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睾丸激素is a hormone produced by the human body. It’s mainly produced in men by thetesticles。睾丸激素会影响男人的外表和性发展。它刺激精子的产生和男人的生产sex drive。It also helps build muscle and bone mass.

睾丸激素production typically decreases with age. According to theAmerican Urological Association,大约有10名60岁以上的男性中有2人患有低睾丸激素。这在70年代和80年代的10名男性中略有增加到3分。

Men can experience a range of symptoms if testosterone decreases more than it should. Low testosterone, or low T, is diagnosed when levels fall below 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL).

根据食品药品监督管理局的数据,正常范围通常为300至1,000 ng/dl。一种称为血清睾丸激素测试的血液测试用于确定您的循环睾丸激素水平。

A range of symptoms can occur if testosterone production drastically drops below normal. Signs of low T are often subtle. Here are 12 signs of low T in men.




However, testosterone is only one of many factors that aid in adequate erections. Research is inconclusive regarding the role oftestosterone replacement治疗勃起功能障碍

在研究勃起困难男性睾丸激素的研究的综述中, 将近一半 睾丸激素治疗没有改善。很多时候,其他健康问题在勃起困难中起作用。这些可以包括:




Because testosterone plays a role in building muscle, men with low T might notice a decrease in muscle mass. Studies 已经显示出睾丸激素会影响肌肉质量,但不一定是力量或功能。

T低T的男性体内脂肪也可能会增加。特别是他们有时会发展Gynecomastia, or enlarged breast tissue. This effect is believed to occur due to an imbalance between testosterone and estrogen within men.

骨质疏松症, or the thinning of bone mass, is a condition often associated with women. However, men with low T can also experience bone loss. Testosterone helps produce and strengthen bone. So men with low T, especially older men, have lower bone volume and are more susceptible to bone fractures.

低T可以体验到的男人changes in mood。因为睾丸激素会影响人体的许多身体过程,所以它也会影响情绪和心理能力。 Research 表明,T低的男性更有可能面临抑郁,烦躁或缺乏专注。


根据发表在 美国医学协会杂志 , some smaller research studies have linked testosterone supplementation with improved memory in men with low levels. However, the study’s authors did not observe memory improvements in their study of 493 men with low testosterone levels who took testosterone or a placebo.

低睾丸激素levels in the body can contribute to smaller-than-average sized testicles. Because the body requires testosterone to develop the penis and testicles, low levels could contribute to a disproportionately smaller penis or testicles compared to a man with normal testosterone levels.

However, there are other causes of smaller-than-normal testicles in addition to low testosterone levels, so this isn’t always just a low testosterone symptom.

根据研究文章 美国医学协会杂志

When the researchers administered testosterone gel to anemic men who also had low testosterone, they saw improvements in blood counts compared to men who used a placebo gel. Some of the symptoms anemia can cause include problems concentrating, dizziness, leg cramping, problems sleeping, and an abnormally rapid heart rate.


睾丸激素水平低于300 ng/dl的男性可能会出现一定程度的低T症状。您的医生可以进行血液检查,并在需要时建议治疗。他们也可以讨论睾丸激素药物的潜在益处和风险。


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