The fight-flight-freeze response is your body’s natural reaction to danger. It’s a type of压力反应这可以帮助您应对感知到的威胁,例如迎面而来的汽车或咆哮的狗。

The response instantly causes hormonal and physiological changes. These changes allow you to act quickly so you can protect yourself. It’s a survival instinct that our ancient ancestors developed many years ago.



Fight-flight-freeze isn’t a conscious decision. It’s an automatic reaction, so you can’t control it. In this article, we’ll further explore what this response entails, along with examples.

During a fight-flight-freeze response, many physiological changes occur.

The reaction begins in youramygdala,您的大脑部分负责感知到的恐惧。杏仁核通过向hypothalamus,刺激自主神经系统(ANS)。


In general, when your ANS is stimulated, your body releasesadrenalineand皮质醇, the stress hormone. These hormones are released very quickly, which can affect your:

  • 心率。您的心脏跳动更快,将氧气带入主要肌肉。在冷冻期间,您heart rate可能会增加或减少。
  • Lungs.Your breathing speeds up to deliver more oxygen to your blood. In the freeze response, you might hold your breath or restrict breathing.
  • Eyes.Your peripheral vision increases so you can notice your surroundings. Your瞳孔放大并让更多的光线,这可以帮助您更好地看到。
  • 耳朵。您的耳朵“振作起来”,听力变得更加清晰。
  • Blood.血液增厚,增加凝血因子。这为您的身体受伤做准备。
  • Skin.Your skin might produce more sweat or get cold. You may look pale or havegoosebumps
  • 手和脚。As blood flow increases to your major muscles, your hands and feet might get cold.
  • Pain perception.Fight-or-flight temporarily reduces your perception of pain.

Your specific physiological reactions depend on how you usually respond to stress. You might also shift between fight-or-flight and freezing, but this is very difficult to control.


While the fight-flight-freeze response causes physiological reactions, it’s triggered by a psychological fear.


The thing that you’re scared of is called a perceived threat, or something you consider to be dangerous. Perceived threats are different for each person.

When you’re faced with a perceived threat, your brain thinks you’re in danger. That’s because it already considers the situation to be life threatening. As a result, your body automatically reacts with the fight-flight-freeze response to keep you safe.


  • slamming on the brakes when the car in front of you suddenly stops
  • 走在外面时遇到咆哮的狗
  • jumping out of the way of an oncoming vehicle
  • getting spooked by someone jumping out of a room
  • 沿着街道行走时感到不安全


Overactive responses are more common in people who have experienced:


After a创伤事件,您可能会产生夸张的压力反应。它涉及与初始事件有关的反应模式。

This is more likely if you have a history of:

In this case, your brain reacts to related triggers to prepare you for future traumatic situations. The result is an overactive response.

An example if you’ve experienced trauma from a car accident. If the sound of a car horn reminds you of the event, you might have a stress response when you hear a car honking.


焦虑当您对情况感到害怕或紧张时。这是一种自然反应,可以帮助您做出适当的反应。如果你有anxiety disorder,您更有可能受到不威胁性压力源的威胁。


There are ways to cope with an overactive stress response. This includes various strategies and treatments, such as:

Relaxation techniques

By doing activities that promote松弛, you can counteract the stress response with the relaxation response.

Examples of relaxation techniques include:

  • deep abdominal breathing
  • focusing on a calming word
  • visualizing peaceful images
  • meditation
  • 重复的祈祷
  • 瑜伽
  • tai chi



Another strategy isregular exercise。体育活动通过以下方式降低了压力反应:

  • decreasing stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol
  • 增加内啡肽
  • improving calmness
  • 促进更好的睡眠

These benefits can increase your mood and sense of relaxation, which helps you better cope with stressful scenarios.

Social support

养育健康也很重要社会关系。Social support can minimize your psychological and physiological reactions to perceived threats. It provides a sense of safety and protection, which makes you feel less fearful.


  • friends
  • acquaintances
  • co-workers
  • 亲戚们
  • significant others
  • 导师

If you’re in a constant state of fight-or-flight, consider visiting amental health professional


  • always feeling “on edge”
  • 持续担心,紧张或恐惧
  • stress that interferes with daily activities
  • fear of nonthreatening situations
  • 无法放松

A mental health professional can help you determine the underlying cause of these feelings. They can also create a plan to reduce your stress response, depending on your symptoms and mental health history.


If you have a history of trauma or anxiety, you might overreact to nonthreatening situations. A mental health professional can help you find ways to cope. With their guidance, you can develop the most appropriate strategies for your situation.