Medicare plan options and costs are subject to change each year.

  • Medicare Part C is one of many Medicare options.
  • Part C plans cover what original Medicare covers一种N.d many Part C plans offer additional coverage for things like dental, vision, and hearing.
  • C是由私人保险公司管理的一部分N.d costs or set by those companies.
  • 第C计划可用于您的邮政编码。

原医疗保险一种N.dMedicare Part C(Medicare Advantage)一种re different insurance options with differentcosts。如果您有资格获得原始医疗保险,但想要用于处方药和其他服务的额外保险,医疗保险部分C可能是您的好选择。

Several factors determine Medicare Part C costs, such as premiums, deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance. These amounts can range from $0 to hundreds of dollars for monthly premiums and yearly deductibles.

In this article, we’ll explore Medicare Part C costs, the factors that contribute to them, and compare a few plan costs from around the United States.


Here are some of the most common factors that affect what you’ll pay for a Medicare Part C plan:

  • 保费。一些医疗保险部分C计划是“免费”,这意味着他们没有每月溢价。即使是A.零溢价Medicare Advantage plan, you may still owe theB部分保险
  • 推卸。Most Medicare Part C plans have both a plandeductible一种N.d a drug deductible. Many (but not all) of the free Medicare Advantage plans offer a $0 plan deductible.
  • 共同一种N.d coinsurance.共同您将为每位医生的访问或处方药重新填充欠款。Coinsurance一种mounts are any percentage of services you must pay out of pocket after your deductible has been met.
  • 计划类型。The type of plan you choose can also have an impact on how much your Medicare Part C plan may cost. For example, if you’re on anHMO or PPOplan but choose to visit an out-of-network provider, this can increase your costs.
  • 超出口袋。Medicare第C部分的一个优点是所有计划都有一个超出口袋最大值。这一数量有所不同,但可以从数千美元到高达10,000美元的千分之一。
  • Lifestyle.While original Medicare covers services nationwide, most Medicare Advantage plans are location-based. This means that if you travel often, you may find yourself stuck with out-of-town medical bills.
  • 收入。您的年度总收入也可以考虑到您的Medicare Part成本支付多少费用。对于缺乏收入或资源的人,有些计划可以帮助降低Medicare费用。

与Medicare Part C计划有一些不同的成本。根据您的价格,您的费用可能看起来不同覆盖范围,计划类型,以及您是否收到任何额外的财政援助。

以下是美国各地城市主要保险供应商的Medicare Part C的小型计划费用:

计划名称 City 每月
健康免赔额,可扣除免药 Primary doctor copay 专家科普 超出口袋
Anthem MediBlue StartSmart Plus (HMO) 洛杉矶,加州 $ 0. $ 0.那$ 0. 5美元 $ 0- $ 20 $3,000 in network
Cigna真皮选择Medicare(PPO) 丹佛,CO. $ 0. $ 0.那$ 0. $ 0. $35 5美元那900 in network, $11,300 in and out of network
HumanaChoice H5216-006 (PPO) Madison, WI $46 $ 0,250美元 $10 $45 网络5,500美元,8,250美元进出网络
Humana Gold Plus H0028-042 (HMO) 休斯顿,TX. $ 0. $ 0.那$ 0. $ 0. $20 3450美元
in network
Aetna Medicare Premier Plan (PPO) 纳什维尔,TN. $ 0. $ 0.那$ 0. $ 0. $40 网络上的7,500美元,网络超过网络11,300美元
Kaiser Permanente Medicare Advantage Standard MD (HMO) 巴尔的摩,MD $25 $ 0.那$ 0. $10 $40 $6,900 in network



大多数公司提供Medicare Part C计划有各种方式来支付溢价。这些选项包括:

  • Medicare Part C是寻求额外保险的Medicare受益人的覆盖范围。
  • Your Medicare Part C costs will include premiums, deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance.
  • Your costs will also be determined based on your plan type, how often you need medical services, and what type of doctors you see.
  • 如果您年满65岁或以上或有某些残疾,您有资格申请Medicare。
  • 访问社会保障管理局网站有关如何申请和注册的更多信息。