  • Cigna Medicare Advantage计划有许多州。
  • Cigna offers several types of Medicare Advantage plans, such as HMOs, PPOs, SNPs, and PFFS.
  • Cigna还提供单独的Medicare D部分。
  • The company has a global network of 1.5 million healthcare professionals, clinics, and facilities and contracts with more than 99% of all U.S. pharmacies.

In the United States, Cigna offers health insurance to customers through employers, the Health Insurance Marketplace, and Medicare.

该公司在美国的许多地方提供医疗保险优势计划。Cigna还在所有50个州提供Medicare Part D计划。

Cigna的Medicare计划可以使用Medicare's找到plan finding tool.

Cigna offers Medicare Advantage plans in a variety of formats. Not all formats are available in all states. If you live in a state that has Cigna Medicare Advantage plans, you might be able to choose from a few different formats. Plans available to you might include the following options.

Cigna HMO计划

A健康维护组织(HMO)计划使用的一组网络医疗教授sionals. You’ll need to go to doctors, hospitals, and other providers within the plan’s network to have your services covered. However, if you have an emergency, the plan will likely pay even if you go out of network.

Depending on the plan you choose, you’ll need to select a primary care physician (PCP). Your PCP must be an in-network healthcare professional and will be the person who refers you to specialists for any other services you might need.

Cigna also offers a few HMO Point-of-Service (HMO-POS) plans. You’ll have slightly more flexibility with an HMO-POS than a traditional HMO plan. These plans allow you to go out of network for certain services. However, going out of network comes with a higher cost.

Cigna PPO计划

APreferred Provider Organization (PPO)计划有一个医疗保健专业人士的网络,就像一个hmo。然而,与HMO不同,当您在计划网络之外的医生和专家看到医生和专家时,您将被覆盖。该计划仍将支付,但您将支付比网络内部医疗保健专业人员的更高的共同保险或复制金额。

As an example, a visit to an in-network physical therapist might cost you $40, while a visit to an out-of-network healthcare professional might cost $80.

Cigna PFFS plans

Private Fee-For-Service (PFFS)plans are flexible. Unlike an HMO or PPO, PFFS plans don’t have a network. You can see any Medicare-approved doctor using a PFFS plan. You don’t need to have a PCP or get referrals, either. Instead, you’ll pay a set amount for each service you receive.

However, healthcare professionals can decide whether or not to accept your PFFS plan on a case-by-case basis. This means that you can’t count on a service always being covered, even if you stick with the same doctor. PFFS plans are also available in fewer locations than HMOs or PPOs.

Cigna Snps.

根据您的生活和您的情况,您可能可以购买Cigna特殊需求计划(SNP). SNPs are designed for customers with specific needs. These needs could be medical or financial. Examples of times an SNP might be a good choice include:

  • You have a limited income and qualify for Medicaid.You’ll pay much lower costs if you qualify for aMedicaid and Medicarecombined SNP.
  • You have a condition that needs regular care, such as diabetes.您的SNP可以帮助您管理您的状况并涵盖您的一些护理费用。
  • 你住在护理机构里。您可以找到SNP,以帮助管理长期护理设施的生活费用。

Cigna Medicare保存账户(MSA)

You might not be as familiar withMedicare储蓄账户(MSA)plans as with other types of healthcare plans. With an MSA, your healthcare plan is combined with a bank account. Cigna will deposit a preset amount of money into the bank account, and that money will be used to pay all of your Medicare Part A and Part B costs. MSA plans generally do not include prescription coverage.

Medicare D.处方药覆盖。第D部分计划帮助您支付您的处方费用。您将为大多数份D计划支付小额保费,并且在覆盖范围之前通常可以扣除。

You might need to use an in-network pharmacy to get your prescriptions covered. How much of your prescription’s price is covered will depend on whether the drug is generic, brand name, or specialty.

目前,Cigna提供Medicare Advantage计划:

Medicare Advantage plan offerings vary by county, so enter your specific ZIP code when searching for plans where you live.

每个Cigna Medicare Advants Plan都配有各种额外的服务,最重要的是原始Medicare提供的。以下是Cigna提供的许多计划的一些覆盖范围:

The coverage you receive may depend on the plans available in your area and which one you choose.

您的Cigna Medicare优势计划的成本将取决于您生活的位置以及您选择的计划类型。请记住,除了标准Medicare Part B溢价外,还将收取任何优势计划保费。


计划name 每月溢价 健康免赔额,毒品免赔额 In-network out-of-pocket max PCP visit copay Specialist visit copay
信诺Preferred Medicare (HMO) $0 $0, $0 6900美元 $0 30美元
Dallas, TX Cigna基本医疗保险(PPO) $0 $750, doesn’t offer drug coverage 网络上和网络中的8,700美元,网络中为5,700美元 $0-$10 30美元
坦帕,F.L 信诺Preferred Medicare (HMO) $0 $0, $0 3,650美元 $0 $0
San Antonio, TX 信诺Preferred Medicare (HMO) $0 $ 0,190美元 $3,400 $0 20美元
Chicago, IL Cigna真皮选择Medicare(PPO) $0 $0, $0 $7,550 in and out of network, $4,400 in network $0 30美元

Medicare Advantage(第C部分)is a healthcare plan offered by a private company, like Cigna, that contracts with Medicare to provide coverage.

Medicare Advantage计划取代Medicare A部分(hospital insurance) andMedicare B部分(medical insurance). Together, Medicare parts A and B are referred to as “original Medicare.” A Medicare Advantage plan pays for all the services covered by original Medicare.

大多数Medicare Advantage计划包括额外的覆盖范围,例如:

Many Medicare Advantage plans also include prescription drug coverage. You can purchase separate Part D (prescription drug) coverage if your Medicare Advantage plan doesn’t offer this coverage.

Medicare Advantage plans available to you will depend on your state. You can use the plan finder on theMedicare website查看您所在地区可用的内容。

Cigna is one of many companies that contract with Medicare to provide Part C plans. Cigna offers Medicare Advantage plans at a variety of price points. Not all plans are available in all states.
