什么是systemic lupus erythematosus?

Theimmune systemnormally fights off dangerous infections and bacteria to keep the body healthy. Anautoimmune diseaseoccurs when the immune system attacks the body because it confuses it for something foreign. There are many autoimmune diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

The term lupus has been used to identify a number of immune diseases that have similar clinical presentations and laboratory features, but SLE is the most common type of狼疮。当他们说狼疮时,人们往往是指SLE。

SLE is a chronic disease that can have phases of worsening symptoms that alternate with periods of mild symptoms. Most people with SLE are able to live a normal life with treatment.

根据美国红斑狼疮基金会,在least150万Americans are living with diagnosed lupus. The foundation believes that the number of people who actually have the condition is much higher and that many cases go undiagnosed.


其他症状依赖于身体的部分疾病正在攻击,如消化道, the或皮肤。

狼疮symptoms are also symptoms of many other diseases, which makes diagnosis tricky. If you have any of these symptoms, see your doctor. Your doctor can run tests to gather the information needed to make an accurate diagnosis.



The disease isn’t linked to a certain gene, but people with lupus often have family members with other autoimmune conditions.



  • ultraviolet rays
  • certain medications
  • 病毒
  • 身体或情感stress
  • trauma

Sex and hormones

SLE affects women more than men. Women also may experience more severe symptoms during pregnancy and with their menstrual periods. Both of these observations have led some medical professionals to believe that the female hormoneestrogenmay play a role in causing SLE. However, more research is still needed to prove this theory.

Your doctor will do a physical exam to check for typical signs and symptoms of lupus, including:

  • 阳光敏感性皮疹,如颧骨或蝴蝶皮疹
  • mucous membrane溃疡, which may occur in the mouth or nose
  • 关节炎, which is swelling or tenderness of the small joints of the hands, feet, knees, and wrists
  • 脱发
  • 发瘦
  • signs of cardiac or lung involvement, such asmur,摩擦或不规则的心跳



No cure for SLE exists. The goal of treatment is to ease symptoms. Treatment can vary depending on how severe your symptoms are and which parts of your body SLE affects. The treatments may include:

与您的医生讨论您的饮食和生活习惯。您的医生可能会建议进食或避免某些食物,并尽量减少压力,以降低触发症状的可能性。您可能需要进行筛选骨质疏松症since steroids can thin your bones. Your doctor may also recommend preventive care, such as immunizations that are safe for people with autoimmune diseases and cardiac screenings,



SLE不同地影响人们。当您在症状开发后尽快开始时,治疗最有效,当您的医生裁定给您时,当您的医生裁定到您身上。如果您培养任何关注您的症状,您将预约与医生预约。如果您还没有提供者,我们Healthline FindCare toolcan help you connect to physicians in your area.
