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Testosterone Basics

The hormone睾丸激素plays an important role in men’s health. For starters, it helps to maintain muscle mass,bone density,,,,and sex drive. Testosterone production is at its highest in a man’s early adulthood and drops a little bit each year thereafter.

当身体未产生适量的睾丸激素时,该病情被称为hypogonadism。Sometimes it’s called “low T” as well. Men diagnosed with hypogonadism can benefit from testosterone therapy.治疗但是,通常不建议您使用睾丸激素水平在年龄的正常范围内。


它没有比睡个好觉更自然的。发表在 Journal of the American Medical Association showed that lack of sleep can greatly reduce a healthy young man’s testosterone levels. That effect is clear after only one week of reduced sleep. Testosterone levels were particularly low between 2 and 10 p.m. on sleep-restricted days. Study participants also reported a decreased sense of wellbeing as their blood testosterone levels dropped.


Overweight, middle-aged men withprediabetes也可能具有低睾丸激素水平。来自 The Journal of Endocrinology revealed that low T anddiabetes密切相关。保持正常体重的男性患有成熟糖尿病和性腺功能减退的风险较低。

发表在 European Journal of Endocrinology confirms that losing some weight can help boost your testosterone. These findings don’t mean you have to go on a crash diet. The best way to achieve and maintain a healthy weight is through a sensible diet and regular exercise.

患有性能性的男性通常患有锌不足。 Studies suggest thatzincplays an important part in regulating serum testosterone levels in healthy men.

吃丰富的这种基本营养素的食物可能会有所帮助。牡蛎有很多锌;红肉andpoultry也要做。其他food sourcesof zinc include:





show that total testosterone levels increase after exercising, especially after抵抗训练。Low testosterone levels can affect your sex drive and your mood. The good news is that exercise improves情绪and stimulatesbrainchemicals to help you feel happier and more confident. Exercise also boosts energy and endurance, and helps you to sleep better. Fitness experts recommend 30 minutes of exercise every day.

低睾丸激素水平可能导致性欲降低,勃起功能障碍,脆弱的骨头和其他健康问题。睾丸激素水平较低也可能表明一种潜在的疾病。如果您怀疑自己的睾丸激素较低,请去看医生。一个简单的blood test检查您的睾丸激素是否落在正常范围内所需的一切。

Learning that your testosterone is low can be unsettling, but it’s not a reflection of virility or “manhood” at all. Speak to your doctor about your treatment options, but a few lifestyle changes may be all you need to re-energize, body and spirit.