Bursts of short intensity exercise followed by short periods of rest during workouts is beneficial for both your physical and mental fitness. Getty Images
  • 新研究发现,锻炼惯例具有强度突发,然后休息短时间对大脑的神经塑性具有积极影响。
  • Neuroplasticity is a phenomenon that refers to the brain’s ability to adapt to change by altering its functional and structural properties.
  • 研究人员说,更长的高强度运动可能会增加足够的皮质醇水平,足以干扰运动中的一些积极效益。


Should you hit the weights for resistance training? Go on a long jog? Yoga?

Whatever your preferred method of exercise, newresearch来自南澳大利亚大学发现,定期混合您的常规可以对您的身体和大脑产生积极影响。

In a study published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, researchers reviewed 12 different experiments involving 128 people designed to monitor changes in the brain during bouts of aerobic exercise.



例如,一些使用的20分钟high-intensity interval training (HIIT)-short bouts of maximum energy expenditure followed by low intensity rest periods. Others used 25 minutes of “moderate intensity” continuous exercise, and another utilized a “low intensity” continuous 20-minute session.

“We found that high-intensity interval training (HIIT), or moderate intensity continuous training, resulted in the greatest benefits for neuroplasticity (as opposed to high- or low-intensity continuous training) in healthy young adults,” said study co-authorAshleigh Smith,博士,一名高级研究员School of Health Sciences在南澳大利亚大学。

Neuroplasticity is a phenomenon that refers to the brain’s ability to adapt to change by altering its functional and structural properties. When these changes occur, great things tend to happen, like learning and acquiring new skills.

In other words, physical exercise is good for your brain, too.

And while there’splenty of prior researchto indicate this, there’s far less about what types of exercise are actually best for brain health.

Just like you might do bicep curls to focus on building your arm muscles, it appears that there are certain exercise routines that are better for brain health than others.

“Our research shows that engaging in aerobic exercise enhances the brain’s ability to reorganize, called neuroplasticity. This is important because neuroplasticity underlies learning, memory, and recovery from injuries, such as stroke,” said Smith.

However, Smith and her team admit it’s not entirely certain biologically why some aerobic exercise appears advantageous over other forms, although they do have some theories.

Researchers say that the culprit is likely cortisol, frequently referred to as “the stress hormone.”

Cortisolis an essential part of the body’s endocrine system. However, in abundance, cortisol is linked with several common health problems.


Scientists believe that persistent heavy exercise can increase cortisol levels enough to interfere with some of the positive changes from the exercise itself.




Research indicates HIIT holds advantages over other forms of exercise for your body as well as your mind.

Dr. Jeffrey Schildhorn, a sports medicine orthopedic surgeon at Lenox Hill Hospital, NYC, told Healthline that there’s a lot more work to be done to understand the effects of exercise on the brain, but that exploring HIIT further seems promising.

“我认为有很多有价值的研究gets at. If you look at how exercise can help, there’s a lot of data that suggests that exercise in general — aerobic exercise specifically — is really good for brain development and even enhanced brain activity in people who are fully grown adults,” said Schildhorn.

HIIT tends toburn more caloriesin a shorter period of time than other forms of exercise and can help加速减肥

Scientists have even studied the effects of衰老的高素质在一个蜂窝水平,他们在去年在欧洲心脏杂志上发表的研究。


Telomeres are part of human chromosomes, and their length shortens with age. Shortened telomeres are associated with disease and other age-related health problems.




However, in its most basic form, HIIT is just about mixing up high-intensity exercise with periods of rest.


But, if you’re not hitting the gym regularly, speaking with a personal trainer might be the best — and safest — way to pick up the basics of HIIT before diving in yourself.