Medicare A A是医疗保险的医院覆盖部分。对于许多工作和支付医疗保险税的人来说,Medicare A部分是免费的,从你达到65岁时开始。

This article covers everything you want to know about Medicare Part A, including how to use this coverage in 2022.

政府医疗保险作为“设计la carte” menu of healthcare options, or “parts.” Medicare Part A is the first part; you can also choose from among parts B, C, and D.

Services covered under Medicare Part A include:

There are specific rules about the services and suppliesMedicare Part A covers以及他们所覆盖的时间。

从年到年度,Medicare A部分的覆盖率和成本可能会有轻微的变化。对于2022,主要变化与成本有关,包括可扣除和承担金额。


The monthly premium costs for Medicare Part A depend on how long you or your spouse worked and paid Medicare taxes.

If you or your spousedidn’t work至少40个季度(10年),您仍然可以在65岁时获得Medicare第A部分。您的溢价变化的成本根据您的工作多长时间。

Here’s a look at how much your Part A monthly premium willcost in 2022based on the total amount of time you’ve worked over your life:

总时间工作 第一个每月溢价
40 quarters or more $ 0.
30–39 quarters $274
少于30个季度 499美元

当然,免费溢价并不意味着您不会为医院护理支付任何费用。还有其他costs involvedwith Medicare Part A, several of which have increased for 2022.


扣除款项是您在第一个涵盖您的护理费用之前支付的金额。在2022年,你会付钱$ 1,556for each benefit period.

Abenefit period从您作为住院,熟练的护理机构或任何其他住院设施的入住日开始。这段时间在您没有连续60天收到医院或熟练护理时结束。

Ask your care providers if you’re considered an inpatient or an outpatient on each day of your stay. Whether you’re considered an inpatient or an outpatient can affect your coverage and how much you have to pay.



这是一个表格,显示了CONUNSURANCE的范围2022年的成本for Part A inpatient care:

Length of stay CoilUnsurance.cost
days 1–60 $ 0.per day
days 61–90 每天389美元
第91天及以后(预留日) 每天778美元

30天内住院医院护理后,您可以进入Medicare电话lifetime reserve days. Medicare covers 60 lifetime reserve days in total over your lifetime. After you meet your lifetime reserve days, you’re expected to pay all costs.


Length of stay CoilUnsurance.cost
日0-20天 $ 0.
天21-100 每天194.50美元
第100天及以后 all costs

通常,您必须年满65岁enroll in Medicare. To receive Medicare Part A free of charge, you must meet the following criteria:

  • 您已营业和支付医疗保险税至少40个季度或大约10年。如果你的配偶工作,但你没有,你仍然可以有资格。
  • 您收到(或有资格获得)社会保障或铁路退休委员会福利。
  • 您或您的配偶是或是医疗保险的政府员工。


联邦政府自动注册Medicare A部分中的一些人,如果您符合上面列出的标准,您将自动注册。

If you none of those sound like you, then you’ll need to apply for Medicare Part A.

For the most part, signing up for Medicare Part A depends on when you turn age 65.

You have a 7-month time period during which you can enroll. You can enroll as early as 3 months before your birth month, during your birth month, and up to 3 months after your 65th birthday.

如果您在此时间段内没有注册,则可以面对financial penalties这导致您必须为您的医疗保健报酬支付更多费用。这也延迟了您的Medicare好处的开始程度。

You can sign up for Medicare Part A (and Part B) during the general enrollment period from January 1 to March 31, but you may face penalty fees.

如果您需要住院或熟练的护理,Medicare A部分可以抵消您的成本。对于大多数人来说,这是在工作时获得带薪医疗保险税的好处。

虽然社会保障管理局自动注册Medicare A部分A和B中的许多受益者,但并非所有人都会自动注册。

There are several ways to accomplish this if you or a loved one is approaching age 65 when your open enrollment period occurs.

Medicare plan options and costs are subject to change each year.