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医学专家说,如果提起面具授权使您感到焦虑,这是完全可以理解的。Simone Wave/Stocksy United
  • The CDC has loosened guidelines for mask wearing.
  • While the update means COVID-19 cases are lower, some people may feel anxious about removing their masks.
  • 有多种方法可以减轻您的焦虑,以脱掉面具。


“It’s clear that COVID is receding, but it’s not gone, and it never will be gone. Even if we move from pandemic to endemic, it will be as though we have a truce with this virus,”Dr. William Schaffner,田纳西州纳什维尔的范德比尔特大学医学中心的预防医学和传染病教授告诉Healthline。雷竞技app官网

He anticipates that COVID-19 will continue to circulate but at levels that won’t put stress on the healthcare system disproportionately. “COVID will cause some illness, and that does lead us to this notion of how free or carefree we should be,” said Schaffner.






Sanam Hafeez, PsyD,neuropsychologist and director of Comprehend the Mind, said that after 2 years of living with some form of mask mandate, it became second nature to many people.

The Omicron variant recently peaked and many became used to being extra vigilant once again. While not everyone may have felt 100 percent comfortable riding a bus, subway, going to see a movie, or grocery shopping, the mask provided a level of security, protection, and sense of control that will diminish now,” Hafeez told Healthline.


“Without the law on their side, it puts them in a situation where they don’t have any power to take a stance. Their choice is either to wear a mask and be uneasy or to stay home and miss things that might be essential for their livelihood, their health, or their children’s needs and well-being,” she said.

Until COVID-19 numbers go down even more significantly, Hafeez said it’s understandable why immunocompromised individuals will face greater anxiety and have a tougher situation to navigate than others.

Dr. Georgia Gaveras, chief medical officer and co-founder of Talkiatry, added that changing guidelines around when to wear a mask and when to not can cause confusion.

“Two years later, we’re still being encouraged by the media to wear masks in all public spaces, and it sends a mixed message. Coupled with already anxious people, it can be a recipe for even greater anxiety,” she told Healthline.





Gaveras noted that anxiety can be a reasonable and protective response.

“It’s what made us cautious and gave us the internal feeling that wearing a mask was something that we needed to do to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe,” she said.


If you’re uneasy, reach out to your doctor, who can explain why you are or aren’t safe taking off the mask.



Vaccination is still the best defense against COVID-19.

“通过确保自己的助推器射击并尽最大努力照顾自己的健康,掌握自己的力量。请记住,如果您已完全接种疫苗和增强疫苗,则证明有很大的后果或死于Covid-19的机会非常苗条。” Hafeez说。




“The trends in infections and illness are moving in the right direction, even if places are being less restrictive and mask mandates are being lifted.”

Remove masks gradually

Expose yourself gradually to places or situations that are making you nervous, and build a hierarchy from least threatening to most threatening, suggested Hafeez.

Schaffner agreed. “Maybe first don’t wear it walking around outside. Or don’t wear it to the grocery store, but go to the store early when fewer people are there. Or pick circumstances where you feel more comfortable without it,” he said.

戴上面具, 如果需要的话

If COVID-19 case numbers in your area are still high or if they go up, remember that you can still wear a mask.

“没有法律反对戴口罩。除非法律或工作要求,否则您可以选择避免您认为不安全的许多活动/地点。” Hafeez说。