Let’s take a closer look at the connection between autoimmune diseases and IBS, and why it matters when seeking a diagnosis.
Your immune system defends you from foreign invaders, such as:
- bacteria
- fungi
- toxins
- viruses
When it senses something foreign, it sends an army of antibodies on the attack. This can help prevent sickness or lessen the severity of symptoms. In some cases, it can even prevent future sicknesses from those same invaders.
If you have anautoimmune condition, it means your immune system is mistakenly attacking your body like it’s those foreign invaders.
Symptoms depend on what part of the body is affected.
Autoimmune conditions usually involve periods of intense disease activity. These are followed by remissions during which you have fewer symptoms.
There aremore than 100自身免疫性疾病影响身体的每个部位,包括胃肠道。
In a functional bowel disorder, the gastrointestinal tract (GI) doesn’t work as it should, but there’s no obvious abnormality.
- functionalconstipation:每周少于三轮运动或排便不完全
- functionaldiarrhea: recurrent loose or watery stools not associated with abdominal pain
- functional腹胀: abdominal distention not associated with another disorder
Some things that can affect the GI tract are:
- antacidsthat contain calcium or aluminum
- certain medications, such as antidepressants, narcotics, and iron pills
- 常规的更改,例如旅行
- a dietlow in fiber
- a diet rich in dairy products
- frequent use of antacids
- holding in bowel movements
- lack of physical activity
- pregnancy
- stress
- 疾病本身
- medication used to treat the disease
- IBS作为其他原发性疾病
The following are some autoimmune diseases that can cause symptoms similar to IBS:
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)causes a variety of symptoms, depending on the part of the body that your immune system is attacking. Symptoms generally include:
- 厌食
- fatigue
- fever
- malaise
- weight loss
GI symptoms are also common in SLE, and can include:
- 腹痛
- constipation
- vomiting
类风湿关节炎causes joint damage throughout the body. Symptoms include joint pain and swelling.
Gastrointestinal problems are common as well and include:
- diarrhea
- esophageal problems
- flatulence
- gastritis
- hiatal hernia
- weight loss
Ankylosing spondylitis
Ankylosing spondylitisis a type of arthritis that affects the spine. Symptoms may include:
- fatigue
- loss of appetite or weight loss
- 姿势不良和僵硬
Ankylosing spondylitis can also cause inflammation of the bowels. Coexisting conditions can includeulcerative colitis和Crohn’s disease.
Sjögren syndrome
Sjögren syndrome影响唾液腺和撕裂囊(泪腺)。症状通常包括:
- dry eyes
- 口干
- swallowing difficulty
It can also affect the entire GI tract, which can cause:
- 消化不良(indigestion)
- esophageal atrophy
- 恶心
Behcet’s disease
Behcet’s disease影响整个身体的静脉和血管。它还可能引起胃肠道病变和其他胃肠道症状,例如:
- 腹痛
- 厌食
- diarrhea or bloody diarrhea
- 恶心
- 消化道内的溃疡
Progressive systemic sclerosis (scleroderma)
硬皮病is a condition in which the body produces too much collagen, which can lead to:
- impaired taste
- restricted movement
- skin thickening and tightening
- 嘴唇变薄
- tightness around the mouth, which can make it hard to eat
GI symptoms may include:
- 腹胀
- constipation
- diarrhea
- medications you take
- 最近的感染或疾病
- recent stressors
- previously diagnosed health conditions
- foods that may calm or aggravate symptoms
Your doctor will start with a basic physical examination.
Blood and stool tests are used to check for infections and other diseases. The results, plus your symptoms and medical history, will guide any further diagnostic testing. This may include a结肠镜检查或者imaging tests.
There’s no specific test for IBS. The diagnosis depends on a pattern of symptoms.
You may receive a diagnosis of IBS if:
- you’ve had symptoms of IBS, such as bloating, abdominal discomfort, or a change in bowel movements and habits for more than 3 months
- 您的症状至少有6个月
- your quality of life is affected
- 找不到症状的其他原因
The cause of IBS isn’t entirely clear. It may be a combination of factors that cause the disorder. It may even be that they’re different for everyone.
Some factors that may play a role are:
IBS is not classified as an autoimmune disease, but as a functional bowel disorder. Researchers continue to explore the association between IBS and autoimmune disorders.
Because of these overlaps, certain autoimmune diseases should be ruled out as you seek a diagnosis for IBS.