A hiatal hernia occurs when the upper part of your stomach pushes up through your diaphragm and into your chest region.


一般都有 two types of hiatal hernia: sliding hiatal hernias and fixed, or paraesophageal, hernias.

Sliding hiatal hernia



这种类型的疝气是 不那么常见 。它也被称为仇外大疗法疝气。

在a fixed hernia, part of your stomach pushes through your diaphragm and stays there. Most cases are not serious. But there’s a risk that blood flow to your stomach could become blocked. If that happens, it could cause serious damage and is considered a medical emergency.


Surgical treatment is sometimes required to repair larger hiatal hernias and treat heartburn symptoms. Surgery for Hiatal herniasis used如果反流症状不能用药物成功控制,或者如果你有一种叫做巨型食管疝的疝气,也称为胃系发生。


While hiatal hernias can often be treated with lifestyle changes or medication, some people may need surgery to repair their hiatal hernias.



常见的手术选择 包括 :

  • 中断修理手术。这种手术使用缝合线和假啮齿物来拧紧并降低扩大的中断的尺寸,这是膜片中的开口,食管通过其前往胃。它可以防止你的胃通过中断向上膨胀,用于早期的海豚疝。
  • Nissen Fundoplication.这个程序涉及使用针脚包裹胃的上部,称为眼镜,围绕食道的底部,以使胃部保持在膈肌的侧面。缝线在食管末端产生压力,这可以防止胃酸和食物从胃部流动。
  • Collis-Nissen gastroplasty.This surgery is used to lengthen the esophagus in patients with more complex forms of Hiatal hernia due to esophageal shortening. In this procedure, a surgeon will use tissue from the upper part of your stomach to extend your esophagus.


手术to repair a hiatal hernia typically takes between 2和3小时 并且在您在全身麻醉时完成,因此您将在手术过程中睡着而不感到疼痛。


  • 开放式维修。在an open repair surgery, your surgeon will make a large surgical cut in your belly in order to perform surgery.
  • 腹腔镜修复。腹腔镜手术,你的外科医生将在腹部制作几个小切口,并通过其中一个切口用小相机插入薄管。外科手术工具将通过其他剪切插入。您的外科医生将使用连接到相机的显示器,以便查看胃内部并进行手术。






大多数疝疝的病例不需要治疗。症状的存在通常决定治疗。如果你有酸回流和胃灼热, you may be treated with medications or, if those don’t work, surgery.




Hiatal hernia 原因 酸回流symptoms. Changing your diet can reduce your symptoms. It may help to eat smaller meals several times a day instead of three large meals. You should also avoid eating meals or snacks within a few hours of going to bed.

还有某些食物这可能会增加风险灼伤。考虑 避免 :

  • 辛辣食物
  • 巧克力
  • 用西红柿做的食物
  • 咖啡因
  • onions
  • citrus fruits
  • alcohol


  • stopping smoking
  • 将床头抬高至少6英寸
  • 吃完后避免弯腰或躺下

The exact cause of many hiatal hernias is not known. In some people, injury or other damage may weaken muscle tissue. This makes it possible for your stomach to push through your diaphragm.

Another cause is putting too much pressure (repeatedly) on the muscles around your stomach. This can happen when:

  • coughing
  • 呕吐
  • 排便期间的紧张
  • 举重物体

Some people are also born with an abnormally large hiatus. This makes it easier for the stomach to move through it.



  • losing excess weight
  • not straining during bowel movements
  • 提升重物时得到帮助
  • 避免紧身巾和某些腹部锻炼

几次测试 可以诊断疝气疝气。




你的医生可以执行endoscopy。他们将在你的喉咙滑薄管和不是s it down to your esophagus and stomach. Your doctor will then be able to see if your stomach is pushing through your diaphragm. Any strangulation or obstruction will also be visible.


But certain factors like living with obesity and smoking may increase your risk of a hiatial hernia, so maintaining a moderate weight and quitting smoking may help decrease your risk of developing one.


  • 你感觉恶心
  • 你已经呕吐
  • 你不能通到气体或清空你的肠子

不要以为疝气疝气导致胸痛或不适。它也可能是心脏问题的迹象或peptic ulcers。It’s important to see your doctor. Only testing can find out what’s causing your symptoms.

胃食管反流疾病(GERD)occurs when the food, liquids, and acid in your stomach end up in your esophagus. This can lead to heartburn or nausea after meals. It’s common for people with a hiatal hernia to have GERD. However, that doesn’t mean either condition always causes the other. You can have a hiatal hernia without GERD or GERD without a hernia.

Many people with hiatal hernias have no symptoms and do not need medical care. But for people with more severe hernias, treatment with medication, lifestyle changes, and, in some cases, surgery may be needed to repair the hernia and provide relief from uncomfortable symptoms like heartburn and chest pain.

It’s possible for a hiatal hernia to recur after surgery. In a2020年的研究, the recurrence rate for patients who underwent a minimally invasive fundoplication surgery was 18 percent.
