

The pituitary gland is sometimes called the master gland because it’s involved in so many processes.


The pituitary gland is small and oval-shaped. It’s located behind your nose, near the underside of your brain. It’s attached to the下丘脑通过驯服的结构。

The hypothalamus is a small area of your brain. It’s very important in controlling the balance of your bodily functions. It controls the release of hormones from the pituitary gland.



The anterior lobe of your pituitary gland is made up of several different types of cells that produce and release different types of hormones, including:

  • 生长激素.生长激素regulates growth and physical development. It can stimulate growth in almost all of your tissues. Its primary targets are bones and muscles.
  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone.这个激素激活你的甲状腺以释放甲状腺激素。你的甲状腺和它产生的激素对新陈代谢至关重要。
  • 肾上腺皮质激素。这个激素刺激肾上腺以产生皮质醇和其他激素。
  • 卵泡刺激激素。卵泡刺激激素参与雌激素分泌和女性中蛋细胞的生长。对于男性的精子细胞产生也很重要。
  • Luteinizing hormone.Luteinizing hormone参与男性女性和睾酮的雌激素的生产。
  • Prolactin.Prolactinhelps women who are breastfeeding produce milk.
  • 内啡肽。Endorphins有缓解痛苦的属性,并被认为与大脑的“愉快中心”相连。
  • enkephalins。Enkephalins与内啡肽密切相关,并具有类似的痛苦效果。
  • β-黑色细胞刺激激素。这种激素有助于刺激皮肤的增加的色素沉着,以应对暴露于紫外线辐射。

Posterior lobe

The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland also secretes hormones. These hormones are usually produced in your hypothalamus and stored in the posterior lobe until they’re released.

Hormones stored in the posterior lobe include:

  • 加压素。这也被称为antidiuretic hormone. It helps your body conserve water and prevent dehydration.
  • 催产素。这种激素刺激母乳的释放。它还刺激了劳动期间子宫的收缩。






  • Pituitary tumors.垂体肿瘤通常是非癌症。然而,它们经常干扰荷尔蒙的释放。它们也可以按下大脑的其他区域,导致视力问题或头痛。
  • 低钠。这种情况导致您的垂体腺体产生very little或者它没有一个或多个激素。这可以影响成长或生殖系统功能等事物。
  • acromegaly。In this condition, your pituitary gland producestoo muchgrowth hormone. This can lead to excessive growth, especially of your hands and feet. It’s often associated with pituitary tumors.
  • Diabetes insipidus.This can be caused by a problem with the release of vasopressin. It’s usually due to a head injury, surgery, or a tumor. As a result, people withthis conditionpass large amounts of heavily diluted urine. They may also feel like they need to drink a lot of water or other fluids.
  • 库欣的疾病。垂体腺体释放出过多的肾上腺皮质激素this condition. This can lead to easy bruising, high blood pressure, weakness, and weight gain. It’s often caused by a tumor near or in the pituitary gland.
  • 高催乳素血症。在这种情况下,您的血液含有异常大量的催乳素。这可能导致不孕症和减少的性欲。
  • Traumatic brain injury.这涉及到你的大脑突然打击。根据伤害,有时会损坏您的垂体腺并导致内存,通信或行为问题。

Symptoms of a pituitary gland condition





Follow these tips to help protect your pituitary gland. While they may not completely prevent a pituitary condition from developing, they’ll contribute to your overall health.




General tips for healthy eating include:

  • eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, which are great sources of fiber, vitamins, and minerals
  • 选择良好的脂肪来源,例如包含的脂肪Omega-3脂肪酸单一饱和脂肪
  • 选择整个谷物通过精制谷物
  • reducing sodium intake
  • 避免精制糖
  • 每天至少喝四到六杯水

Reduce stress

Chronic stress can lead to an increase in cortisol release. Too much cortisol can sometimes lead to:

  • 失眠
  • weight gain
  • anxiety
  • 沮丧

Try setting aside some time to get at least 30 minutes per day of exercise or work on a relaxing hobby.

Learn more about lowering your cortisol levels.