
Studies have found that they may reduce inflammation, decrease blood triglycerides, and even reduce the risk of dementia ( 1 , 2 , 3 ).


This can make it challenging for vegans, vegetarians, or even those who simply dislike fish to meet their omega-3 fatty acid needs.

Of thethree main types在omega-3脂肪酸中,植物食品通常仅含有α-亚麻酸(ALA)。

ALA is not as active in the body and must be converted to two other forms of omega-3 fatty acids — eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) — to bestow the same health benefits ( 4 ).

不幸的是,您的身体转化ALA的能力是有限的。只有大约5%的ALA转换为EPA,而小于0.5%的ALA转换为DHA( 5 ).

Thus, if you don’t supplement with fish oil or get EPA or DHA from your diet, it’s important to eat plenty of ALA-rich foods to meet your omega-3 needs.

另外,请记住omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, as a diet low in omega-3s but high in omega-6s can increase inflammation and your risk of disease ( 6 ).

Here are 7 of the best plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Chia seeds are known for theirmany health benefits, providing a hefty dose of fiber and protein in each serving.

They’re also a great plant-based source of ALA omega-3 fatty acids.

Studies have found that, thanks to their omega-3, fiber, and protein, chia seeds could decrease the risk of chronic disease when consumed as part of a healthy diet.

One study in people with metabolic syndrome found that consuming a diet with chia seeds, nopal, soy protein, and oats decreased participants’ blood triglycerides, glucose intolerance, and inflammatory markers ( 7 ).

A 2007 animal study also found that eating chia seeds decreased blood triglycerides and increased both HDL (good) cholesterol and omega-3 levels in the blood ( 8 ).

However, more human research needs to be conducted before a definitive conclusion can be made.

The current daily recommended intake of ALA for adults over age 19 is 1,100 mg for women and 1,600 mg for men ( 9 ).

Just 1 ounce (28 grams) of chia seeds far exceeds your daily recommended intake of omega-3 fatty acids, delivering a whopping 5,000 mg ( 10 ).


Ground chia seeds can also be used as avegan substitute for eggs. Combine 1 tablespoon (7 grams) with 3 tablespoons of water to replace 1 egg in recipes.


一盎司(28克)Chia种子提供5,000毫克的Ala Omega-3脂肪酸,占建议的每日摄入量的312–454%。

In addition to their high content of vitamin K, vitamin C, and fiber, Brussels sprouts are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids.


In fact, one study found that an increased intake of cruciferous vegetables is associated with an almost 16% lower risk of heart disease ( 11 ).

A half-cup (44 grams) of raw Brussels sprouts contains about 44 mg of ALA ( 12 ).

Meanwhile, cooked Brussels sprouts contain three times as much, providing 135 mg of omega-3 fatty acids in each half-cup (78-gram) serving ( 13 ).



Each half-cup (44-gram) serving of cooked Brussels sprouts contains 44 mg of ALA, or up to 4% of the daily recommended intake.

Algal oil, a type of oil derived from algae, stands out as one of the few vegan sources of both EPA and DHA ( 14 ).

Some studies have even found that it’s comparable to seafood in regard to its nutritional availability of EPA and DHA.

One study compared algal oil capsules to cooked salmon and found that both were well tolerated and equivalent in terms of absorption ( 15 ).

Though research is limited, animal studies show that the DHA from algal oil is especially beneficial to health.

实际上,最近的一项动物研究发现,补充DHA藻油化合物的小鼠导致记忆力改善( 16 ).

However, more human studies are needed to determine the extent of its health benefits.

Most commonly available in softgel form, algal oil supplements typically provide 400–500 mg of combined DHA and EPA. Generally, it is recommended to get 300–900 mg of combinedDHA and EPA per day( 17 ).

Algal oil supplements are easy to find in most pharmacies. Liquid forms can also be added to drinks or smoothies for a dose of healthy fats.


Depending on the supplement, algal oil provides 400–500 mg of DHA and EPA, fulfilling 44–167% of the daily recommended intake.

In addition to protein, magnesium, iron, and zinc,hemp seedsconsist of about 30% oil and contain a good amount of omega-3s ( 18 ,19).

Studies have found that the omega-3s found in hemp seeds could benefit heart health. They may do this by preventing the formation of blood clots and helping the heart recover after a heart attack (20).

三汤匙(30克)的大麻种子含有大约2600毫克的ALA( 18 ).


Also, homemade hemp seed granola bars can be a simple way to combine hemp seeds with other healthy ingredients such as flaxseeds and pack in extra omega-3s.

大麻籽油,这是由紧迫的大麻种子s, can also be consumed to provide a concentrated dose of omega-3 fatty acids.


Three tablespoons (30 grams) of hemp seeds contain 3,000 mg of ALA omega-3 fatty acids, or 162–236% of the daily recommended intake.

Walnuts are loaded with healthy fats and ALA omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, walnuts are composed of about 65% fat by weight ( 21 ).

Several animal studies have found that walnuts could help improve brain health as a result of their omega-3 content.

Studies in both humans and animals have found that eating walnuts is associated with improvements in cognitive performance and memory ( 22 ).

另一项动物研究表明,核桃在患有阿尔茨海默氏病的小鼠的记忆,学习,运动发展和焦虑方面显着改善( 23 ).

以来仍需要更多的研究在这个领域nimal studies cannot be applied to humans.

Just one serving of walnuts can fulfill an entire day’s requirements of omega-3 fatty acids, with a single ounce (28 grams) providing 2,570 mg ( 24 ).

Add walnuts to your homemade granola or cereal, sprinkle them on top of yogurt, or simply snack on a handful to increase your ALA intake.


One ounce (28 grams) of walnuts contains 2,570 mg of ALA omega-3 fatty acids, or 160–233% of the daily recommended intake.

Flaxseedis a nutritional powerhouse, providing a good amount of fiber, protein, magnesium, and manganese in each serving.

It’s also an excellent source of omega-3s.

Several studies have demonstrated the heart-healthy benefits of flaxseed, largely thanks to its omega-3 fatty acid content.

Both flaxseed and flaxseed oil have been shown to reduce cholesterol in multiple studies ( 25 , 26 , 27 ).

另一项研究发现,亚麻籽可以有助于显着降低血压,尤其是在高血压的人中( 28 ).

One tablespoon (10 grams) of whole flaxseed contains 2,350 mg of ALA omega-3 fatty acids, surpassing the daily recommended amount ( 29 ).

Flaxseed is easy to incorporate into your diet and can be a staple ingredient in vegan baking.

Whisk together 1 tablespoon (7 grams) of flaxseed meal with 2.5 tablespoons of water to use it as a handy substitute for 1 egg in baked goods.



One tablespoon (10 grams) of flaxseed contains 2,350 mg of ALA omega-3 fatty acids, or 146–213% of the daily recommended intake.

This oil, derived from perilla seeds, is often used in Korean cuisine as a condiment and cooking oil.

In addition to being a versatile and flavorful ingredient, it’s a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.

In one study in 20 elderly participants, researchers replaced soybean oil with perilla oil and found that it caused ALA levels in the blood to double. In the long term, it also led to an increase in EPA and DHA blood levels ( 30 ).

Perilla oil is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, with ALA making up an estimated 64% of this seed oil ( 31 ).

Each tablespoon (14 grams) contains nearly 9,000 mg of ALA omega-3 fatty acids.

To maximize its health benefits, perilla oil should be used as a flavor enhancer or dressing, rather than a cooking oil. This is because oils high in polyunsaturated fats can oxidize with heat, forming harmful free radicals that contribute to disease ( 32 ).

Perilla Oil还可以以胶囊形式获得,以一种简单便捷的方式来增加omega-3摄入量。


每汤匙(14克)的perilla油含有9,000毫克的Ala Omega-3脂肪酸,或每日推荐的摄入量的563–818%。


If you don’t eat fish because of dietary reasons or personal preference, you can still reap thebenefits of omega-3 fatty acids在你的饮食中。
