a federal health insurance program for those that are 65 and older andother specific groups。它由几个部分组成,其中一个部分是B部分。

Medicare Part B是提供医疗保险的Medicare的一部分。您可以使用它来涵盖各种门诊服务。继续阅读以了解有关B部分的更多详细信息,包括它涵盖的内容,它的成本是多少,以及何时注册。

随着Part A,B部分构成了所谓的原始Medicare。据估计,在2016年底, 67% 人在最初使用医疗保险登记Medicare.。

Part B covers各种各样的医学上必要的门诊服务。如果需要有效地诊断或治疗健康状况,确定服务是在医学上的使用。


Part B also covers some preventative services as well. Examples include:

There are some services that aren’t covered by Part B. If you need these services, you’ll need to pay for them out of pocket. Some examples of these include:

如果您想要处方药覆盖范围,您可以购买Medicare D部分计划。Part D plans are offered by private insurance companies and include most prescription drugs.

Additionally,Medicare Part C(Medicare Advantage)计划包括原始医疗保险下涵盖的所有服务以及牙科,视觉等一些额外服务,甚至健身计划。如果您知道您需要经常需要这些服务,请考虑第C部分计划。


个人必须有资格获得免费部分A也是如此符合B部分的资格when they’re first able to enroll in Medicare. Because people often pay Medicare taxes while they’re working, most people areeligible for premium-free Part A当他们第一次有资格获得Medicare时,也可以参加B部分。

If you need to buy Part A, you can still enroll in Part B. However, you must meet the following requirements:

  • 65岁或以上
  • be a resident of the United States, either a citizen or a legal permanent resident for at least 5 continuous years

现在让我们看看每个人与B部分相关的成本in 2022.

Monthly premium


People with higher yearly incomes may have to pay higher monthly premiums. Your yearly income is determined based on your tax return from two years ago. So for 2022, this would be your 2020 tax return.

There’s also alate enrollment penalty这可能会影响您的B部分每月溢价。如果您第一次符合条件,如果您没有注册B部分,您将支付此费用。





Coinsurance is the percentage of the cost of a service that you pay out of pocket after meeting your deductible. This is typically 20 percent for Part B.



Out-of-pocket maximums


有些人在原始医疗保险中自动注册,而其他人则需要sign up。Let’s explore this further.



  • those who are turning age 65 and already getting retirement benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA) or the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB)
  • people under age 65 with a disability who have been receiving disability benefits from the SSA or RRB for 24 months
  • 个人与A.肌肌萎缩外壳硬化(ALS)who are getting disability benefits

It’s important to note that even though you’ll be automatically enrolled, Part B is voluntary. You can choose to delay Part B if you wish. One situation where this may occur is if you’re already covered by another plan through work or a spouse.


Remember that not everyone who is eligible for original Medicare will be automatically enrolled. Some will need to sign up through the SSA office:

  • Those who are turning 65 years old and are not currently getting retirement benefits from the SSA or RRB can sign up beginning 3 months before they turn age 65.
  • 有ESRD的人可以随时注册 - 当您的覆盖范围开始时可能会有所不同。

Medicare Part B是Medicare的一部分,涵盖了医学上必要的门诊服务。它还涵盖了一些预防服务。它是原始医疗保险的一部分

People who are age 65 or older, have a disability, or ESRD are eligible for Part B. The costs of part B include monthly premiums, a deductible, and coinsurance or copay. Some services aren’t covered by Part B and will need to be paid out of pocket.

Many people are automatically enrolled in original Medicare. Some will have to sign up through the SSA. For these individuals, it’s important to pay attention to enrollment deadlines.

Medicare.plan options and costs are subject to change each year.