What is low libido?

Low libido describes a decreased interest in sexual activity.

It’s common to lose interest in sex from time to time, and libido levels vary through life. It’s also normal for your interest not to match your partner’s at times.

However, low libido for a long period of time may cause concern for some people. It can sometimes be an indicator of an underlying health condition.

Here are a few potential causes of low libido in men.

Testosteroneis an important male hormone. In men, it’s mostly produced in thetesticles.

睾丸激素是负责建立肌肉nd bone mass, and for stimulatingsperm production. Your testosterone levels also factor into yoursex drive.

Normal testosterone levels will vary. However, adult men are considered to havelow testosterone, or low T, when their levels fall below300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL), according to guidelines from the American Urological Association (AUA).

When your testosterone levels decrease, your desire for sex also decreases.

Decreasing testosterone是正常衰老的一部分。然而,drastic drop in testosterone can lead to decreased libido.

Talk to your doctor if you think this might be an issue for you. You may be able to takesupplementsorgelsto increase your testosterone levels.

Taking certain medications can lower testosterone levels, which in turn may lead to low libido.

For example,blood pressure medicationssuch asACE inhibitorsandbeta-blockersmay prevent ejaculation and erections.

Other medications that can lower testosterone levels include:

If you’re experiencing the effects of low testosterone, talk to your doctor. They may advise you to switch medications.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS)is the uncontrollable urge to move your legs. Astudy发现男性与RLS dev的风险更高elopingerectile dysfunction (ED)than those without RLS. ED occurs when a man can’t have or maintain an erection.

In the study, researchers discovered that men who had RLS occurrences at least five times per month were about 50 percent more likely to develop ED than men without RLS.

Also, men who had RLS episodes more frequently were even more likely to becomeimpotent.

Depressionchanges all parts of a person’s life. People with depression experience a reduced or complete lack of interest in activities they once found pleasurable, includingsex.

Low libido is also aside effectof some antidepressants, including:

However, thenorepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NRDI)bupropion(Wellbutrin SR, Wellbutrin XL) hasn’t been shown to reduce the libido.

告诉你的医生如果你助教king antidepressants and you have a low libido. They might address your side effects by adjusting your dose or having you switch to another medication.

When you’re not feeling well due to the effects of a chronic health condition, such aschronic pain, sex is likely low on your list of priorities.

Certain illnesses, such ascancer, can reduce your sperm production counts as well.

Other chronic illnesses that can take a toll on your libido include:

If you’re experiencing a chronic illness, talk with your partner about ways to be intimate during this time. You may also consider seeing amarriage counselororsex therapistabout your issues.

Astudyin the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that nonobese men withobstructive sleep apnea (OSA)experience lower testosterone levels. In turn, this leads to decreased sexual activity and libido.

In the study, researchers found that nearly one-third of the men who had severe sleep apnea also had reduced levels of testosterone.

In another recent study in young, healthy men, testosterone levels were decreased by 10 to 15 percent after a week of sleep restriction to five hours per night.

The researchers found that the effects of restricting sleep on testosterone levels were especially evident between 2:00 pm and 10:00 pm the next day.

Testosterone levels, which are linked to libido, are at their highest when men are in their late teens.

In your older years, it may take longer tohave orgasms,ejaculate, and become aroused. Yourerectionsmay not be as hard, and it may take longer for your penis to become erect.

However, medications are available that can help treat these issues.

If you’re distracted by situations or periods of high pressure, sexual desire may decrease. This is becausestresscan disrupt your hormone levels. Your arteries can narrow in times of stress. This narrowing restricts blood flow and potentially causes ED.

One study published inScientific Research and Essayssupported the notion that stress has a direct effect on sexual problems in both men and women.

Another study of veterans withpost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)found that the stress disorder increased their risk of sexual dysfunction more than threefold.

压力is hard to avoid. Relationship problems, divorce, facing the death of a loved one, financial worries, a new baby, or a busy work environment are just some of the life events that can greatly affect the desire for sex.

压力management techniques, such asbreathing exercises,meditation, and talking to a therapist, may help.

In onestudy, for example, men who were newly diagnosed with ED showed significant improvement in erectile function scores after participating in an 8‐week stress management program.

Self-esteem is defined as the general opinion a person has about their own self.Low self-esteem, low confidence, and poor body image can take a toll on your emotional health and well-being.

If you feel that you’reunattractive, or undesirable, it’ll likely put a damper on sexual encounters. Not liking what you see in the mirror can even make you want to avoid having sex altogether.

Low self-esteem may also causeanxiety about sexual performance, which can lead to issues with ED and reduced sexual desire.

Over time, self-esteem issues can result in larger mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and drug or alcohol abuse — all of which have been linked to low libido.

Too little or too much exercise can also be responsible for low sex drive in men.

Too little exercise (or none at all) can lead to a range of health problems that can affect sexual desire and arousal.

Gettingregular exercisemay reduce your risk for chronic conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes, all of which are associated with low libido. Moderate exercise is known tolower cortisol levelsat night and reduce stress, which can help increase sex drive.

On the other hand, over-exercising has also been shown to affect sexual health. In onestudy, higher levels of chronic intense and lengthy endurance training on a regular basis were strongly associated with decreased libido scores in men.

Heavy alcohol drinking, ormore than 14 mixed drinksin a week, has also been linked to a decrease in testosterone production. Over a long period of time, excessive amounts of alcohol can reduce your sex drive.

The Cleveland Clinic recommends that men who consume more than three or more alcoholic beverages regularly should consider drinking less. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that an average adult male should have two or fewer alcoholic beverages daily; any more than this can lead to long-term health deterioration.

In addition to alcohol, the use oftobacco,marijuana, and illicit drugs such as opiates has also been connected to a decrease in testosterone production. This can result in a lack of sexual desire.

Smoking has also been found to have a negative impact on sperm production andsperm movement.

A decreased sex drive can be very unsettling for men. Low libido can lead to a vicious cycle of physical and emotional side effects, including ED — the inability to maintain an erection long enough to have satisfactory sex.

ED may cause a man to experienceanxiety around sex. This can lead to tension and conflicts between him and his partner, which may in turn lead to fewer sexual encounters and more relationship issues.

Failure to perform due to ED can trigger feelings of depression, self-esteem issues, and poor body image.

Treating low libido often depends on treating the underlying issue.

If low libido is caused by an underlying health condition, you may need to switch medications. If your low libido has psychological causes, you may need to visit a therapist for relationship counseling.

You can also采取措施to boost your libido on your own. The following actions have the potential to increase your libido: