Medicare C部分(也称为Medicare Advantage)是有资格获得Medicare的人的另一种保险选择。这些计划是通过私人保险公司提供的。

Withoriginal Medicare,您为A部分(医院服务)和b(outpatient medical services).

Medicare Part C offers coverage for parts A and B, plus additional items and services. Some of these include prescription drugs, dental, vision, and many others.

Medicare Part C coverage必须至少包括政府根据原始Medicare提供的相同基本服务。其中一些服务包括:


You qualify for Medicare Part C if you already have Medicare parts A and B, and if you live in the service area of the Medicare Part C provider you are considering.

Due to law passed by Congress that went into effect in 2021, people withend stage renal disease (ESRD)are eligible to enroll in a broader range of Medicare Advantage plans. Before this law, most plans would not accept you or limit you to aSpecial Needs Plan (SNP)if you had a diagnosis of ESRD.

what you need to know about enrolling in medicare
  • Enrollmentinto Medicare is time-sensitive and should be started roughly 3 months before you turn age 65. You can also apply for Medicare on the month you turn 65 and the 3 months following your 65th生日 - 尽管您的覆盖范围会延迟。
  • 如果您错过了初始入学期,则每年10月15日至12月7日开放招生。
  • You can sign up for original Medicare online through the社会保障管理网站.
  • 您可以通过在线比较和购物Medicare C部分。Medicare的计划查找器工具.

如果您已经通过一家大型保险公司获得了承保范围,则可能会提供Medicare C部分计划。提供Medicare C部分的一些主要保险公司是:

提供了两种主要类型的Medicare Advantage计划,我们接下来将详细介绍。

Medicare Advantage HMO plans

健康维护组织(HMO)plans are a popular option for those who want additional coverage not offered by original Medicare. In a Medicare Advantage HMO plan, you can receive care from your plan’s in-network healthcare professionals, but you will need to get a referral to see a specialist.

每个州都有许多选择HMO计划的Medicare Advantage的选择,包括0美元保险费,无抵扣和低支付。要注册Medicare Advantage HMO计划,您必须已经注册了原始Medicare。

Medicare Advantage PPO plans

Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)是最受欢迎的医疗计划选择额外覆盖。这种类型的计划可以为买家提供更大的自由度。



There are a variety of与Medicare C部分计划相关的成本,这意味着您的自付费用可能会有所不同,具体取决于您选择的计划。

一些Medicare C部分计划将涵盖B部分每月保费的一部分。但是,其中一些计划也有自己的溢价和可扣除。

In addition to these costs, you may also owe a copayment when receiving medical services.

There are many advantages of having Medicare Part C, including a yearly cap on how much you’ll pay out of pocket. Still, the initial costs can add up before you hit that cap, so it’s important to consider all your medical and financial factors when choosing a Medicare Part C plan.

这些计划是可选的,但是如果您不仅需要基本医院和医疗保险,Medicare C部分可能是您的一个不错选择。

If you’re happy with your current Medicare coverage and are only interested in receiving prescription drug coverage, a stand-aloneMedicare部分dplan may be the best option.

如果你有医疗保险覆盖率只有need additional help with costs, aMedicare补充保险(MEDIGAP)policy might work for you.

对于某些人来说,Medicare C部分是他们无法负担的额外费用 - 在这种情况下,在D部分购物和Medigap覆盖范围可能有助于节省金钱。


帮助家人或朋友选择Medicare C部分计划可能是一个深入的过程,但这并不一定要困难。审查计划时需要考虑以下一些事情:

  • 覆盖范围的类型。If your family member is interested in coverage options that parts A and B don’t offer, try to find a plan that covers all the areas that are important to them.
  • Type of plan.选择正确类型的Medicare C部分计划很大程度上取决于他们的个人喜好。HMO,PPO,PFF,SNP和MSA计划结构均应考虑。
  • 自付费用。Low income can make it difficult to meet Medicare Part C premium, deductible, and out-of-pocket费用. Try to shop around for rates they can afford.
  • 医疗状况。Every person has a unique health situation that should be considered when shopping for Medicare coverage. Consider things like health conditions, frequent travel, and provider preferences.
  • Other factors.A 学习 在800,000多名受益人中,在选择Medicare C部分计划时,还考虑了诸如组织的市场份额和星级评级之类的因素。

  • Medicare C部分计划(也称为Medicare Advantage计划)是可选的保险计划,可提供原始医疗保险和其他Medicare覆盖范围的好处。
  • Medicare Part C is a great option for people interested in coverage for prescription drugs, vision and dental services, and more.
  • C部分计划的成本取决于各种因素,包括每月和每年的成本,共付额和您的医疗需求。
