping up for months on end, interfering with daily activities, such as work, relationships, responsibilities, and, of course, sleep.

“焦虑症是一种过于活跃的杏仁核the brain,” explains Lauran Hahn, a mental health counselor that specializes in anxiety and trauma therapy based in Orlando, Florida.

“The amygdala is responsible for sensing danger — it’s like the brain’s smoke detector,” Hahn says. “Once danger is perceived, the amygdala sends a signal to the body engaging the sympathetic nervous system, which I liken to a gas pedal. It gets the nervous system revved up and ready to take some action.”

That action is the战斗,飞行,冻结反应为我们准备了我们的危险,并使我们的身体释放皮质醇或肾上腺素等压力激素。反过来,导致你的心率加速,你的血压上升,血液从你的内脏转向你的四肢,这样你就可以更好地战斗或逃离。

“In a real threat or stressful event, this automatic process is brilliant,” Hahn says. “It naturally wakes up the brain and body and gives it the little extra boost it needs to handle the threat.”

The problem with ananxiety disorder但是,在那些需要参加的真正威胁或压力源。


Anxiety can be worse at night in part because we have no distractions from our anxious thoughts like we might have during the day.

Well, first off, there’s no substitute forseeking help从心理健康专业人员。






“As you lay in bed with eyes closed, visualize a table in front of you with lots of file folders spread out,” she says. “Be specific [about that table] — our minds connect with a picture.”


“As you file everything that could possibly be on your mind, you are slowly giving your brain the indication that nothing is wrong, everything has been examined and deemed not a threat,” she adds.


Other therapists recommend scheduling a “worry time” where you sit down, let yourself worry, and make a plan on how you’re going to address some of those things. Just make sure this “worry time” is nowhere close to your bedtime.

Build a sleep routine to transition from day to night

那是什么常规看起来像真的取决于你和你的需求。For some people, it’s meditation. For others, it’s as simple as taking a bubble bath before bed, lighting a scented candle, petting your cat, or reading a good book.


这意味着避免压力的活动 - 就像支付账单一样,听着这个消息,谈论政治,滚动你的手机 - 在通往你睡觉的时候滚动。

由于阻塞,限制屏幕曝光尤为重要blue lightat night can help you sleep.


“我们每个人都配备了24小时内部的身体时钟,称为我们的昼夜节律,告诉我们的思绪何时休息,何时要警惕,但它渴望一致,”Bill Fish,Sleep Science Coach和General Manager睡眠基础。

“If you made a concerted effort to go to bed within a 20-minute window each night, get your 8 hours of sleep, and wake within the same 20-minute window each morning, you will gradually train your body, and will make it much easier to get to sleep each night, especially when dealing with anxiety,” Fish says.

It’s important to wake up at the same time every day too, even if you have a bad night’s sleep.

“We often think we should ‘catch up’ on sleep over the weekend or if we have a bad night of sleep,” says Annie Miller, a licensed social worker and behavioral sleep medicine provider based in Washington, D.C. “But in fact, that can make insomnia worse by creating what’s called social jetlag.”


Don’t lie in bed awake



Don’t turn on bright lights, of course, but go do a low-stress activity — like pet your cat or drink a cup of tea — for a few minutes to help give your body another chance at winding down for the night.


当然,没有魔法治疗 - 夜间焦虑的所有产品。但是,在建立健康的夜间常规时,有一些产品可以帮助您放松并帮助您。

Weighted blankets很棒



Shop for Mosiac weighted blankets.



I found the sound machine features (particularly the ocean noises) incredibly soothing, though other people might find the white noise feature more soothing.



If you prefer not to get a product meant for kids, the company also recently came out with the Hatch Restore aimed at adults specifically. It has many of these same helpful features to create a bedtime routine without any of the baby-focused ones.


Everyone has heard thatchamomile tea可以帮助你睡觉。为什么?好吧,它通常被称为温和的镇静剂并具有称为Apigenin的抗氧化剂,其与大脑中的特异性受体结合,可能会降低焦虑,并帮助您困倦。

This sleepy tea takes chamomile up a notch by also adding in lavender, another ingredient that has been used for centuries to help calm nerves. The tea is also naturally caffeine free and, well, it’s simply delicious.

Shop for teapigs Snooze Sleepy tea.

Aromatherapyis a great self-care tool because it’s said to help improve pain levels and relieve stress.

特别是,虽然研究有点限制essential oils那lavender oil is one that’s generally considered anatural sleep aid。For example,一项哥多书found that lavender increased the amount of slow and deep wave sleep.




Lighting a scented candle before bed is a great way to do that.

想家makes a whole line of candles designed to evoke the smells of your home state or specific memories (like Grandma’s kitchen) so it’s pretty easy to find a scented candle that you’ll find calming.

Shop Homesick’s Nighttime Slumber candle.


温暖的浴缸可以做到很多那like reducing pain, improving breathing, lowering blood pressure, reducing heart attack risk, and improving blood sugar control.

To help you settle down for the night, Lush’s Deep Sleep and Twilight bath bombs are great choices because both have lavender oil in them.

Shop the沉睡and沐浴炸弹。


This body pillow is designed to not lose its shape and can help with your posture, making it super comfortable to hug as you drift off to sleep.

Shop the Company Store body pillow.

Lots of folks find it calming to read a book before bed, but if you struggle to focus on the page, there’s an alternative: audiobooks.


这就是为什么Audibleis a great choice. With a subscription, you’ll get one or two books a month, plus a discount on any additional audiobooks you want to buy.



前空间is an app that helps make meditation simple by teaching you mindfulness skills in just a few minutes every day.


Simone M. Scully is a writer who loves writing about all things health and science. Find Simone on her网站Facebook那and推特